Print Export Entry Report (lptha2414m000)

Utilizzare questa sessione per print a report with the data related to export entry of an item or goods.

The report prints the details such as export reference number, date, customer details, quantity shipped, amount and import reference number against which the item or goods are received.

Warehouse Valuation Group

I campi Da e A consentono di definire un intervallo di warehouse valuation groups.


I campi Da e A consentono di definire un intervallo di warehouses.

Import Reference Number

I campi Da e A consentono di definire un intervallo di receipt numbers assigned to the import orders.

Data transazione

I campi Da e A consentono di definire un intervallo di dates and time on which inventory transaction is recorded.

From Item

I campi Da e A consentono di definire un intervallo di projects along with the corresponding items.


If this option is selected, all transactions are printed in the local currency of the warehouse of the specific transaction.


If this option is selected, all transactions are printed in the currency that you specify.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Tipo tasso di cambio

The exchange-rate type that is used to convert the local currency of the warehouse into the currency that is used for the report.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Sort By

Indicate how the data on the import entry report, is sorted.

Valori consentiti

Item / Warehouse

LN sorts the transactions for each item with respect to each warehouse, in the report.

Warehouse / Item

LN sorts the transactions for each warehouse with respect to each item, in the report.

Export Reference / Item

LN sorts the transactions for each item with respect to the export reference, in the report.