Add Export Promotion Lines (lpind3511m000)

Use session to add the export promotion lines to the promotion scheme.

Intervallo di selezione
Società finanziaria

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the financial companies for which the export promotion lines are created.

Tipo di transazione

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the transaction types of the export promotion lines.


I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the invoice document numbers.

Invoice Line

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the line numbers of the invoice document.

Data fattura

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the date and time when the invoice is generated.

Ship Details

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the shipments for which the invoice is created.

Data spedizione

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the date and time when the shipment is created.

Shipping Bill No

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the shipping bill numbers.

Shipping Bill Date

I campi Da e A definiscono un intervallo: the date and time when the shipping bills are generated.

Transaction Type

The code of the transaction type associated with the promotion line.

Numero documento

The document number of the invoice associated with the promotion line.

Riga fattura

The line number of the invoice document associated with the promotion line.

Operational Company

The code of the operational company for which the promotion claim lines are created.

Società finanziaria

The code of the financial company for which the export promotion lines are created.


The shipment or receipt number associated with the export promotion line.

Shipment/Receipt Line

The line number of the shipment or receipt document associated with the export promotion line.

Export Promotion Scheme

The code of the export promotion scheme.

Scheme ID

The ID of the export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Primi numeri liberi (tcmcs0150m000) session.

Scheme Line

The position number of the export promotion scheme line.

Scheme Line Sequence

The sequence number of the export promotion scheme line.