Related Objects (dmsys1113m000)
Use this session to view the document revision of the related objects along with the document revisions of the main object.
- Main Object
The ID of the object defined as the main object. Click the browse arrow to select the object from the Objects (dmsys1511m000) session. A main object is an ERP entity that is defined in LN ODM. The main object can have relations with other objects in ERP, according to the business flow.
- Related Object
The ID of the object defined as the related object. Click the browse arrow to select the object from the Objects (dmsys1511m000) session. A related object is related to the main object in a functional flow and defined in LN ODM along with the main object.
An Example of a main object and a related object can be a purchase office and purchase order. If a user clicks the paperclip icon in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session, the user can also view the document revisions of the of the purchase office as well.
- Reference Field
The field present in the table of the main object. The field must have a table level reference to the field of related object table.
- Label Description
A valid label description that appears when the respective document revision links are displayed.