Setting up operation subcontracting

You can choose to subcontract part of the production process, and supply material to the subcontractor.

  1. Implemented software components

    Select the Conto lavoro con flusso di materiale check box in the Componenti software implementati (tccom0500m000) details session.

    If you need to identify subassemblies uniquely, you can select the Pegging domanda or the Pegging progetto check box in the same session.

  2. Administrative warehouse

    Define an administrative warehouse in the Magazzini (whwmd2500m000) session. The administrative warehouse reflects the external warehouse at the subcontractor's location. Define the subcontractor data in the Sold-to field and the Ship-to field. This data is necessary to create subcontracting purchase orders during the subcontracting process.

    Consider the following check boxes:

    • Gestione scorte

      If you clear the Gestione scorte check box, you indicate that the subcontractor carries out the warehouse's inbound activities, which is a logical choice in case of subcontracting. You must complete the inbound procedure in one of the following ways:

      • Use automatic warehousing procedures. For more information, refer to Warehousing orders.
      • Update the inventory based on Receive Delivery messages. For more information, refer to Receipt delivery messages.

      If you clear the Gestione scorte check box, and select the Elaborazione ingresso manuale consentita check box, inventory management is not carried out, but you can do a manual inbound.

      Note that if you select the Gestione scorte check box, you must also use automatic warehousing procedures.

    • Includi in Pianificazione aziendale

      Select the Includi in Pianificazione aziendale check box.
  3. Item data for subcontracted item and subassemblies
    • End item

      In the Articolo - Produzione (tiipd0101m000) session, find the end item for which you subcontract one or more operations, and for which you want to support the material flow. Select the Conto lavoro con supporto flusso di materiale check box for this item.

      Calculate the end item's standard cost (top-down) in the Calcolo costo standard (ticpr2210m000) session.

    • Subassemblies

      In the Articoli (tcibd0501m000) details session, define two items for which the Personalizzata check box is selected. These items represent respectively the subassembly sent by the manufacturer to the subcontractor, and the subassembly sent back by the subcontractor after work is done. If you want to leave open the possibility to produce the item yourself instead of sending it to a subcontractor, set the item type of the subassembly that you receive back from the subcontractor to Manufatto or Prodotto.

      If the manufacturer sends no subassembly to the subcontractor but only material, you just need to define an item code for the subassembly created by the subcontractor.

      Define the following data for the subassemblies:

      • Warehouse

        In the Articolo - Ordinazione (tcibd2100m000) session, find the defined subassemblies. For the subassembly that you will send to the subcontractor, enter in the Magazzino field the warehouse from which you send the subassembly. For the subassembly that you receive back from the subcontractor, enter the warehouse in which you receive the subassembly.

      • Standard Cost

        To generate an effective cost component structure, define the assemblies' costing data in the Articolo - Determinazione costi (ticpr0107m000) session. Calculate and actualize the standard cost in the Calcolo costo standard (ticpr2210m000) session while the Aggiornamento costo standard e rivalutazione scorte check box is selected.

      • Supply

        Subassemblies are sent to the subcontractor by means of a purchase subcontracting order, which is an order-specific supply. In the Dati articolo per Magazzino (whwmd2510m000) details session, you must therefore define the supply system Order Controlled / Single for the correct combination of the subassembly that you will send to the subcontractor and the administrative warehouse. Note that for a subassembly, this is the only supply system you can use.

      • Price

        For the item that is sent back by the subcontractor, you must determine the price you will pay to the subcontractor. In the Articoli - Acquisti (tdipu0101m000) session, use the Origine prezzo per operazione in conto lavoro field to choose between Tariffa conto lavoro and Registro prezzi/Contratto to determine the price. Note that if you subcontract the last operation, you must define the price for the end item instead of for the subassembly.

        If the Origine prezzo per operazione in conto lavoro field in the Articoli - Acquisti (tdipu0101m000) session is Tariffa conto lavoro, you must define subcontracting rates in the Tariffe conto lavoro (ticpr1160m000) session. Define the rate by task for the correct combination of project, price calculation code, parent item or subcontractor.

        If the Origine prezzo per operazione in conto lavoro field is Registro prezzi/Contratto, the Tariffe conto lavoro (ticpr1160m000) session is also relevant, because the tasks' cost components are defined in this session. You can leave the Articolo padre, and Assemblato intermedio fields empty.

  4. Supply data for components

    Regulate the supply of components to the subcontractor. There are two ways:

    • Order specific supply

      Order specific supply means that supply is linked to the subcontracting purchase order. The supplied quantity is the quantity required for the purchase order. To use order specific supply, the component's supply system in the Dati articolo per Magazzino (whwmd2510m000) session must be Controllato da ordine/Unico, for the correct combination of component and administrative warehouse.

      Order specific supply can exist between manufacturer and subcontractor, or directly between supplier and subcontractor:

      Supplier - subcontractor

      • Clear the Fornitura da magazzino check box in the Dati articolo per Magazzino (whwmd2510m000) details session, for the correct combination of component and administrative warehouse.
      • Enter the supplier in the Business Partner 'Origine spedizione' field and the BP 'Origine vendita' field.
      • Supply takes place by purchase order.
  5. Terms and conditions

    Define terms and conditions in the following cases:

    • If components are shipped by sales orders.
    • If you, the manufacturer, are responsible for the components' planning.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. By means of the Termini e condizioni (tctrm1100m000) session, start the Termini e condizioni (tctrm1600m000) session to define a terms and conditions agreement. The Tipo di termini e condizioni field must be Vendite.

    2. Define a terms and conditions search level for which the Attributo di ricerca 1 field is Gruppo articoli, and the Attributo di ricerca 2 field is Magazzino. Select the Ordine check box and the Pianificazione check box.

    3. Double-click the defined search level to start the Livello di ricerca termini e condizioni (tctrm1610m000) session. In this session, define the items to which the agreement applies.

    4. Double-click the defined items to start the Riga termini e condizioni (tctrm1620m000) session. On the Planning tab or in the Termini e condizioni pianificazione (tctrm1135m000) session, select the Resp. pianificazione fornitura check box. On the Order tab or in the Termini e condizioni ordine (tctrm1130m000) session, select Trasferimento ordine di vendita in the Tipo di trasferimento field.

    For more information about agreements, refer to Setting up terms and conditions.

  6. Sales contract

    If components are planned by the subcontractor or shipped by sales order, define a contract in the Contratti di vendita (tdsls3500m000) session. The BP 'Destinazione vendita' field must contain the subcontractor code. Use the ID termini e condizioni field to link the applicable terms and conditions agreement.

    Define the rest of the contract in the Righe contratti di vendita (tdsls3501m000) session.

  7. User profile purchase

    Define your user profile in Gestione acquisti so that LN can generate and handle subcontracting purchase orders properly.

  8. Subcontracting work center and shop floor warehouse

    In your LN system, you must define a subcontracting work center to represent the place where subcontracting operations are carried out. In the Centri di lavoro (tirou0101m000) session, define a subcontracting work center with work center type Conto lavoro.

    Link the following information to the subcontracting work center:

    • In the Terzista field, enter the subcontractor code.
    • In the Magazzino officina di produzione field, enter the administrative warehouse, which can be a normal warehouse or a shop floor warehouse. This warehouse represents the warehouse at the subcontractor's location, and is used to monitor the subassemblies' and components' inventory levels.
  9. Routing

    In the Operazioni ciclo di operazioni (tirou1102m000) session, link the defined subassemblies, warehouses, and subcontracting work centers.

  10. BOM

    In the Distinta base (tibom1110m000) session, use the Fornito da terzista check box to determine how the subcontractor is provided with material for subcontracting activities.

    In the Operazione field, enter the operation number for which the subcontractor requires the material.