Operation subcontracting without material flow support
The simplest way of subcontracting in LN is to create a subcontracting purchase order to record the operations that are outsourced to a subcontractor. This means that you purchase labor from a subcontractor. For this type of subcontracting, no material is supplied to the subcontractor.
To start a subcontracting process without material supply, you must set up the following data:
Assistenza in conto lavoro item
In the Articoli (tcibd0501m000) session, define an item with item type Assistenza in conto lavoro. This is an administrative item that represents the subcontracted work. The Assistenza in conto lavoro item is displayed on the subcontracting purchase order. -
Subcontracting work center
Define a subcontracting work center in the Centri di lavoro (tirou0101m000) session. In the Operazioni ciclo di operazioni (tirou1102m000) session, link the subcontracting work center to the routing operation that you want to subcontract. -
Subcontracting rates
In the Tariffe conto lavoro (ticpr1160m000) session, define the subcontracting costs. In the Assemblato intermedio field you must enter the Assistenza in conto lavoro item. Note that you must define the rate for the correct combination of price calculation code and subcontractor. If you want to define an item-specific subcontracting rate, fill the Articolo padre field.
Only applicable if the Produzione per reparti per Sito parameter has the status Non attivo in the Componenti software implementati (tccom0100s000) session.
Ad hoc subcontracting
If you had not planned to subcontract one or more operations, and consequently no subcontracting work centers are defined in the routing, use the Affidamento operazioni in conto lavoro (tisfc2210m000) session to replace an existing work center with a subcontracting work center on the operations that you want to subcontract.