Challan Lines (lpind1136m000)

Use session to view and maintain the challan lines.

The data in this session is defaulted from the related shipment lines of the India localization. This data is used to create the e-way bill.

Informations sur le champ

Challan Line

The position number of the challan line.


The number of the shipment for which the challan is created.


The position number of the shipment line.

Order Origin

The origin of order.

Valeurs autorisées

Non applicable
Service (manuel)
Programme de vente
Vente (manuelle)
Maintenance sur article client
Maintenance sur art. client (manuelle)
Travaux de maintenance
Travaux de maintenance (manuelle)
Réclamation client
Réclamation fournisseur
Production JSC
Production JSC (manuelle)
Programme de fabrication
Production ASC
Production ASC (manuelle)
Assemblage magasin
Transfert (manuel)
Projet (manuel)
Contrat de projet
Programme d'achat
Achat (manuel)
Distribution EP

The warehousing-order number.

Order Line

The position number of the warehousing order line.

Order Sequence

The sequence number of the warehousing order line.


The code of the item that is shipped.

Classification Scheme

The code of the classification scheme linked to the item related to the challan.

HSN Code

The harmonized system code that identifies the item.

Shipped Quantity

The actual quantity of goods on the shipment.


The unit in which the shipped quantity is expressed.

Assessable Value

The value upon which various duties and taxes such as, cost, insurance, and freight are levied.


The code of the currency in which the assessable value is expressed.

Tax Country

The tax country of the delivery challan.

Tax Code

The tax code applicable for the delivery challan.