Generate Periodical Withholding Tax Report (lptha0200m000)
- This session is enabled only if the Functionality for Thailand check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- This session can only be executed when the tax declaration is submitted.
- You can generate a report for the PND3 and PND53 tax forms.
- You can generate the output as a flat file and also as a report for monthly or yearly reporting.
- The tax forms (PND3 and PND53) comprise of the header information which is created manually and a CSV file that is generated from this session is attached to the header.
Informations sur le champ
- Année
Si cette case est cochée, the withholding tax report is generated for the specified tax declaration year.
- Mois
Si cette case est cochée, the withholding tax report is generated for the specified tax declaration month.
- Forme juridique
The type of business partner for whom the report is generated.
Valeurs autorisées
Personne physique
Personne morale
- Exercice de déclaration de TVA
The year for which the withholding tax report is generated.
Description ou nom du code.
- Periods
The financial period for which the withholding tax report is generated.
Description ou nom du code.
- Seperator
The character used as column separator in the output file.
- Emplacement exportation
The path where the report output is saved.
Valeurs autorisées
Système local
Sans objet
Note:You must specify the Répertoire exportation and File Name if this field is set to Serveur.
- Répertoire exportation
The directory where the file is stored.
- File Name
The name of the file to which the withholding tax data is exported.