Mexican Invoice Details (lpmex1120m000)
Cette session permet view and maintain the Mexican invoice details. LN updates the data in this session when a billable line is created for the tax country is Mexico.
This session can be accessed only if the Mexique check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session.
The invoice can be edited only if the Statut de la factureof the billable line or manual sales invoice line is set to En attente.
Informations sur le champ
- Business Object Company
- The business object company to which the invoice details are linked.
- Business Object Type
The type of business object associated with the invoice details.
Valeurs autorisées
- Ligne de facture de vente manuelle
- Ligne facturable
- Non applicable
- Business Object
- The data fields which uniquely identify the business object (document) to which the invoice details is are linked.
- Business Object Reference
- The business object reference of the document for which the invoice details are displayed.
- Financial Company
- The code of the financial company associated with the mexican invoice for which the details are displayed.
- Sales Invoice Transaction Type
- The transaction type of the sales invoice for which the details are displayed.
- Sales Invoice Document Number
- The sales invoice document number for which the details are displayed.
- Invoice Line
- The position number of the invoice document line.
- Société source
- The company of the source document based on
which the billable line is created.Note:
This field is only updated for the business objects with the Business Object Typeset to .
- Type de source
The business object type of the source document based on which the billable line is created.
Valeurs autorisées
- Ligne de facture de vente manuelle
- Ligne facturable
- Non applicable
Note:This field is only updated for the business objects with the Business Object Typeset to .
- Document source
The data fields which uniquely identify the source document based on which the billable line is created.
Note:This field is only updated for the business objects with the Business Object Typeset to .
- Référence document source
The business object reference of the source document based on which the billable line is created.
Note:This field is only updated for the business objects with the Business Object Typeset to .
- Général
- Tax Regime
The code of the tax regime applicable for the business object. The tax regime defines the set of rules and obligations that are applicable for a tax system.
Note:This value is defaulted from the Tax Regime field in the Mexican Parameters (lpmex0100m000) session.
- CFDI Use Code
- The CFDI use code associated with the business object.
- [formgroup]
- Pedimento Key
The key that is used to generate the CFDI for the invoice. This value indicates whether a foreign trade complement must be included in the CFDI.
Valeurs autorisées
- A1
- V1
- Non applicable
Note:This field is set to A1 if the ship-to address is other than Mexico and ship-from address is Mexico.
This field is enabled only if the Statut de la facture of the related billable line is En attente, the ship-to address is other than Mexico and the ship-from address is Mexico.
For Customs Invoices, this field must be set to V1.
- Reason for Transfer
- The code of the reason for transfer of goods
from Mexico to another country.Note:
This field is displayed only if the Type de facture is set to Facture de douanes.
- Certificate of Origin
Indicates whether the certificate of origin is applicable for the invoice..Note:
This field is enabled only if the Statut de la facture of the related billable line is En attente and the Pedimento Key field is set to A1.
Valeurs autorisées
- Non applicable
- Applicable
- Certificate of Origin Number
- The unique identification number that
identifies the certificate of origin associated with the invoice.Note:
This field is enabled only if the Statut de la facture of the related billable line is En attente and the Pedimento Key field is set to A1.
- Reliable Exporter Number
- The reliable exporter number of the
ship-to business partner.Note:
This value is defaulted from the Reliable Exporter Number field in the Ship-to Business Partner Additions (lpmex0105m000) associated with the ship-to business partner and invoice date. This number is included on the e-invoice if a foreign trade complement is applicable.