Intrastat Declarations (lpita3170m000)

Cette session permet view and maintain the header data of the Intrastat declarations for the selected financial company and the registration code.


This session can be accessed only if the Italie check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session.

Informations sur le champ

Financial Company
The code of the financial company in which the Intrastat declaration is created.
Registration Code
The registration code for which the Intrastat declaration must be created.

This field is displayed only if the Gestion étendue des enregistrements field is set to Actif in the Activation de concept (tcemm4600m100) session.

The year for which the Intrastat declaration is created.
The period of the year for which the Intrastat declaration is created.

The month of the year in which the Intrastat declaration is created.

Valeurs autorisées

Sans objet
Declaration Type

The type of Intrastat declaration.

Valeurs autorisées

Not Applicable
Declaration Number
Indicates the unique Intrastat declaration number that is generated by LN or specified manually based on the Declaration Number Type defined in the Italian Parameters (lpita0100m000) session.

Indicates the status of the declaration header.

Valeurs autorisées

In Process
Ready for Submission
Not Applicable
The description of the Intrastat declaration.
Declarant VAT Number
The tax ID of the department that submits the Intrastat declaration. The tax ID of the department is same as the tax ID of the financial company.

This field is mandatory.

This value is defaulted with the Own Identification Number from the company data. If the Gestion étendue des enregistrements field is set to Actif in the Activation de concept (tcemm4600m100) session, own registration data is defaulted based on the Registration Code.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Status is other than Submitted.

Substitute VAT Number
The tax ID of the substitute declarant department that submits the Intrastat declaration.

This value is defaulted from the Substitute VAT Number field in the Italian Parameters (lpita0100m000) session.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Status is other than Submitted.

Special Period

The period for which the operations related to the declaration must be displayed.

Valeurs autorisées

0 - Not Applicable
Affiche les opérations liées à la déclaration en se référant au mois complet ou à la période trimestrielle.
8 - First Month
Les opérations récapitulées dans la liste trimestrielle ne concernent que le premier mois.
9 - First and Second Month
Affiche les opérations récapitulées dans la liste trimestrielle se rapportant au premier et au deuxième mois.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Status is other than Submitted.

Special Case

The cases for which the Intrastat declaration must be created.

Valeurs autorisées

0 - Not Applicable
7 - First List
8 - End of Activity
9 - First List after variation

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Status is other than Submitted.

Customs Section
The code of the customs section indicated in the reference Intrastat declaration that is in the process of correction.

This is a mandatory field.

This value is defaulted from the Customs Section field in the Italian Parameters (lpita0100m000) session.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Status is other than Submitted.

User Code
The identification code that is used to submit the Intrastat declaration. In accordance with the Italian Intrastat regulation, the fixed code ZENT must be used.

This is a mandatory field.

The user code is used for the generation of the file name, created following this scheme:
, where MMDD is the date (month and day) and nn is a progressive number for the day.

This value is defaulted from the User Code field in the Italian Parameters (lpita0100m000) session.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Status is other than Submitted.

Declaration Currency
The code of the currency in which the Intrastat declaration reporting is processed.
Submission Date
The date and time on which the Intrastat declaration is submitted.
Submitted by
The logon code of the user by whom the Intrastat declaration is submitted.
Creation Date
The date and time on which the Intrastat declaration is created.
Created by
The logon code of the user by whom the Intrastat declaration is created.
Last Modification Date
The date and time on which the Intrastat declaration is last modified.
Last Modified by
The logon code of the user by whom the Intrastat declaration is last modified.