Intrastat Transactions (lpita3160m000)
Cette session permet view and maintain the Intrastat transactions that are generated for the financial company and the Intrastat declaration number.
Informations sur le champ
- Général
- Financial Company
- The code of the financial company in which the Intrastat transactions are generated.
- Année/période
- The fiscal year and period of the fiscal year in which the Intrastat declaration is created.
- Month
The month of the year in which the Intrastat declaration is created.
Valeurs autorisées
- Janvier
- Octobre
- Sans objet
- Novembre
- Décembre
- Février
- Mars
- Avril
- Mai
- Juin
- Juillet
- Août
- Septembre
- Declaration Type
The type of Intrastat declaration for which the transactions are generated.
Valeurs autorisées
- Sales
- Purchase
- Not Applicable
- Declaration Number
- The unique identification number of the Intrastat declaration for which the transactions are generated.
- Transaction Status
The status of the Intrastat transaction that is generated for the Intrastat declaration.
Valeurs autorisées
- Selected
- Modified
- Blocked for Reporting
- Error
- Costs Distributed
- Ready for Submission
- Submitted
- Not Applicable
Note:LN sets this field to Error if any errors occur during the validation process of the Intrastat transactions.
- Registration Code
- The registration code of the Intrastat
This field is displayed only if the Gestion étendue des enregistrements field is set to Actif in the Activation de concept (tcemm4600m100) session.
- Transaction Type
Indicates the type of the invoice transaction that is generated for the Intrastat declaration.
Valeurs autorisées
- Goods
- Services
- Costs
- Not Applicable
- Flow
Indicates whether the Intrastat transaction is a receipt transaction or an issue transaction.
Valeurs autorisées
- (+) réception
- (-) sortie
- Transaction Date
- The date and time when the Intrastat transaction is generated.
- Transaction Origin
Indicates the origin of the Intrastat transaction.
Valeurs autorisées
- Commande client
- Ordre de service (manuel)
- Sans objet
- Transfert (manuel)
- Ordre de maintenance externe
- Ordre de maintenance externe (manuel)
- Commande client (manuelle)
- Projet
- Project (manuel)
- Ordre PCS
- Contrat de projet
- Commande fournisseur
- Programme de vente
- Programme d'achat
- Données financières
- Planification d'entreprise
- Programme de fabrication
- Ordre de fabrication
- Ordre de fabrication (manuel)
- Ordre de service
- Ordre d'assemblage
- Ordre d'assemblage (manuel)
- Ordre de maintenance interne
- Ordre de maintenance (manuel)
- Transaction manuelle
- Facture fournisseur
- Contrat de service
- Commande intersociétés
- Correction manuelle
- Réclamation client
- Réclamation fournisseur
- Transfert
- Commande client (manuelle)
- Commande fournisseur (manuelle)
- Entity Type
Indicates the entity type of the department linked to the origin for which the transaction is generated.
Valeurs autorisées
- Service des ventes
service des ventes
- Service des expéditions
service des expéditions
- Bureau de gestion de projet
bureau de gestion de projet
- Département de fabrication
département de fabrication
- Service des achats
service des achats
- Sans objet
- Département de maintenance
département service
- Centre de charge
- Magasin
- Projet
- Service comptabilité
- Contrat
- Département Gestion des stocks
Département Gestion des stocks
- Office
- The code of the department for which the Intrastat transaction is generated.
- Order Number
- Indicates the order number for which the Intrastat transaction is generated.
- Order Line
- The position number of the order line for which the Intrastat transaction is generated.
- Business Object Company
- The code of the company of the business object for which the Intrastat transactions are generated.
- Business Object Type
The type of the business object for which the Intrastat transactions are generated.
Valeurs autorisées
- Manual Sales Invoice
- Sales Order
- Maintenance Sales Order
- Intercompany Trade Order
- Service Order
- Service Contract
- Contract
- Project
- Customer Claim
- Supplier Claim
- Freight Order
- Debit/Credit Note
- Rebate
- Sales Shipment
- Purchase Order
- Freight Invoice
- Commissions
- Services Procurement Order
- Interest Invoice
- Cost Invoice
- Stage Payment
- Landed Cost
- Additional Costs
- Not Applicable
- Business Object
- The number used to identify the business object for which the Intrastat transaction is generated.
- Business Object Reference
- The reference number of the linked business object for which the Intrastat transaction is generated.
- Sequence Number
- The sequence number of the business object document associated with the Intrastat transaction.
- Document de facture
- The code of the transaction type of the invoice document associated with the intratstat transaction.
- Invoice Number
- The unique identification number of the invoice document associated with the Intrastat transaction.
- Invoice Line Number
- The line number of the invoice associated with the Intrastat transaction.
- Invoice Sequence
- The sequence number of the invoice document.
- Invoice Date
- The date and time when the invoice document is created.
- Document de facture d'origine
- The code of the transaction type of the original invoice document. This value is updated for credit notes.
- Original Invoice Number
- The unique identification number of the original invoice document. This value is updated for credit notes.
- Item
- The code of the item associated with the intratstat declaration.
- Harmonized System Code
- The harmonized system code (HS) of
the item.Note:
LN allows 8 digit codes for goods transactions and 5 or 6 digit codes for service transactions.
- Quantity
- The quantity of the item expressed in inventory unit.
- Unit
- The code of the inventory unit in which the item quantity is expressed.
- Supplementary Unit Quantity
- The goods quantity on the order, expressed in the supplementary unit.
- Supplementary Unit
- The code of the unit in which the supplementary quantity of the item is expressed.
- Weight
- The weight of the item expressed in weight unit of the item.
- Weight Unit
- The unit in which the weight of the item is expressed.
- Item Country of Origin
- The code of the country of origin where the item is
manufactured. This value is used in Intrastat declarations.Note:
This field is enabled only if the Item is specified.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Extra Intrastat Info
- The extra Intrastat info set linked to the transaction.
- Fiscal Data only
- Si cette case est cochée, the Intrastat
transactions generated for the declaration number are reported only for tax
This field is applicable only if:
- The Declaration Type field is set to Sales.
- The Transaction Type field is set to Goods.
- The Statistical Data only check box is cleared.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Statistical Data only
- Si cette case est cochée, the Intrastat
transactions generated for the declaration number are reported only for statistical
This field is applicable only if:
- The Declaration Type field is set to Sales.
- The Transaction Type field is set to Goods.
- The Fiscal Data only check box is cleared.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Delivery Method
- Indicates whether the transaction concerns a
warehouse delivery or a warehouse receipt.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Delivery Order
- The order number of the warehouse delivery or the
warehouse receipt.Note:
This field is applicable only if the Delivery Method field is other than Not Applicable.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Delivery Order Line
- The line number of the order number of the
warehouse delivery or the warehouse receipt.Note:
This field is applicable only if the Delivery Method field is other than Not Applicable.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Delivery Terms
- The code of the delivery terms of the
This value is defaulted from the Default Delivery Terms field in the Italian Parameters (lpita0100m000) session.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
This field is mandatory if:- The Transaction Type field is set to Goods.
- The Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Carrier/LSP
- The code of the carrier that
transports the goods.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Mode of Transport
The mode of transport used by the carrier for the transport of goods.
Valeurs autorisées
- Transport maritime
- Sans objet
- Transport maritime (conteneur)
- Transport ferroviaire
- Transport ferroviaire (conteneur)
- Transport routier
- Transport routier (conteneur)
- Transport aérien
- Transport aérien (charter)
- Consignations par poste
- Transporteur contractuel
- Transport par enlèvement client
- Chargement partiel de camion
- Courrier
- Intermodal
- Groupage
- Installations de transport fixes
- Transport fluvial
- Avion express
- Camion express
- Train express
- Propulsion propre
- Point dans le pool
- Tournée
- Superposé
Note:LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
When you modify the Carrier/LSP, LN updates this value from the transport category data related to the modified Carrier/LSP.
- Provisioning Method
Indicates the provisioning method applicable for Intrastat transaction.
Valeurs autorisées
- Immediate
- Repetitive
- Not Applicable
Note:LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Buy-from Address
- The code of the address of the
buy-from business partner associated with the Intrastat transaction.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Sold-to Address
- The code of the address of the
sold-to business partner associated with the Intrastat transaction.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Ship-from Address
- The code of the address of the
ship-from business partner associated with the Intrastat
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
This field is mandatory if:- The Transaction Type field is set to Goods.
- The Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Ship-to Address
- The code of the address of the
ship-to business partner associated with the Intrastat transaction.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
This field is mandatory if:- The Transaction Type field is set to Goods.
- The Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Triangulation Operation
- Indicates whether the triangular operation is applicable for the Intrastat transaction.
- Country of Origin
- The code of the country from which the goods or services are exported.
- State/Province of Origin
- The state/province to which the goods or services are exported or from where the goods or services are imported.
- Country of Destination
- The country of issue (for import) or the destination country (for export).
- State/Province of Destination
- The state/province of the destination country.
- Business Partner
- The code of the business partner for
whom the invoice is created.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero.
- Name
- The name of the business partner.
- Business Partner Tax Country
- The code of the tax country of the
business partner.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero.
This field is mandatory if the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle or Correction manuelle.
- Business Partner Identification Number
- Invoice-from Address
- The code of the address of the
invoice-from business partner associated with the Intrastat
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
This field is mandatory if:- The Transaction Type field is set to Goods.
- The Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Invoice-to Address
- The code of the address of the
invoice-to business partner associated with the Intrastat
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
This field is mandatory if:- The Transaction Type field is set to Goods.
- The Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Transaction Currency
- The code of the currency in which the
invoice amount associated with the Intrastat transaction is expressed.Note:
This value is defaulted from the Declaration Currency field in the Intrastat Declarations (lpita3170m000) session.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Transaction Amount
- The actual transaction amount of the invoice
associated with Intrastat transaction.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Transaction Amount in Home Currency
- The actual transaction amount expressed in
home currency.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle or when the Transaction Currency is not the same as the Declaration Currency.
- Declaration Currency
- The code of the currency in which the
Intrastat reporting is processed.Note:
This value is defaulted from the Declaration Currency field in the Intrastat Declarations (lpita3170m000) session.
- Statistical Amount
- The statistical value of the goods expressed in
the transaction currency, at the moment when they cross the border.Note:
By default, the invoice amount is displayed in this field.
- This field is displayed only if the Transaction Type field is other than Costs.
- LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- This field is mandatory only if:
- The Transaction Type field is other than Costs.
- The Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle or Correction manuelle.
- Statistical Amount in Home Currency
- The statistical value of the goods expressed in
home currency.Note:
- This field is displayed only if the Transaction Type field is other than Costs.
- LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted or the Transaction Currency is not the same as the Declaration Currency.
- Exchange Rate Type
- The code of the exchange rate type
that is applicable for the order associated with the Intrastat transaction.Note:
This value is defaulted from the Exchange Rate Type field in the Italian Parameters (lpita0100m000) session. If this value is blank, LN defaults this value from the Type de taux de change field in the Sociétés (tcemm1170m000) session.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle .
- Exchange Rate
- The currency exchange rate that is used to convert
the amount in the transaction currency to the local currency.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle .
- par
- The rate factor of the exchange
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle .
- Expressed in Base Currency
- Si cette case est cochée, LN uses the
currency exchange rate to convert the base currency into the foreign currencies.
If this check box is cleared, LN uses the currency exchange rate to convert the foreign currencies into the base currency.
Note:LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle .
- Exchange Rate Date
- The date and time that is used to determine the
currency exchange rate.Note:
By default, this field is updated with the current date for manual transactions.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Costs Distributed or Submitted or the Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency is zero or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle .
- Payment Method
The payment method associated with the Intrastat transaction. The payment methods are added by the Italian Intrastat regulation.
Valeurs autorisées
- Bank Transfer
- Credit Transfer
- Other
- Not Applicable
Note:LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Payment Country
- As defined by the Italian Intrastat regulation,
the code of the country in which the payment amount is available to the
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Tax Country
- The code of the tax country in which
the tax and registration data is applicable.Note:
By default, this field is set to Italy.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted or the Declaration Type field is other than Sales or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
This field is mandatory if the Declaration Type field is set to Purchase.
- Tax Code
- The tax code that is used for the
specified country and business partner of the tax and registration data.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted or the Declaration Type field is other than Sales or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle.
- Excluded from Cost Distribution
- Indicates whether the Intrastat transaction is
excluded from the cost distribution when creating the Intrastat declaration. Note:
By default, this check box is cleared.
LN allows you to modify this value only if:- The Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- The Transaction Type field is other than Costs and a cost distribution data is not defined in the Intrastat Distributed Costs (lpita3165m100) session.
- The Transaction Type field is set to Costs and distributed costs data is not defined in the Intrastat Cost Distributions (lpita3165m000) session.
- Cost to be distributed Amount
- The Intrastat cost transaction amount that must be
This field is displayed only if the Transaction Type field is set to Costs.
LN allows you to modify this value only if:- The Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- The Transaction Type field is set to Costs and the Excluded from Cost Distribution check box is cleared.
- The Transaction Type field is other than Costs and a cost distribution data is not defined in the Intrastat Cost Distributions (lpita3165m000) session.
- Cost to be distributed Amount in Home Currency
- The Intrastat cost transaction amount that must be
distributed, expressed in home currency.Note:
This field is displayed only if the Transaction Type field is set to Costs.
LN allows you to modify this value only if:- The Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- The Transaction Type field is set to Costs and the Excluded from Cost Distribution check box is cleared.
- The Transaction Type field is set to Costs and a cost distribution data is not defined in the Intrastat Cost Distributions (lpita3165m000) session.
- The Transaction Currency is not the same as the Declaration Currency in the Intrastat Declarations (lpita3170m000) session.
- Distributed Cost Amount
- The cost amount of the Intrastat transaction that
is distributed.Note:
If the Excluded from Cost Distribution check box is selected, LN sets this value to zero.
- Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency
- The cost amount of the Intrastat transaction that
is distributed, expressed in home currency.Note:
If the Excluded from Cost Distribution check box is selected, LN sets this value to zero.
- Correction
- Si cette case est cochée, the Intrastat
transaction is a correction transaction and the details of the reference transaction
must be specified.Note:
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted or the Transaction Origin field is set to Transaction manuelle and Correction manuelle .
- Reference Declaration Number
- The position number of the reference declaration
defined for the Intrastat transaction.Note:
This field is enabled only if the Correction check box is selected.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Reference Declaration Line Number
- The line number of the reference declaration
defined for the Intrastat transaction.Note:
This field is enabled only if the Correction check box is selected.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Année/période de référence
- The fiscal year of the reference declaration is
for the Intrastat transaction.Note:
This field is enabled only if the Correction check box is selected.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Reference Declaration Period
- The period of the fiscal year of the reference
declaration for the Intrastat transaction.Note:
This field is enabled only if the Correction check box is selected.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Correction Sign
The sign of the correction that must be performed on the Intrastat transaction.
Valeurs autorisées
- (-) Decrease
- Infor LN paramètre cette valeur si le montant de la transaction Intrastat est inférieur à zéro.
- (+) Increase
- Infor LN paramètre cette valeur si le montant de la transaction Intrastat est supérieur à zéro.
- Not Applicable
- Infor LN paramètre cette valeur si le montant de la transaction Intrastat est égal à zéro.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Correction check box is selected.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Customs Section
- The code of the customs section indicated in the
reference Intrastat declaration that is in the process of correction.Note:
This field is enabled only if the Transaction Type field is set to Services and the Correction check box is selected.
LN allows you to modify this value only if the Transaction Status field is other than Submitted.
- Error Code
- The code of the error occurred during the validation process performed on the Intrastat transactions.
- Error Field
- The field name on which the error identified during the validation process of the Intrastat transactions.
- Message d'erreur
- The error message of the error code that is displayed during the validation process of the Intrastat transactions.
- Submission Date
- The date and time when the Intrastat declaration associated with the Intrastat transaction is submitted.
- Submitted by
- The logon code of the user by whom the Intrastat declaration is submitted.
- Creation Date
- The date and time when the Intrastat transaction is created for the Intrastat declaration number.
- Created by
- The logon code of the user who created the Intrastat transaction for the Intrastat declaration number.
- Last Modification Date
- The date and time when the Intrastat transaction data is last modified.
- Last Modified by
- The logon code of the user by whom the Intrastat transaction data is last modified.