Unique Tax Certificates Personal Data (lpita2154m000)

Cette session permet view the personal data of the unique tax certificates generated for the financial company and the tax year.


This session can be accessed only if the Italie check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session.

The data in this session is displayed on the Personal Data tab of the Unique Tax Certificate (lpita2150m100) session.

Informations sur le champ

Financial Company
The code of the financial company in which the unique tax certificates are generated.
Tax Year
The tax year for which the unique tax certificates are generated.
Declaration Number
The declaration number using which the unique tax certificates are generated.
Business Partner
The code of the business partner for whom the unique tax certificates are generated.
The name of the business partner.
Fiscal Number
The fiscal identification number of the business partner.
Legal Form

The legal entity for which the unique tax certificate is generated.

Valeurs autorisées

Personne physique
Personne morale
Given Name
The name assigned to the legal form associated with the unique tax certificate.
Last Name
The last name of the legal form associated with the unique tax certificate.

The gender of the legal form associated with the unique tax certificate.

Valeurs autorisées

Sans objet
Date of Birth
The date of birth of the legal form associated with the unique tax certificate.
City of Birth
The city of birth of the legal form associated with the unique tax certificate
State/Province of Birth
The state or province of the legal form associated with the unique tax certificate.
Indicates that the legal form is not a resident of the country associated with the unique tax certificate.
The code of the country in which the unique tax certificate is generated.
Schumacker not resident
Si cette case est cochée, the business partner is not a resident of the home country of the company.

This field is applicable only if the Non résident check box is selected in the Données de retenue à la source du tiers (tccom4127s000) session.

Special Category
The special category of the unique tax certificate.
Exceptional Events

The exceptional event for which the unique tax certificate is generated.

Valeurs autorisées

1 - Extortion
99 - Other
Not Applicable
Fiscal Number of the Legal Representative
The fiscal identification number of the legal representative associated with the unique tax certificate.