Print Withholding Tax Certificate (lpidn1400m000)
Your Concept
You can access this session only if the Functionality for Indonesia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Informations sur le champ
- Options
- Sélection
- Réimpression
Si cette case est cochée, LN reprints the withholding tax certificates that are already printed.
- WHT Certificate
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : the withholding tax (WHT) certificates that must be printed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is selected.
- Plage de sélection
- Selection Range
Use the fields in the Plage de sélection group box to specify the range of payment batches associated with the withholding tax certificates that must be printed.
- Tiers
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : the invoice-from business partners linked to the withholding tax (WHT) certificates that must be printed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is cleared.
- Payment Batch
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : the payment batches of the withholding tax (WHT) certificates that must be printed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is cleared.
- Invoice Company
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : the financial companies of the withholding tax (WHT) certificates that must be printed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is cleared.
- Journal
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : the transaction types of the withholding tax (WHT) certificates that must be printed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is cleared.
- Numéro de document
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : the invoice document numbers linked to the withholding tax (WHT) certificates that must be printed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is cleared.
- Options
- Brouillon
Si cette case est cochée, the withholding tax (WHT) certificate is a draft and the certificate number is not displayed on the report.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is cleared.
- Certificate Date
The date and time when the withholding tax (WHT) certificate must be printed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Réimpression check box is cleared.