Generate Periodical Withholding Tax Report (lpidn0200m000)
Your Concept
You can access this session only if the Functionality for Indonesia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Informations sur le champ
- Options
- Plage de sélection
- Mois
Si cette case est cochée, LN prints the withholding tax report for the selected month.
- Année
Si cette case est cochée, LN prints the withholding tax report for the year.
Note:LN clears the selection of this check box if the Mois check box is selected.
- WHT Article 23
Si cette case est cochée, LN prints the withholding tax report with the certificate of Article 23 (Domestic suppliers for individuals/corporates).
- WHT Article 26
Si cette case est cochée, LN prints the withholding tax report with of type Article 26.
- Exercice de déclaration de TVA
The fiscal year in which tax declaration is submitted for withholding tax.
- Période de déclaration de TVA
The period of the fiscal year in which tax declaration is submitted for withholding tax.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Mois check box is selected.
- Options
- Separator
The character to be used as a column separator in the output file.
- Emplacement exportation
The location to which the generated output file must be exported.
Valeurs autorisées
- Système local
- Serveur
- Sans objet
- Répertoire exportation
The path of the export directory on the server to where the report is generated.
Note:LN allows you to select the directory folder only if the Répertoire exportation field is set to Serveur.
- File Name
The name of the periodical withholding tax report file.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Répertoire exportation field is set to Serveur.