Inventory and Balance Book (lpchl2407m000)
Cette session permet print an inventory and balance statement (control accounts) for the specific fiscal year.
Informations sur le champ
- Fiscal Year
The fiscal year for which the inventory and balance book is printed.
- Period
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : the financial period for which the inventory and balance book report is printed.
- Ledger Account
Les champs De et A permettent de définir une plage de : ledger accounts for which the inventory and balance statement of assets and liabilities is printed.
- Print Zero Balances
Si cette case est cochée, ledger accounts with zero balances are included in the report.
- Print Header
Si cette case est cochée, LN prints the details of the header information on the report.
- Currency
Indicates the home currency in which the inventory and balance book report is printed.