Monetary Correction Calculations of Inventory (lpchl2113m000)

Use session to maintain the monetary correction (inflation adjustment) calculations for the items.

Informations sur le champ

Société financière

The financial company for which the monetary correction of the inventory is defined.

Monetary Correction Code

The monetary correction code retrieved from the Monetary Correction Codes of Inventory (lpchl2112m000) session.


Description ou nom du code.


The calendar year for which the monetary correction of the inventory is calculated.


The item code for which the monetary correction is defined.


Description ou nom du code.

Type d'article

The item type for which the monetary correction is defined.

Valeurs autorisées


Unité de stock

The inventory unit of the item for which the monetary correction is defined.

Inventory Valuation Method

The inventory valuation method used for the monetary correction.


This field is displayed only the if inventory is calculated using any single valuation method.

Valeurs autorisées

Inventory On Hand

The company owned total inventory on hand at end of the specified year (or earlier if monetary correction calculation executed prior to end of the year).

Inventory Unit Value

The average value of the inventory unit.

Inventory Value

The total company owned inventory value at end of selected year (or earlier if monetary correction calculation executed prior to end of the year).

Item Origin

The origin or the source from where the item is acquired.

Valeurs autorisées

Origin Item

Last Receipt Date

The date and time of the last purchase related receipt.

Correction Factor

The factor applicable for the monetary correction.

Base Unit Value

The value of the base unit for which the monetary correction is defined.

Monetary Correction Unit Value

The value of the base unit resulting from the difference of the correction factor and the base unit value.


If the Negative Amounts Allowed check box is cleared in the Monetary Correction Code for Fixed Assets (lpchl2101m000) session, the minimum value for this field is zero.

Monetary Correction Value

The total value of the monetary correction.

Adjusted Unit Value

The average owned inventory value by unit after the monetary correction.


The local currency in which the monetary correction is expressed.


Indicates that the record is calculated for the monetary correction.


You must clear this check box if you want to modify the line details of the inventory.