Print Users by Status by Model Item (tgbrg5408m000)
Use this session to print a selected range of users and/or Tools roles by status by model item.
First, select the range of model items and statuses that you want to print.
Next, indicate if you want to specify a range of users, Tools roles, or both. To avoid conflicting selections, narrow the selection down to either a range of users or a range of Tools roles.
Example 1
User | From | jjohnson |
To | jjohnson | |
Tools role | From | jjohnson |
You can also specify the entire range ( - ZZZZZZ) for both users and Tools roles.
Example 2
Suppose you make the following selections:
Model item | business function |
Status | DEV (developing) |
ERP user | all ( - ZZZZ) |
Tools role | all ( - ZZZZ) |
Model item | Business Function | |
Diagram status | DEV (developing) | |
Sequence | User | Tools role |
1 | ppetersen | |
2 | jjohnson | |
3 | Developer | |
4 | jclampett |