Enterprise Modeler Parameters (tgbrg0135s000)

Use this session to set the parameters for your LN Enterprise Modeler environment.

Field Information

Use Employee - Project Model link

If this check box is selected, an employee must be defined for the project model to start the process browser.

If this check box is cleared, ERP does not check whether an employee is defined in the project model.

Evaluate Static Conditions

If this check box is selected, the static conditions are evaluated and the result of the evaluation shows when you view a business process in a reference model, or project model via the Process Viewer or the Enterprise Modeler Editor.

Note: If you do not use static conditions clear this check box for a better performance.
Activity order in DMB

There are three options to choose from:

  • Not sorted
  • Sorted on External Code (Ascending)
  • Sorted on External Code (Descending)

For example, the external codes can be used to get a sessioncode sequence. If you specify in the External code field a number 1 or 2 and select External Code (Ascending), you can create lists which display sessioncodes with number 1 first and with number 2 later.

Ensure to use number string notation, for example “001” and “010” and “100”, when using numbers. Business Process Activity External Code, is a right aligned string.


running ERP component

Only components of type ERP will be displayed.

Component Release

running ERP component release

Directory for Version Dumps

The default directory that is used for the export file of the Export Version Dump (tgbrg1235m000) session. The session Import Version Dump (tgbrg1245m000) also uses this directory for the import of the version dumps.

Drill Back Authorization

When you drill back from a "non LN activity" in Infor Ming.le to an LN session, for example through an ION Approval step, LN checks the value of this field. ION determines the authorization for starting the session. You can select an authorization from the drop-down box. Several options are available. Default value is Print/Display.

The selected authorization is used if the permissions for the user are setup in the Enterprise Modeler and in the user data User Data (ttaad2500m000) session.

  • Do not select the Menu browser.
  • Disable the Call session by code (Run program).

You can overrule the default drill back authorization for View ID/ Session combinations when specified in Drill Back Authorization (tgbrg9040m000) session.

You can overrule the View ID/ Session authorization set in Drill Back Authorization (tgbrg9040m000) by Drill Back Mapping (tgbrg9041m000) session. Make the authorization depend on an activity in a specific model and change it to another model version by Change Modeling Version for Drill Back (tgbrg1041m000).

Non LN activity drill back

Drill back is a link by reference starting an LN session from one of these options:

  • A favorite in Infor Ming.le
  • A bookmark in Infor Ming.le
  • Infor Ming.le-post message for share
  • Workflow task or ION Approval step
  • LN recently used or LN frequently used
  • LN Favorite
  • LN bookmark
  • In context link
Show only main Processes

If this check box is selected, Business processes are filtered from the UI that are marked as sub-sub process on DEM project level. The processes in the Project model with the Subprocess field switched on are ignored.

See Subprocess

Show excluded sub business processes

If this check box is selected, sub business processes are added to the UI menu which are normally excluded based on role permission.

See Subprocess


The user who made the last changes in this session.


The name of the user who made the last changes in this session.


The date when the last changes were made to this session.