Archive and Delete Purchase Order/Schedule History (tdpur5201m000)
Utilice esta sesión para delete, archive, or archive and delete purchase order and purchase schedule history.
To delete the order/schedule history, the order/schedule (line) cannot be present in the actual tables. In other words, the order/schedule (line) must be invoiced and logistically completed.
You can only delete history data if:
- The data is not required for reconciliation purposes.
Consequently, you can only delete order/schedule history data if the financial transactions of the order/schedule (line):
- Are set to Aceptado definitivamente in the Gestión de operaciones - Conciliación contable (tfgld4595m000) session.
- Are processed in a financial period with the status Cerrado or Cerrado definitivamente in the Estatus de períodos (tfgld0107m000) session.
- The data is included when the statistics are updated in the Actualizar estadísticas (tdsta2250m000) session. This is only applicable if statistics is implemented, based on the Estadísticas de compra/venta (STA) field in the Componentes de software implementados (tccom0100s000) session.
- The archiving functionality is available in this session only if the Archivado de orden de compra implementado check box is selected in the Parámetros de órdenes de compra (tdpur0100m400) session, or the Archivado de programación de compras implementado check box is selected in the Parámetros de programación de compras (tdpur0100m500) session.
- The method to delete the order history data is based on the value of the Método para borrar datos de historia de órdenes field in the Parámetros de órdenes de compra (tdpur0100m400) session.
- Order history is used as the basis for statistics. Archiving and/or deleting order history limits a full update of statistics. If you archive the order history up to a certain period, it is recommended to also archive the statistics up to that period.
Aspectos del rendimiento
The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth. Para obtener más información, consulte Delete and archive (history) data.
Información de campo
- Configuración
- Archivar o borrar
The method for processing the data.
You can select:
- Eliminar, if you want to delete the data.
- Archivar, if you want to transfer the data to the archive company.
- Ambos, if you want to transfer the data to the archive company and then delete the data from the operational company.
- Listar errores
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, and errors occur during the deletion or archiving process, an error report is generated.
- Historia de órdenes
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, order history data is deleted/archived.
- Archivar/borrar hasta la fecha
The transaction date/time up to which the order history data must be deleted or archived.
Note:You cannot delete/archive history records of an order (line) with a transaction date that falls after the date you specified in this field.
- Historia de programaciones
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, schedule history data is deleted/archived.
- Archivar/borrar hasta la fecha
The transaction date/time up to which the schedule history data must be deleted or archived.
Note:You cannot delete/archive history records of a schedule (line) with a transaction date that falls after the date you specified in this field.
- Omitir últimas entradas al borrar.
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, the last history entries are retained and not deleted.
- Archivar
- Compañía original
The company for which the data is archived.
- Compañía de destino de archivado
The archive company to which the data is transferred.
Note:This company is retrieved from the Compañía de destino de archivado field in the Componentes de software implementados (tccom0500m000) session.
- Archivar datos maestros comunes
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, general data from Común is archived.
Note:- This check box is available only if the Archive General Data only via session Archive General Data check box is cleared in the Parámetros de COM (tccom5000m000) session.
- You can also use the Archive General Data (tccom0250m000) session to archive general data.
- Archivar datos maestros de compra
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, general data from Adquisición is archived.
Note:- This check box is available only if the Archive General Data only via session Archive General Data check box is cleared in the Parámetros de COM (tccom5000m000) session.
- You can also use the Archive General Data (tccom0250m000) session to archive general data.
- Archivar texto
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, texts are also archived.
- Sobrescribir texto
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, texts that already exist in the archive company are replaced with the original text.