Archive and Delete Request for Quotation History (tdpur1204m000)
Utilice esta sesión para delete, archive, or archive and delete request for quotation (RFQ) history.
- The archiving functionality is available in this session only if the Archivado de Hª de RFQ implementado check box is selected in the Parámetros de solicitudes de oferta (tdpur0100m100) session.
- When the Print Report check box is
selected, LN displays the following options to select one of these reports
upon clicking :
Selecting the RFQ History by Supplier option, only the RFQ History will be printed and processed with a Bidder linked to it.
Invoked tables
This table shows the data that is archived, deleted, or both:
RFQ headers |
Request for Quotation History (tdpur150) |
RFQ Bidder History (tdpur155) |
Request for Quotation Line History |
RFQ Response History (tdpur156) |
RFQ Response Landed Cost Line History (tclct250) |
RFQ Response Score History (tdpur160) |
Purchase Peg Distributions (tdpur500) |
Purchase Peg Distribution Planning Details (tdpur501) |
Supplier Stage Payment Lines (tdpur520) |
Document Material Price Agreements History (tcmpr150) |
Document Material Information History (tcmpr160) |
Notes History (linked to RFQ Negotiation History) (tcstl155) |
Información de campo
- Archivar o borrar
The method for processing the data.
You can select:
- Eliminar, if you want to delete the data.
- Archivar, if you want to transfer the data to the archive company.
- Ambos, if you want to transfer the data to the archive company and then delete the data from the operational company.
- Archivar/borrar hasta la fecha
The date up to which the RFQ history data must be deleted/archived.
- Imprimir listado
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, a report of all deleted/archived RFQ history is generated.
- Compañía original
The company for which the data is archived.
- Compañía de destino de archivado
The archive company to which the data is transferred.
Note:This company is retrieved from the Compañía de destino de archivado field in the Componentes de software implementados (tccom0500m000) session.
- Archivar datos maestros comunes
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, general data from Común is archived.
Note:- This check box is available only if the Archive General Data only via session Archive General Data check box is cleared in the Parámetros de COM (tccom5000m000) session.
- You can also use the Archive General Data (tccom0250m000) session to archive general data.
- Archivar datos maestros de compra
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, general data from Adquisición is archived.
Note:- This check box is available only if the Archive General Data only via session Archive General Data check box is cleared in the Parámetros de COM (tccom5000m000) session.
- You can also use the Archive General Data (tccom0250m000) session to archive general data.
- Archivar texto
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, texts are also archived.
- Sobrescribir texto
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, texts that already exist in the archive company are replaced with the original text.