Delete Subcontracting Challans (lpind1235m300)

Use session to delete subcontracting challans for the specified range of data.

Información de campo

Selection Range

Use the fields in the Selection group box to specify the range of subcontracting challans data that must be deleted.

Preliminary Delivery Challan

Los campos De y A definen un rango de: preliminary delivery challans associated with the subcontracting challans that must be deleted.


Los campos De y A definen un rango de: the identification number of the subcontracing challans that must be deleted.

Challan Date

Los campos De y A definen un rango de: the dates on which the subcontracting challans are created.

Ship-to Type

Los campos De y A definen un rango de: the ship-to types associated with the shipment of the subcontracting challan. Para obtener más información, consulte Load building based on the Single Ship-to Code per Load check box.

Ship-to Code

Los campos De y A definen un rango de: the ship-to codes associated with the shipment of the subcontracting challan. Para obtener más información, consulte Load building based on the Single Ship-to Code per Load check box.

Own Identification Number

Los campos De y A definen un rango de: own identification numbers of the company in which the challan is generated.

Error Report

Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, LN prints a report with the errors that are displayed when deleting the subcontracting challans.