Tax Connector Invoice Data (lptur1150m000)

Utilice esta sesión para view and create the additional invoice data for the Turkish Localization, which is linked to a billable line.


This session can be accessed only if the Turquía check box is selected in the Componentes de software implementados (tccom0100s000) session.

You can also access this session using the Datos de factura del conector de impuestos option from the References menu in the Facturas (cisli3105m000) and Líneas facturables (cisli8110m000) sessions.

Información de campo

Source Company
The code of the source company for which the tax connector invoice data is defined.
Source Type

The type of the source document associated with the invoice data of the tax connector.

Valores permitidos

Nota de débito/abono
Todos los tipos de origen
Ventas manuales
No aplicable
Orden de venta
Orden comercial intercompañía
Orden de almacenaje (obsoleto)
Orden de compra (obsoleto)
Orden de PCS (obsoleto)
Orden de servicio
Orden de venta de mantenimiento
Orden trabajo mantenimiento (obsoleto)
Llamada de servicio
Reclamación del cliente
Reclamación al proveedor
Contrato de servicio
Orden de flete
Source Document
The unique identification number of the source document associated with the invoice data.
The position number of the source document order line.
Order Reference
The additional information related to the order associated with the invoice.
Technical Reference
The technical reference number associated with the source document.
Billing Sequence
The billing sequence number assigned to the billable line of the document.
Invoice Number
The code of the financial company in which the invoice is created.
The transaction type of the invoice.
The unique identification number of the invoice document.
Invoice Line
The position number of the invoice line.
Invoice Status

The status of the invoice.

Valores permitidos

No aplicable
Listo para envío
Pendiente de aprobación
Listo para impresión
Enviado al sistema externo
Rechazado por el sistema externo
Aprobado por sistema externo
Invoice-to Business Partner
The code of the invoice-to business partner specified in the invoice document.
The name of the business partner.
Tax Connector Service

The default tax connector service applicable for the invoice.

Valores permitidos

E-Archive Invoice
Invoice Scenario

The scenario in which the invoice is created.

Valores permitidos

Basic Invoice
Trading Invoice
Government Invoice
Invoice Type Code

The type of the invoice for which the additional invoice data must be displayed.

Valores permitidos

Sales Invoice
Zero VAT Invoice
Export Zero Vat Invoice
Withholding Invoice