Print VAT Books (lpphl1410m000)

Utilice esta sesión para print the summary list of sales, purchases and imports for Philippines.


This session can be accessed only if the Filipinas check box is selected in the Componentes de software implementados (tccom0100s000) session.

Información de campo

Rango de selección
Financial Company
The code of the financial company for which the VAT books must be printed.
Identification No
The unique identification number associated with the registration ID.
Tax Country
The code of the tax country for which the VAT books must be printed.
Ejercicio tributario
The tax year for which the VAT books must be printed.
Período tributario
The From and To fields define a range of tax periods of the tax year.
Home Currency
The code of the home currency in which the tax amount is expressed.
Select Reports
VAT Book - Sales
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, LN prints the VAT book with the transactions related to the Origen de impuesto set to Ventas.

The VAT book report includes the transactions with the Categoría de transacción of Facturas de venta.

VAT Book - Purchase
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, LN prints the VAT book with the transactions related to the Origen de impuesto set to Compras.
VAT Book - Imports
Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, LN prints the VAT book with the transactions related to the Origen de impuesto set to Compras.

The VAT book report includes the transactions with the Categoría de transacción of Facturas de compra.

The character to be used as column separator in the output file.
Ubicación de exportación

The location where the exported file is saved.

Valores permitidos

Sistema local
No aplicable
Directorio de exportación
The location of the directory where the exported file is stored.
Nombre de archivo de exportación
The name of the file to which the VAT book data is exported.