Intrastat Declaration (lpita3670m000)

Utilice esta sesión para view and maintain the details of the Intrastat declaration for the selected financial company and the registration code.

For details, refer to the online help of Intrastat Declarations (lpita3170m000) session.


The tabs in this session refer to:
  • Intrastat Transactions

    Refers to the Intrastat Transactions (lpita3160m000) session.

  • Declaration Lines

    Refers to the Intrastat Declaration Lines (lpita3180m000) session.

  • Goods Section

    Refers to the Intrastat Declaration Section 1 (lpita3180m100) session.

  • Goods Correction

    Refers to the Intrastat Declaration Section 2 (lpita3180m200) session.

  • Services Section

    Refers to the Intrastat Declaration Section 3 (lpita3180m300) session.

  • Services Correction

    Refers to the Intrastat Declaration Section 4 (lpita3180m400) session.

  • Declaration Summary

    Refers to the Intrastat Declaration Section 3 (lpita3180m300) session.