Intrastat Cost Distributions (lpita3165m000)

Utilice esta sesión para view and maintain the costs transaction data distributed to the goods or services related Intrastat transactions. You can only view the Intrastat transactions with the Transaction Type set to Costs.


You can only access this session using the Cost Distributions option from the References menu in the Intrastat Transactions (lpita3160m000) session and the Intrastat Transaction (lpita3160m100) sessions.

This session can be accessed after the cost distribution data is created using the Distributed Costs option from the Actions menu in the Intrastat Transactions (lpita3160m000) session and the Intrastat Transaction (lpita3160m100) sessions.

Información de campo

Financial Company
The code of the financial company in which the invoice document associated with the Intrastat cost transaction is created.
Invoice Transaction Type
The code of the transaction type of the invoice associated with the Intrastat cost transaction.
Invoice Number
The number of the invoice associated with the Intrastat cost transaction.
Invoice Line Number
The line number of the invoice document.
Invoice Sequence
The sequence number of the invoice document associated with the Intrastat cost transaction.
Sequence Number
The sequence number of the cost distribution line associated with the Intrastat cost transaction.
Cost to be distributed Amount
The cost transaction amount that is to be distributed for Intrastat goods or services transactions expressed in transaction currency.
Transaction Currency
The code of the transaction currency in which the Intrastat transaction amount is expressed.
Cost to be distributed Amount in Home Currency
The cost transaction amount that is to be distributed for Intrastat goods or services transactions expressed in home currency.
Declaration Currency
The code of the home currency in which the Intrastat declaration amount is expressed.
Distributed Cost Amount
The amount calculated for the selected Intrastat cost transaction that is distributed.
Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency
The amount calculated for the selected Intrastat cost transaction that is distributed, expressed in home currency.
Documento de factura
The code of the transaction type of the invoice document of the associated with the Intrastat goods or services transaction line.
Invoice Document Number
The invoice number of the invoice document associated with the Intrastat goods or services transaction line.
The line number of the invoice document associated with the Intrastat goods or services transaction line.
Invoice Line Sequence
The sequence number of the invoice document associated with the Intrastat goods or services transaction line.
Sequence Number
The sequence number of the Intrastat goods or services transaction line.
Base Amount
The base amount on which the cost distribution percentage is calculated.
Base Currency
The code of the currency in which the base amount is expressed.
Declaration Currency
The code of the currency in which the Intrastat declaration is created.
Manual Distribution
Indicates whether the Intrastat cost transaction amount can be distributed manually.
Percentage Distribution
The percentage of the Intrastat transaction amount that must be distributed.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Manual Distribution check box is selected.

You can calculate this value using this formula:
Percentage Distribution = 100 / Cost to be distributed Amount in Home Currency * Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency

Distributed Cost Amount
The cost amount of the Intrastat transaction that is distributed in multiple lines.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Manual Distribution check box is selected.

If the Declaration Currency is different from the Transaction Currency, LN recalculates this value based on the Exchange Rate specified in the Intrastat Transactions (lpita3160m000) session.

Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency
The cost amount of the Intrastat transaction that is distributed, expressed in home currency.

LN allows you to modify this value only if the Manual Distribution check box is selected and the Declaration Currency is different from the Transaction Currency.

You can calculate this value using this formula:
Distributed Cost Amount in Home Currency = Cost to be distributed Amount in Home Currency / 100 * Percentage Distribution

If the Declaration Currency is different from the Transaction Currency, LN recalculates this value based on the Exchange Rate specified in the Intrastat Transactions (lpita3160m000) session.