Tax Connector Invoice Data (lpita1110m000)
Your Concept
You can access this session only if the Functionality for Italy check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Información de campo
- Compañía origen
The code of the company for which the tax connector invoice data is defined.
- Tipo de origen
The type of the source document associated with the invoice data of the tax connector.
Valores permitidos
- Interés
- Nota de débito/abono
- Rápel
- Expedición
- Todos los tipos de origen
- Ventas manuales
- No aplicable
- Contrato
- Proyecto
- Orden de venta
- Orden comercial intercompañía
- Orden de almacenaje (obsoleto)
- Orden de compra (obsoleto)
- Orden de PCS (obsoleto)
- Orden de servicio
- Orden de venta de mantenimiento
- Orden trabajo mantenimiento (obsoleto)
- Llamada de servicio
- Reclamación del cliente
- Reclamación al proveedor
- Contrato de servicio
- Orden de flete
- Documento de origen
The number of the source document associated with the invoice data.
- Posición
The position number of the source document order line.
- Referencia de orden
The additional information related to the order associated with the invoice.
- Referencia técnica
The technical information related to the order.
- Secuencia de facturaciones
The billing sequence number assigned to the billable line.
- Número de factura
The source company in which the invoice is created for the source document.
- /
The transaction type associated with the invoice created for the financial company.
- /
The document number assigned to the invoice.
- Línea de factura
The position number of the invoice document line.
- Estatus de la factura
The status of the invoice document.
Valores permitidos
- Bloqueado
- No aplicable
- Cancelado
- Confirmado
- Listo para envío
- Pendiente de aprobación
- Listo para impresión
- Enviado al sistema externo
- Rechazado por el sistema externo
- Aprobado por sistema externo
- Listado
- Contabilizado
- Partner facturado
The code of the invoice-to business partner for whom the invoice is created.
- Document Type
The code of the official document type that is assigned or transferred to the tax connector.
- Issuing Method
The method by which the ID is assigned and transferred to the tax connector.
Valores permitidos
- Tax Connector ID
- Certified Email
- Tax Postbox
- Tax Connector ID Sequence Number
The sequence number of the Tax Connector ID.
- Tax Connector Identifier
The code that identifies the business partner associated with the Italian tax connector.
The certified mail ID associated with the tax connector.