E-Invoicing Exceptions by Tax Code (lpisr2100m000)

Utilice esta sesión para view and maintain the list of tax codes for the country of Israel that trigger exceptions in the allocation number request and ignore the threshold amount.


This session can be accessed only if the Israel check box is selected in the Componentes de software implementados (tccom0100s000) session.

This session considers only these types of tax codes:
  • VAT tax codes
  • Approved
  • Sales or All

Información de campo

The code of the country for which the exceptions must be defined.

By default, this field is set to Israel.

Tax Code
The tax code associated with the tax country for which the exceptions must be defined.
Request Allocation Number

Indicates whether the allocation number must be requested for the invoice.

Valores permitidos


The tax code is submitted to external invoicing, irrespective of the threshold amount and the invoice BOD is processed by the LSP only if this field is set to Always.

Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, the exception for the e-invoice is approved.
Approved by
The logon code of the user who approves the exception created for the e-invoice.
Approving Date
The date and time when the exception created for the e-invoice is approved.
Unapproved by
The logon code of the user who unapproves the exception created for the e-invoice.
Unapproving Date
The date and time when the exception created for the e-invoice is unapproved.