Shipment Execution Workbench - User Settings

In the User Settings, you can specify the default values based on which the shipments are displayed in the Shipment Execution Workbench (whinh8361m000).

On the User Setting page, you can specify these default values:

  • Selection

    • Ship-From

      The ship from warehouse specified for the shipment.
    • Status

      The shipments with the selected status are displayed.
  • Filter by

    Specify the information based on which the shipments are filtered:
    • Sold-to BP

      The sold-to BP specified for the shipment.
    • Ship-to

      The ship-to BP or the warehouse specified for the shipment.
    • Show only Shipments without issues

      Only the shipments without any issues are displayed.

    • Show only Shipments with issues

      Only the shipments with the issues (Past Due and/or Low Inventory) are displayed.

    • Issue Type

      Only the shipments with the selected type of issue are displayed. Possible values:

      • All Issues
      • Past Due
      • Low Inventory
      • This field is displayed only if the Show only Shipments with issues check box is selected.
      • By default, this field is set to All Issues.
  • General

    • Show Ship-To Description in Gantt

      If this check box is selected, the name of the customer along with the customer code is displayed in the Ship-To column, in the Gantt chart.
    • Show warning message before confirming or deleting a shipment

      If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning message when you confirm or delete a shipment.
    • Publishing Status

      If this check box is selected, Infor LN displays the Publishing Status for Shipment and Load in the corresponding details panel.
    • Show Extended Fields

      If this check box is selected, the extended fields are displayed in the workbench. Customer Defined Fields can be added to these BDEs:
      • ShipmentExecutionWBInventory
      • AutomotiveShipmentWBShipments
      For more information, see the Infor LN Extensions Development Guide.
    • Order Origin

      The shipments with the selected origin are displayed.
  • Available Quantity

    • Show Available Quantity based on Planned Inventory Transactions

      If this check box is selected, LN displays the available quantity from planned inventory transactions in the Available Quantity column, in the Shipment Lines grid.

    • Include On Order Transactions

      This option is enabled if the above check box is selected. If this check box is selected, on-order transactions are also included in the available quantity based on planned inventory transactions.

    • Planned Delivery Date

      Possible Values:
      • Based on Date & Time: On-order transactions based on date and time.
      • Based on Date: Only the date is considered for on-order transactions.
    • Generate Advice

      • Show options Dialog for Generate Advice

        If this check box is selected, a window is displayed with the preferred options when an Outbound Advice is created.

      • Create Cross-dock Orders

        If this check box is selected, the workbench generates cross-dock order for an outbound advice with a shortage of quantity. The cross-dock order's requested quantity is equal to the inventory shortage.

        Note: This check box is enabled only if the Show options Dialog for Generate Advice check box is selected.
      • Handle Alternative Items

        If this check box is selected and the requested item is not available, the workbench releases an alternative material, if defined in the bill of material (BOM).

        • This check box is displayed only if the Alternative Materials check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
        • This check box is enabled only if the Show options Dialog for Generate Advice check box is selected.
      • Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage

        If this check box is selected, the workbench generates outbound advice even if insufficient inventory is available. Outbound advice for negative inventory is created for items that are in the selection range and for which the Allow Negative Inventory field is set to Yes in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000)

        • This check box is displayed only if the Negative Inventory check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.
        • This check box is enabled only if the Show options Dialog for Generate Advice check box is selected.
        • If this check box is cleared and there is shortage of inventory, you can create an outbound advice manually from the Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000)
      • Recalculate Excess and ATT Inventory

        If this check box is selected, the available excess inventory and the inventory available to transfer (ATT) are recalculated.

        • This check box is displayed only if the Project Pegging functionality is implemented.
        • This check box is enabled only if the Show options Dialog for Generate Advice check box is selected.
      • Overdelivery Allowed

        If this check box is selected, the quantity of the generated outbound advice is allowed to exceed the quantity to be advised of the outbound order lines.

        • This check box is enabled only if the Show options Dialog for Generate Advice checkbox is selected.
        • This option applies to items and warehouses for which handling units are used. The maximum over delivery allowed is specified in the Allowed Overdelivery Quantity field of the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.
  • Current Stage

    If the Show Picking List check box is selected, the Picking List (whinh4525m100) session is displayed when you click the Confirm Picking option in the current stage. The picking process must be executed manually.
  • View Options

    • Initial View

      The initial view for the workbench.

      Possible Values:
      • Day View: The shipments are shown for a day.
      • Week View: The shipments are shown for a week.
    • Default View

      The default view for the shipments. Possible values:

      • Shipment: The shipments are displayed individually. By default, this option is selected.
      • Load: The shipments linked to the same load are grouped by the load and can be processed at the same time.
    • Hide Published Shipments

      If this check box is selected, the shipments with the status Published, are not displayed in the Gantt chart and Week View. Note: This check box is enabled only if the Default View is set to Shipment.
    • Hide Published Loads

      If this check box is selected, the loads with the status Published, are not displayed in the Gantt chart and Week View. Note: This check box is enabled only if the Default View is set to Load.
    • Week View

      You can select the days that must not be displayed in the in the Week view.