Shipment and Load details

In the Gantt section of the Shipment Execution Workbench (whinh8361m000), click to view the details of the shipment or a load in the details pane.

Load details pane

The Load details pane displays:

  • The details of the Load
  • The Freeze and Publish options
  • The shipment lines linked to the Load
  • The current stage of the Load
Note: You can view the Load details pane only if the Default View field is set to Load in the User Settings page.

In this pane you can:

  • Click the Load# number of the shipment to view the load details of the load in the Load (whinh4640m000) session.
  • Click the Shipment# number of the shipment to view the shipment details in the Shipment (whinh4630m000).
  • Click to add additional information related to the Load. Note You can also use this option for a linked shipment line.
  • Click ellipses to use these options:
    • Publish Load: The selected load is published.
    • Handling Unit: The handling unit structure is displayed.
    • Print Pick and Load Sheet: The Print Pick and Load Sheet (whinh4430m200) session is displayed wherein you can specify the details to print the report.
    • Compose Shipping Structure: The Compose Shipping Structure can be displayed wherein you can move a Shipment Line to another Shipment and a Shipment to another Load.
      Note: You can move a shipment or a shipment line only if the shipment status is not Confirmed.

Shipment details pane

The Shipment details pane displays:

  • The shipment details
  • The shipment lines linked to the shipment
  • The current stage of the shipment

In this pane you can:

  • Click the Shipment# number of the shipment to view the shipment details in the Shipment (whinh4630m000).
  • Click the Load# number of the shipment to view the load details of the load in the Load (whinh4640m000) session.
  • You can click Delete to delete the shipment. The information is updated in the bar chart, pie chart and the Gantt chart. You can delete a shipment only when the shipment status is set to Projected.
  • Click to add additional information related to the Shipment. Note You can also use this option for a linked shipment line.
  • Click to use these options:
    • Print Pick and Load Sheet: The Print Pick and Load Sheet (whinh4430m200) session is displayed wherein you can specify the details to print the report.
    • Calculate Additional Costs:
    • Compose Shipping Structure: The Compose Shipping Structure can be displayed wherein you can move a Shipment Line to another Shipment and a Shipment to another Load.
      Note: You can move a shipment or a shipment line only if the shipment status is not Confirmed.
    • Move Shipment to Load: The Move to Load (whinh4134m200) session is displayed wherein you can select the Load to which the selected shipment must be moved.
    • Publish Shipment: The selected shipment is published.
    • Handling Unit: The handling unit structure is displayed.
  • You can click the Item linked to a shipment line to view the item inventory details. The inventory data is displayed in the bar chart and the warehouse details are displayed in a list view on the item details page.
  • Select the Order Supply Availability option to view the planned inventory transactions of an item in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session.
    Note: This option is enabled only if the shipment line is selected.