Stock Point Blocking History (whwmd6564m000)

Use this session to view the history data of blocked stock points.

Field Information

Transaction Date

transaction date

History Sequence

The sequence number of the history record.

History Status

The status of the history record.

History User

The user who made the most recent change to the block, or who removed the block.









Inventory Date

inventory date

Reason for Blocking

reason for blocking

Non-Conforming Material Report

non-conformance report (NCMR)

Fully Blocked

If this check box is selected, the entire stock point is blocked.

If this check box is cleared, the stock point is partially blocked. If the stock point is partially blocked, the Blocked Quantity in Storage Unit fields must be specified.

You can also specify the package definition of the stock point to which the block applies. The blocked quantity is less than or equal to the difference between the Inventory in Storage Unit and the Process Blocked Quantity in Storage Unit as specified in the Item - Inventory Structure (whinr1550m000) session.

Package Definition

The package definition of the stock point to which the block applies.

You can only specify the package definition if the Fully Blocked check box is cleared.

Blocked Quantity in Storage Unit

The blocked quantity of the stock point expressed in storage unit.

You can only specify a blocked quantity if the Fully Blocked check box is cleared.

Blocked Storage Unit

The storage unit.

You can only specify the storage unit if the Fully Blocked check box is cleared.


The logon code of the user who activated the blocking.

Created by QM

If this check box is selected, the block is created by Quality .

If you create a storage inspection in Quality , LN automatically blocks the stock point or quantity to be inspected. As a result, a record is created in the current session, for which the following applies:

  • The current check box is selected.
  • The Reason for Blocking is the Reason for Storage Inspection as specified in the Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.
  • You cannot manually unblock the stock point by deleting the record. The stock point is unblocked if the storage inspection is closed.

If the blocked stock point is initiated by Quality and serial numbers are specified for which storage inspections apply, you can view the blocked serial numbers in the Serial Blocking (whwmd6135m000) session. In this case you cannot change the blocked serial numbers.


If this check box is selected, additional text related to the reason for blocking is present.

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit

E-item Revision


In Inventory Unit

The blocked quantity, expressed in the inventory unit.

inventory unit

Blocking Date

The date and time on which the inventory is blocked for the specific stock point. When the stock point is blocked, LN registers the date.


The text related to the blocking.