Customer Owned Inventory (whwmd2518m100)

Use this session to view the customer owned inventory of a warehouse listed by item, buy-from business partner, and owner.

This session can be viewed as a satellite session in the Inventory by Warehouse and Lot (whltc1605m000) and Warehouse - Item Inventory Ownership (whwmd2615m000) session.

Field Information


The warehouse for which inventory is listed by owner and item.


The item for which inventory is listed by item and warehouse.


The business partner who owns the items. If the owner is not the same as the buy-from business partner, the owner is the internal business partner of another enterprise unit such as a division in another country, of your organization.

Customer Owned Inventory on Hand

The customer owned inventory on hand.

Inventory on Order

The quantity of the customer owned inventory on order.

Inventory Location Allocated

The quantity of the customer owned allocated inventory.

Inventory in Transit

The customer owned inventory that is being transferred from one warehouse to another within the same LN company. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

Inventory Unit

The inventory unit used to express the inventory quantity.

Inventory Blocked

The quantity of blocked inventory that is customer owned.

Inventory Blocked for Planning

The total customer owned inventory quantity that is considered unavailable from Enterprise Planning perspective.