On Time Shipments (whinh8350m000)
Use this application to view the percentage of on time shipments, early shipments and late shipments for a specific warehouse, using a stacked bar chart.
To modify the chart settings, use the On Time Shipments - Chart Settings (whinh0901m200) session. You can view the charts for a specific time period and based on a specified tolerance.
You can start the On Time Shipments - Chart Settings (whinh0901m200) session using the Chart Settings option in the Settings menu; displayed when you move the pointer to the chart title.
The percentage of the shipments is calculated based on the planned delivery date and the actual delivery date of the outbound order lines. LN considers only the outbound order lines that are actually delivered.
Based on the planned delivery date, actual delivery date and the hour tolerance are considered, the following are applicable:
- Late: Actual delivery date is after the planned delivery date plus the hour tolerance.
- Early: Actual delivery date is before the planned delivery date minus the hour tolerance.
- On Time: Actual delivery date is same as the planned delivery date based on the specified hour tolerance.
Chart Navigation
Place the mouse pointer above the bars to view the warehouse code/ name and the shipment percentage.
You can zoom in on any part of the chart by:
- Resizing the scrollbar: Select the scrollbar and drag.
- Selecting a part of the chart: Click the chart and drag.
When you click warehouse bar, the related outbound order lines are displayed in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.
When you click red (late) part of a specific warehouse bar, the outbound order lines that are delivered late are displayed.
When you click the green (on-time) part of a specific warehouse bar, the outbound order lines that are delivered on time are displayed.
When you click on the yellow (early) part of a specific warehouse bar, the outbound order lines that are delivered early are displayed.