Deliveries (whinh4139m000)
Use this session to view deliveries. A delivery is used to update a sales order after the shipments based on the sales order are confirmed. A delivery consists of data referring to the confirmed shipment line and the sales order line that must be updated with the confirmed shipment line data.
In the Update Sales Deliveries field of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, you can specify how LN updates sales orders after the shipments based on the sales orders are confirmed.
Field Information
- Order
The origin of the order. The origin refers to the package that initiated the shipment.
- Order
The order number of the originating sales order. This is the order that initiated the shipment line.
- Order Line
The position number of the originating sales order line that is to be updated with data from the confirmed shipment line.
- Sequence
The sequence number of the originating sales order line that is to be updated with data from the confirmed shipment line.
- Delivery Line
The sequence number of the delivery.
When creating a new record, for the combination of order origin, order, order line, order line sequence, the last number is taken and increased with 1. Consequently, the last shipment line that is confirmed for a specific order line, which is the one that sets the order line status to Shipped, obtains the highest delivery number.
- Shipment
The shipment ID code.
- Line
The position number of the shipment line.
- Final Shipment
Indicates whether the current delivery line is the last shipment that is to update the sales order.
- Errors Logged
The date on which the error occurred.
- Errors Logged
The message indicating the error that was encountered updating the sales order.