Shipment Notices History (whinh3550m000)

Use this session to view the history of ASN headers.

Field Information

Ship-from Business Partner

ship-from business partner


The name of the business partner.


The advance shipment notice's number.

History Date

The date on which the history of the advance shipment notice is updated.

History Status

The history status of the ASN header.

Order Data Missing

If this check box is selected, order data such as the purchase schedule or purchase order ID is missing for the current ASN line.

If the ASN status is ASN Received, you can add the missing order data and use the Schedule option to schedule the ASN.

If you try to schedule an ASN without adding the missing data first, this question is displayed:

"Shipment Notice is missing order data. After Scheduling this cannot be changed anymore. Continue?”


This applies if the Schedule ASNs when Order Data is missing check box is cleared in the Warehousing Settings by Site (whwmd2101m000) or the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

If the Schedule ASNs when Order Data is missing check box is selected, ASNs with missing order data are automatically set to Scheduled and you cannot modify these ASNs.


The logon name or code of the person who created the ASN.

Kind of Charge

kind of charge. These codes are used in external communication between business partners.

Note: If this field is set to Consolidated, one or more shipment or shipment line charges are present in the Shipment Charges (whinh4122m000) session for the current shipment.

IDM Reference

The IDM (Infor Document Management) reference number of the document or documents attached to the current ASN.

If the documents are uploaded to IDM from an external application, the document reference numbers are sent from the external application to LN through a Business Object Document (BOD).