Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain advance shipment notices, including the receipt of direct deliveries.

  • Use the Maps section to view the location of the Delivery Address. You must select only one record at a time.
  • To delete ASNs:

    • With status Received, click Remove Shipment Notices on the appropriate menu.
    • With other statuses, see the previous step or select an ASN and click Delete on the toolbar. Before using this option, make sure that no ASNs are deleted that still need processing.

Field Information

Ship-from Business Partner

ship-from business partner


The name of the business partner.


The advance shipment notice's number.

If an ASN is received, the ASN's number is the first free number of the series that is specified in the Series for Inbound field of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

EDI Status

The advance shipment notice's status.

Allowed values


The initial status for manually created inbound ASNs.


A shipment is created for the ship-to business partner and a message must be created in EDI.

In the EDI Messages Supported by Business Partner (ecedi0111s000) session, you can specify that an EDI message (nr. 856) must be prepared for the ship-to business partner if a shipment is created. In the Confirm Outbound ASN (whinh4230m100) session, you can confirm the ASN. As a result, the ASN obtains the Confirmed status.

However, if ASNs are automatically generated for shipments, the Prepare status is not used. In the Generate ASNs Automatically check box of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, you can set the parameter that controls automatic generation of ASNs for shipments.


The inbound ASN is created by EDI and the goods have not yet been received.

Scheduled Manually

The user has scheduled the manually created inbound ASN. The goods have not yet been received. You cannot cancel or replace an ASN that is scheduled manually (not created by an EDI message).

Under Review

The manually created inbound ASN is modified and the goods have not yet been received.

ASN Received

The inbound ASN is created by EDI, but the planned delivery date is blank. After rescheduling the ASN, the ASN receives the status Scheduled.


The goods on the ASN are received.


LN has prepared a message in EDI, therefore the ASN can be generated and sent to the receiver of the goods.


The ASN is sent successfully.


When a revised ASN message is received, the previous ASN is set to the Replaced status. Thereafter, a new ASN is created in the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session with the Scheduled status.


The Replaced status is valid for the inbound ASNs only.

When an ASN has the Replaced status, you cannot make any changes to the ASN header or ASN Lines.

When an ASN is set to Replaced status, the ASN cannot be received in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

An error message is logged in the Received EDI Messages Errors (ecedi7151m100) session if receiving an replacement message is not successful.

Not Applicable

When an ASN message is not created, the EDI Status field is set to Not Applicable.

Example: An ASN message might not be created due to the following reasons:

  • The EDI is not implemented.
  • The order origin of the related shipment lines is not Sales or Sales Schedule.
  • The Ship-to Business Partner has no EDI relation defined in EDI Messages Supported by Business Partner (ecedi0111s000) session.
Note: The Not Applicable status is valid only for the outbound shipments.

An error notification to the effect that something went wrong with the outbound ASN is received in EDI. It depends on the EDI setup whether the error message is displayed as EDI Text.


The disapproved outbound ASN is modified and ready to be confirmed.


The ASN is canceled. When an ASN is canceled, an EDI message is received with the EDI Status field set to Canceled. In this case, the original shipment notice is set to Canceled status and a new ASN is not created.

You cannot cancel or replace an ASN that is scheduled manually (not created by an EDI message).


You cannot make any change to the ASN header or ASN lines if an ASN is set to the Canceled status.

An error message is logged in the Received EDI Messages Errors (ecedi7151m100) session if receiving a cancellation message is not successful.

After a shipment notice is canceled, the shipment notice cannot be used for receiving the related order lines in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

Order Data Missing

If this check box is selected, order data such as the purchase schedule or purchase order ID is missing for one or more ASN lines. The Order Data Missing check box is selected for ASN lines with missing order data.

If the ASN status is ASN Received, you can add the missing order data and use the Schedule option to schedule the ASN.

If you try to schedule an ASN without adding the missing data first, this question is displayed:

"Shipment Notice is missing order data. After Scheduling this cannot be changed anymore. Continue?”


This applies if the Schedule ASNs when Order Data is missing check box is cleared in the Warehousing Settings by Site (whwmd2101m000) or the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

If the Schedule ASNs when Order Data is missing check box is selected, ASNs with missing order data are automatically set to Scheduled and you cannot modify these ASNs.

Document Compliance Status

The advance shipment notice's document compliance status.

The document compliance status is updated from the advance shipment notice lines. If the advance shipment notice lines have different statuses, the earliest trade compliance status of the advance shipment notice lines is displayed.

  • If the global trade compliance functionality is activated, the advance shipment notice can only be received if the document compliance status is Validated. If you try to receive an advance shipment notice that has lines that are not successfully validated, only the successfully validated lines are received.
  • The letter of credit functionality is not applicable for advance shipment notices.

Allowed values

To be Validated

The document compliance check is to be performed.


The document compliance check is successful, but pending approval.

Validation Error

The document compliance check failed, correction and new validation is required.


The document compliance check is successful, or failed but overruled by an authorized user.

Not Applicable

Document compliance checks are not required.

Direct Delivery

If this check box is selected, the ASN includes direct delivery or project delivery lines.

External Handling Unit

The external handling unit is the handling unit number provided by the ship-from business partner . If the ship-from business partner did not provide a handling unit number for the ASN line, LN does not fill this field.

Handling Unit

The internal handling unit number generated in the current session. This handling unit number is used to process the goods. If you generate a handling unit and an external handling unit is provided by the supplier that is unique in LN, this external handling unit code is used in LN to process the goods. If required, you can generate another handling unit to replace the handling unit in this field.

Planned Delivery Date

planned delivery date


The warehouse to which the supplier plans to deliver the goods.

Delivery Carrier/LSP

The carrier that will deliver the shipment.

Carrier Tracking Number

carrier PRO number

ASN Arrival Date

The date on which the ASN arrives or the date on which the ASN is manually created.

You can not change the ASN Arrival Date.

ASN Creation Date

The date on which the ASN is sent by EDI.

You can manually change the ASN Creation Date.

Note: If you manually create an ASN, the default ASN Creation Date is the current date and time.
Shipping Date

The date on which goods are shipped.


The currency in which the values on the ASN are expressed.

Freight Value

The total value of the shipped items.

Charge Amount

The amount of the charge in the same units as the freight value.

Kind of Charge

kind of charge. These codes are used in external communication between business partners.

Note: If this field is set to Consolidated, one or more shipment or shipment line charges are present in the Shipment Charges (whinh4122m000) session for the current shipment.

Freight Load

The load to which the ASN refers.

You can zoom to:

  • The Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session to select a load created for a specific warehousing order
  • The Loads (whinh4140m000) session to select a load that can be associated with more than one warehousing order.
  • The First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session to select a series to generate a load number. This number is used to calculate freight costs for direct delivery ASNs in Freight .

Freight Shipment

The shipment to which the ASN refers.

You can zoom to:

  • The Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session to select a shipment belonging to a load created for a specific warehousing order.
  • The Shipments (whinh4130m000) session to select a shipment belonging to a load that can be associated with more than one warehousing order.
  • The First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session to select a series to generate a shipment number. This number is used to calculate freight costs for direct delivery ASNs in Freight .

Gross Weight

Total weight of the shipment.

Unit of Measure

The unit in which the weight is expressed.

Shipment Reference

The purchase schedule's reference that is used to receive sequenced shipments based on a purchase schedule.

When a handling unit is generated for the shipment notice, the reference is also linked to the handling unit. When handling units with references are received, the references are also linked to the created receipt lines. When the receipt (line) is confirmed, the reference is, together with other receipt information, passed on to Purchase Control . Purchase Control , in turn, passes on the reference to Assembly Control to inform that the sequenced shipment is arrived.

Hazardous Material

If this check box is selected, the shipment contains hazardous material. This field is for information only.

Delivery Address

The address to which the goods must be delivered.


The name of the person or company.


Street name.

House Number

House number.

P.O. Box Number

PO Box number.

Bill of Lading

The buy-from business partner's bill of lading.

Packing List

The buy-from business partner's packing list.

Packing Slip

The buy-from business partner's packing slip.

Supplier's ASN

The field displays all the revised ASNs that are received for a supplier ASN number. You can view all revisions of an ASN message for the same shipment from the supplier.


The field must contain a value if the following conditions are met:

The value in the field is not valid if the given supplier's ASN number is already present on another ASN which is not Canceled or Replaced for the same ship-from business partner.

EDI Information

If this check box is selected, EDI information is present.

Shipment Text

If this check box is selected, additional information about the ASN is present.

IDM Reference

The IDM (Infor Document Management) reference number of the document or documents attached to the current ASN.

If the documents are uploaded to IDM from an external application, the document reference numbers are sent from the external application to LN through a Business Object Document (BOD).