acknowledgment sheet

A letter about a service order that is planned to be carried out, used to inform the business partner. For this purpose, a user-dependent layout (template) can be defined in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.


A step that you must carry out for the purchase/sales order type. An activity represents the sessions or the manual action that you must carry our for the purchase/sales order type.


The smallest part of the activity structure used for a time-scaled budget. An entity that is used to represent a part of a project in an activity structure.

LN distinguishes these activity types:

  • WBS Element
  • Control Account
  • Work Package
  • Planning Package
  • Milestone

activity group

A user-defined category created to group reference activities or planned activities, based on their common features.


A group of assembly activities.

actual problem

The real problem as determined by the service/support engineer.

actual solution

The definitive solution as determined by the service/support engineer, which solved the actual problem.


A full set of address-related details, which include the postal address, access to telephone, fax, telex numbers, and email, Internet address, identification for taxation purposes, and routing information.

allocated costs

The sum of costs due to service activities that have not been financially approved in Service Order Control, expressed in the home currency.


  • Service orders
  • Traveling costs

allocated discount

The sum of discounts derived from service activities that have not been financially approved in Service Order Control, expressed in the home currency.

allocated distance

The total distance for service activities that were performed but which have not been financially approved in Service Order Control.

allocated hours

The number of hours that were spent on service activities but that have not been financially approved in Service Order Control.

allocated inventory

Inventory throughout all warehouses that is allocated to outbound order lines. After the inventory is shipped, that is, has left the warehouse, the allocation is deleted. Also referred to as standard allocation or soft allocation.

See also location allocated inventory

allocated quantity

The quantity of material used for service activities which has not been financially approved in Service Order Control.

allocated sales

The sum of the sales amounts due to service activities that have not been financially approved in Service Order Control, expressed in the home currency.


  • Service orders
  • Traveling costs

allocated visits

The number of visits that were performed for service activities but which have not been financially approved in Service Order Control.


The reservation of inventory against a demand prior to the outbound process.

You can allocate a quantity of inventory to a business partner or a particular demand order.

Note: The documentation sometimes states that a particular demand object, such as a sales order, is allocated to a business partner, order, or reference. That phrase actually means that LN must fill the demand object with supply that was allocated to that particular business partner, order or reference.


The alternatives provide different options and prices to the customers for the activities and the material used. An alternative has the same set number as the line from which the alternative is derived.

anonymous item

An item that is produced or purchased before a customer order is received.

If an anonymous item is a manufactured item, it is produced in a make-to-stock production environment. If an anonymous item is a generic item, a product variant is configured without using a PCS project.


The reply a customer gives to a question asked by the support person who attempts to diagnose the call. You can list the answers to diagnose subsequent incoming calls. You can enter a diagnostic tree to structure questions and the corresponding answers in order to find the expected problem and expected solution(s).

appointment sheet

Appointment sheets can be printed if in the order header it is stated that an appointment has been made. This letter can be sent to the business partner. For this document a template can be defined in the SOC parameters.


A region used to group business partners, customers, suppliers and employees on a geographical basis.

as-built structure

The actually built structure of a product including the serial numbers.


A task for which hours lines are defined. For example, a weekly recurrent meeting.


A short message, entered by a field engineer, which informs the planner or dispatcher as to whether the field engineer can be paged.


The item quantity that is available to be promised for a customer either immediately, or at a specific time in the future.

ATP check

A check on the quantity that can be promised to a customer based on the allowed demand. The main purpose of the ATP check is to reserve a certain quantity of the spare part or item.

Automation Server

Automation Server provides the bridge between the LN application and any Windows application running on the Microsoft Windows platform. This enables you to use the functionality of, for example, Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, and Outlook, with LN applications.

availability type

An indication of the type of activity for which a resource is available. With availability types, you can define multiple sets of working times for a single calendar.

For example, if a work center is available for production on Monday through Friday and available for service activities on Saturdays, you can define two availability types, one for production and one for service activities and link these availability types to the calendar for that work center.


The item quantity that is still available to be promised to a customer.

In LN, available-to-promise (ATP) is part of a larger extended framework of order promising techniques called capable-to-promise (CTP). If an item's ATP is insufficient, CTP goes beyond ATP in that it also considers the possibility of producing more than was initially planned.

In addition to the standard ATP functionality, LN also uses channel ATP. This term refers to the availability of an item for a certain sales channel, taking into account the sales limits for that channel.

For all other types of order promising functionality used in LN, the term CTP is used.



average setup time

The time required for setting up or changing over a machine before you start running the machine. Setup time can be long, for example, if you change over from using black paint to using white paint. Setup time can be short, for example, if you change over from using white paint to using yellow paint. The setup time must indicate an average of all possible setup times.

bad fix

A call from the same customer about a previously solved problem regarding the same item.

base unit

If quantities expressed in alternative units are used in calculations or formulas, these quantities are first converted to the base unit.

For each company, base units must be defined for weight, length, surface area, volume, and time.

billing schedule

The code of the Billing Schedule.

bill of material (BOM)

A list of all parts, raw materials, and subassemblies that go into a manufactured item and show the quantity of each of the parts required to make the item. The BOM shows the single-level product structure of a manufactured item.

blanket agreement

A high level agreement that describes the terms and conditions applicable for the item for which service is provided by a third-party organization.

After the blanket agreement is defined, the details will be provided to the organization for which items must be subcontracted. The blanket agreement can become the basis for a subcontract agreement.

blank service order sheets

A document that a service engineer uses to register the service order, the service order activities and the requirements when a service order is not yet created. A blank service order sheet can be booked in LN later as a formal service order.

This can be used, for example, when during a night shift of 24 hour service, the service engineer is directly informed by a customer about a malfunction. He will then solve the call at once, while an office worker will enter the related service order (activity) in LN the next (working) day.

blocking reason

The reason why a call or an order cannot be processed (temporarily).

Calls or orders can be blocked for one or more of the following reasons:

  • The credit limit of the invoice-to business partner has been exceeded.
  • The credit review period has been exceeded.
  • The invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices.
  • The status of invoice-to business partner is doubtful.

BP identification

A serial number, specified and used by the item's owner as an alternative to the item's manufactured serial number.

budgeted costs

The estimated cost that will be incurred while servicing items. The amount is expressed in the home currency.

budgeted discount

The sum of the discounts that are associated with the indicated service type or cost type.

The amount is expressed in the currency chosen in the contract header.

budgeted sales

The expected sales amount from providing services under this contract.

The amount is:

  • Expressed in the currency that is chosen in the contract header.
  • Determined by information provided by the Service Planning & Concepts module.

business object

A business related object, such as a purchase order or an organizational unit. A business object has information stored in the business object attributes, such as the purchase order number or the organizational unit name. A business object also contains a set of actions, known as business object methods, that can manipulate the business object attributes, such as Create Purchase Order and List Organizational Units.

From a development perspective, a business object is a collection of tables, and functions that manipulate these tables, implemented simultaneously during the development phase. A business object is identified by the combination of a package code, module code, and business object code.

Business Object Document (BOD)

An XML message used to exchange data between enterprises or enterprise applications. The BOD is composed of a noun, which identifies the message content, and a verb, which identifies the action to be taken with the document. The unique combination of the Noun and the Verb forms the name of the BOD. For example, noun ReceiveDelivery combined with verb Sync results in BOD SyncReceiveDelivery.

business partner

A party with whom you carry out business transactions, for example, a customer or a supplier. You can also define departments within your organization that act as customers or suppliers to your own department as business partners.

The business partner definition includes:

  • The organization's name and main address.
  • The language and currency used.
  • Taxation and legal identification data.

You address the business partner in the person of the business partner's contact. The business partner's status determines if you can carry out transactions. The transactions type (sales orders, invoices, payments, shipments) is defined by the business partner's role.

business partner's contact

The employee or department of the business partner that is used as the contact to your own company or department in case of problems or questions.

business partner priority factor

The business partner priority divided by 100.

business partner role

Indicates the relationship between your organization and the business partner. The role defines the types of transactions you can carry out with the business partner. The business partners with different roles are linked by a common parent business-partner.

Examples of business-partner roles:

  • Sold-to business partner
  • Pay-by business partner

buy-from business partner

The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.



A set of definitions, that are used to build a list of calendar working hours. A calendar is identified by a calendar code and availability type combination.


A question, complaint, or malfunction that is communicated to the party responsible for the service or maintenance of the item concerned.

call group

A category used to group calls for selection purposes.

call-out charge

The fee that the sold-to business partner (customer) must pay when a service engineer visits the installation group's location to carry out service or maintenance.

call-out charge

The combination of the mileage costs and the engineer's costs. If a callout charge is defined, it is used in place of these separate costs, and the travel sales amount is made equal to it.

call priority

Depending on the assessment of the malfunction consequence, a support employee assigns a particular priority to the call.


An organization that provides transport services. To use a carrier for load building, freight order clustering, transport cost calculation, and invoicing, you must define the carrier both as a carrier and a buy-from business partner in Common.

forwarding agent

Logistics Service Provider (LSP)

Third Party Logistics (3PL)

Packaging Service Provider (PSP)


An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.

forwarding agent

Logistics Service Provider (LSP)

Third Party Logistics (3PL)

Packaging Service Provider (PSP)

carrier binding

An option in Freight that prevents the load building engine from overwriting the carrier selected by the user for a given freight order line.

ceiling amount

The agreed limit up to which the costs are covered by the contract, quote, order, or warranty.

Change Request

Change request initiates the change process. Change requests are recorded from a variety of request sources, such as demands in the marketplace, product reviews, and customer response for making product innovations and upgrades. Information stored in each change request form enables you to track various changes as requested by various sources.


Lists the points to which the service engineer must pay attention during the execution of a service activity. Checklists are used to group specific checks so that more than one check can be defined for a reference activity. According to the answers expected from the check, space is provided when printing the document related to the service order.

checks by checklist

A number of specific checks which you define for a checklist. You can link the checklist to a reference activity, so when a service engineer executes the service activity they must carry out and fill in the checks listed on the checklist.


A working environment in which you can carry out logistic or financial transactions. All the transaction data is stored in the company's database.

Depending on the type of data that the company controls, the company is:

  • A logistic company.
  • A financial company.
  • A logistic and a financial company.

In a multicompany structure, some of the database tables can be unique for the company and the company can share other database tables with other companies.

condition-based maintenance

Preventive maintenance that takes place if a required measurement does not meet the specified norm value.



The identification of a set of serialized items on which service and maintenance activities can be carried out.


An installation group of items that share the same location or customer.

For example, a configuration could consist of all items that are controlled for a specific customer, or all items that are in the same location.

Grouping items into a configuration enables you to maintain them collectively.

conformance reporting

Indicates that an item requires a conformance document check at source inspection, which must be executed before shipment of an item. The purpose of conformance reporting is to deliver the related documents to the customer.


The person with whom you discuss business transactions. For example, you address questions, quotations, and follow-up calls, direct mail, and promotional gifts to the contact. The contact's data include the name, telephone number, e-mail address, and other details.


An agreement with the business partner that defines the terms and conditions like deliverables, billing plan, payment terms and so on. A contract can be linked to one or more projects.

contract coverage

The method indicating how the service order costs are covered by the contract.

contract discount scheme

If services or terms of a warranty overlap with the services of a contract agreement for an item, a discount or reduction in terms on the contract price can be offered. The discount scheme defines the contract's discount percentage during the period when the warranty is valid for the item. This enables you to include an initial warranty period during which no invoices are sent to the customer. You can also use a discount scheme independently from a warranty, for example, if you agree on a once-only discount with the customer.

contract duration

The period of time over which the contract runs. The contract duration is defined by a numeric value in combination with a period unit, for example 2 Month.

contract history

The information stored for a particular contract.

contract installment

Period over which the contract revenues (installment amounts) and the forecast contract costs are distributed. Contract installments are defined by year and contract.

contract quote

A quote to a business partner for the provision of a service contract.

contract-quote documents

The documents that are printed in the Print Contract Quote Documents (tsctm2400m000) session.

Two types can be printed:

  • External documents
  • Internal documents

External document

This type of document is used to print the actual documents that must be sent to the business partner. The status of the quote is changed to Printed, at which point the details become fixed and changes to the quote terms are prevented.

Internal document

This type of document is used to print a copy for internal use of the actual document that must be sent to the business partner. The status of the quote is unchanged.


  • The quote can receive separate financial approval before printing the final documents.
  • The quote details can still be amended after review.

contract quote header

The contract quote header contains all the data that is entered in Contract Quotes (tsctm2100m000) session.

contract renewal

Changes to service contracts that are the result of a new duration period.

contract sequence number

The number used to identify the cost term of the coverage term. The default step size is 10.

contract template

A standard set of contract terms and conditions. A template can be used as a basis for contract quotes and service contracts.

contract type

A way of categorizing contracts based on similarities and shared characteristics.

Each contract type is identified by an alphanumeric code of up to three characters.

conversion factor

The multiplication factor used to convert an alternative unit to the base unit. The conversion factor is calculated as follows: (alternative unit/base unit)

cost component

A cost component is a user-defined category for the classification of costs.

Cost components have the following functions:

  • To break down an item's standard cost, sales price, or valuation price.
  • To create a comparison between the estimated production order costs and the actual production order costs.
  • To calculate production variances.
  • To view the distribution of your costs over the various cost components in the Cost Accounting module.

Cost components can be of the following cost types:

  • Operation Costs
  • Material Costs
  • Surcharge
  • General Costs
  • Not Applicable
Note: If you use Assembly Control (ASC), you cannot use cost components of the General Costs type.

cost-covering method

A method that determines how the costs of the service order are covered by the service contract.

The following cost-covering methods are available:

  • Ceiling
  • Coverage Percentage
  • Ceiling on Coverage Percentage
  • Exclusion
  • Own Risk

cost currency

The monetary unit in which the standard cost is expressed.

cost item

An administrative item that is used to post extra costs to an order. Extra costs are, for example, accounting expenses, clearance charges, design costs, and freight expenses.

Cost items are not used for production and cannot be held in inventory. They are also referred to as expense items.

cost lines

An estimated or actual cost line that represents the costs for materials, labor, or other that is required to carry out an activity.

cost rate

The price, budgeted or actual, per reference unit. For example, the price of a machine per hour.

cost terms

A detailed specification of a coverage term.

cost type

Categories that are used to register the type of costs. Cost types enable you to have a more detailed view of the source of costs.

counter measurement type

Measurement based on a counter that can be decreasing or increasing.


Mileage and Machine hours

counter on meter

The last known value on the meter. This is applicable for counter based measurement types. This must be a separate counter, because a meter can be replaced and there can be a difference between meter value on the meter and the counter value.

counter reading

The reading on a configuration's or serialized item's counter.

counter reading group

A group of counter readings. The counter reading group is used to default the counter reading information for a serialized item. This group can be linked to a service item or service item default and when a serialized item is created, the counter readings are copied from the counter reading group.

counter readings

A combination of a measurement type and position that is linked to a serialized item and holds information such as counter value.

counter value

The summarized value of all measurements performed for a numeric measurement or the last known measurement of an alphanumeric measurement.

counter value

Preventive maintenance takes place at a constant interval. This interval is expressed in a usage-related unit, for example, operating hours, kilometers. The actual moment of maintenance is when the norm value of the counter is reached.


A car that must be serviced every 20,000 km.


Countries are the national states where your suppliers and customers are located. For each country you can define the country code, international dialing, telex, and fax codes.

Countries are part of the data that you must set up for tax reporting. In addition, items can be grouped and selected according to their country of origin.

coverage lines

Lines that store the information on the costs incurred, amounts to be invoiced, and the amounts covered by the applicable contract and/or warranty. Most coverage lines are added through the maintenance sales order process, but can also be manually entered.

coverage-term number

For a service type / term type combination, this is a unique sequence number.

Default value of step size: 10

Note: The default value can be changed if required.

coverage terms

A coverage term stores agreements on the duration, the cost covering method and the costs of these agreements. This can be created for (a combination of) a service contract (quote), installation group, coverage type, term type, or sequence number.

The cost amounts and sales amounts of the term are also stored.

The defined coverage terms are valid for the entire duration of the service contract. It is also possible to phase these terms, depending on time or on the value of the main counter of a counter model.

The coverage terms can be further specified in the so-called cost terms.

coverage type

A financial classification that indicates to what extent work is covered under warranty or contract, and what part of the activities can be charged.

covered calls

The number of calls that are covered by the contract or warranty.

covered call units

The number of call units that are covered by the contract or warranty.

covered quantity

The quantity of an item covered by the contract.

covered time

The time that the contract covers.

covered visits

The number of visits covered by the contract or warranty.


Acronym of Computer Telephony Integration. Combining data with voice systems in order to enhance telephone services. For example, automatic number identification (ANI) allows a caller's records to be retrieved from the database while the call is routed to the appropriate party. Automatic telephone dialing from an address list is an outbound example.


A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices

currency exchange rate

The factor by which an amount in a different currency is multiplied to calculate the amount in the currency base.

currency rate

customized item

An item produced on a customer specification for a specific project. A customized item can have a customized BOM and/or a customized routing and is normally not available as a standard item. A customized item can, however, be derived from a standard item or a generic item.

default item data

Item data that is the same for a range of items.

deferred call

Either of the following: A non-blocked call with status Registered for which the current time is past the registration time plus time fence specified in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session; A non-blocked call with status Assigned for which the current time is past the assigned time plus time fence specified in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.

Note: Deferred calls use a 24 hours calendar.

deferred emergency service order

A released emergency service order that has not been attended by a service engineer within the order escalation time as defined in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.

delivery terms

The agreements with the business partner, concerning the way the goods are delivered. Relevant information is printed on various order documents.

delivery type

Indicates how the material that is required to carry out the activities, must be delivered, or what will happen to the defective item.

demand peg

A relationship between a planned order, or an actual supply order, and an item requirement that represents a definite commitment.

You can only use the demand pegged supply for the pegged requirement, unless either of these conditions applies:

  • The peg is deleted.
  • Parameters allow issuing unallocated inventory or inventory of a different specification for a demand-pegged outbound order.
  • Pegged supply

    The pegged supply can be a purchase order, a planned purchase order, a production order, a planned production order, a warehousing order with transaction type transfer, or a planned distribution order.
  • Pegged requirement

    The pegged requirement can be, among other things, a sales order line or a required component for a production order.

Related term: soft peg


A company's organizational unit that carries out a specific set of tasks, for example, a sales office or a purchase office. Departments are assigned number groups for the orders they issue. The department's enterprise unit determines the financial company to which the financial transactions that the department generates are posted.

dependent norm value

The dependent norm value determines the moment when maintenance is required for an item in a configuration.

  • In case of predicted inspections (PI): If the measured value does not meet the norm value, a maintenance activity is required. You can immediately plan a service order that carries out the required maintenance, or a follow-up activity.
  • In case of counter value (CV): The maintenance must be carried out when the norm value is reached.

Example (CV): If a car must be inspected every 20,000 km, the first norm value is 20,000 km, the second 40,000 km, and so on.

dependent variable

A unit of measurement, which together with a norm value (and start value) determines when maintenance activities must be carried out.

depot repair

Repair that is carried out in a repair shop.

diagnostic tree

An information structure that matches questions about a customer's problem, to a list of related answers. To each related answer you can link an expected problem, an expected solution, or a follow-up question.

The use of a diagnostic tree enables:

  • Fast call resolution.
  • Reuse of existing knowledge.
  • Accurate management information, which you can feed back into planning decisions.

direct delivery

The process in which a seller orders goods from a buy-from business partner, who must also deliver the goods directly to the sold-to business partner. By means of a purchase order that is linked to a sales order or a service order, the buy-from business partner delivers the goods directly to the sold-to business partner. The goods are not delivered from your own warehouse, so Warehousing is not involved.

In a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) setup, a direct delivery is achieved by creating a purchase order for the customer warehouse.

A seller can decide for a direct delivery because:

  • There is a shortage of available stock.
  • The ordered quantity cannot be delivered in time.
  • The ordered quantity cannot be transported by your company.
  • Costs and time are saved.


In Electronic Commerce, a means to record late payment surcharges and reductions and their associated descriptions. The discount is represented by a code.

discount amount

The discount given to a business partner, calculated by unit and expressed as a value. For instance, 3 euro.

discount code

A method to indicate the reason a discount is granted. For example, you can grant a discount because the customer orders large quantities. If you grant a discount or if you add a surcharge to a sales invoice, you can enter a discount code to indicate the reason.

Surcharges and discounts can be the result of the following:

  • Standard discounts
  • Surcharges
  • Payable commissions
  • Payable rebates

discount percentage

The percentage that you can subtract from the gross sales price or purchase price.

distance zones

With the help of distance zones users can specify traveling costs. A distance zone can be divided in several zone classes.


The identification of a transaction.

The document code is a combination of:

  • Transaction-type code
  • Series number
  • Sequence number


The time during which an item or product is not available for use by the customer. This value is used in service contracts with an uptime agreement.

downtime ratio

The percentage of an activity's duration that an item will be out of operation when the activity is carried out on the item. The downtime ratio can be used for internal maintenance to determine the work-center capacity. For the percentage of the activity's duration, the capacity of the work center is reduced.

effective date

The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.

effective date

Depending on its context, an effective date can be the first day on which a contract quote is valid, the first day on which a service contract is active, or the first day on which you can use a template for quotes or contracts. The effective date often includes the effective time.

effectivity unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.


The smallest part of an element structure. An element is used to define the (structure of the) work of the project, so that you can carry it out.


A call that requires immediate action and for which a service order is generated to inform the field service engineer.


A person who works at your company who has a specific function such as sales representative, production planner, buyer, or credit analyst.

end date

The last date on which the terms are valid. It is displayed when the contract status changes from Free to Active.

  • If more than one phase exists for this term, the end date of the last phase is displayed.
  • If a warranty is linked to one of the items or configurations in the contract, the date is equal to the start date plus the warranty period.

engineering item

An item in the process of development.

You can define multiple revisions of an engineering item. Typically, the most recent revisions are still in a design or test phase, another revision may have been taken into production, and older revisions are obsolete.

A normal item can only become revision-controlled when it is copied from the Engineering Data Management module.


enterprise unit

A financially independent part of your organization that includes entities such as departments, work centers, warehouses, and projects. The enterprise unit's entities must all belong to the same logistic company, but a logistic company can contain multiple enterprise units. An enterprise unit is linked to a single financial company.

When you carry out logistic transactions between enterprise units, the resulting financial transactions are posted to the financial companies to which each enterprise unit is linked.

escalated call

Depending on the time agreement with the customer, one of the following: A non-blocked and non-waiting call with status Registered or Assigned for which the current time is past the reaction time; A non-blocked and non-waiting call with status Registered or Assigned for which the current time is past the solution start time; A non-blocked and non-waiting call with status Registered, Assigned, In Process, or Transferred for which the current time is past the solution finish time.

exchange rate

The price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency. In other words, the amount which one currency will buy another currency at a particular time.

exchange-rate type

A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).

execution finish time

The time at which the support engineer plans to finish working on the call.

execution start time

The time at which the support engineer plans to start working on the call.

expected problem

The problem as assessed and classified by the support engineer.

expected solution

The solution to the expected problem as determined by the support engineer.

expiry date

The date from which a record or a setting is no longer valid. The expiry date often includes the expiry time.

expiry date

Depending on its context, an expiry date can be: The last day on which a contract quote is valid. The default expiry date for a quote is the quote date + effectivity period of quotes [days], as set in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session; The last day on which a service contract is active. After this date it becomes expired; The last day on which you can use a template for quotes or contracts. Note that the expiry date often includes the expiry time.

expiry date

Depending on its context, the last day on which the contract quote is valid or the last day on which the service contract is active. After this date it is expired.

Extra Intrastat info

Statistical import/export data that is not available as standard information in LN, but which is required on the sales listing or the Intrastat declaration by some of the EU member states.

You can add up to 15 data fields to the Intrastat statistical data by defining them as extra Intrastat information set. You can assign the extra Intrastat information sets to warehouse order lines.

Additional statistical information set

Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis is defined as gathering up-to-date historic data related to confirmed failures and this data is used to understand the previous occurrence of failures.

field change order (FCO)

An order to collect and modify, repair, or replace an item (for example, a product recall). You can apply the order to one or more customers. The order can be created by marketing, sales, or manufacturing.

field change order object lines

A field change order line specifies the serialized item that must be modified by the field change order (FCO), and the sold-to business partner who owns it. If a service order has been created for the FCO, the service order's number is displayed on the FCO line.

financial company

A company that is used for posting financial data in Financials. You can link one or more enterprise units from multiple logistic companies to one financial company.

financial company

Part of an LN database in which you can store all data concerning financial transactions.

financial department

The department that determines the financial company to which the transaction must be posted and which is responsible for the tax declaration in the tax country of the order. The financial company's home country must be the tax country of the order. The financial department is an accounting office of the financial company.

If the financial company of the administrative department has a tax number in the tax country of the order, the financial department is the same department as the administrative department.

financial period

A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).

first free number

The first available number within a series. When you create orders, and so on, this number is offered by default. Series enable you to group orders of the same type by assigning order numbers starting with the same figures.

follow up

The follow-up activity required based on the maintenance trigger. Based on the maintenance trigger following decision can be taken for the notification.

  • Do nothing
  • Create planned activity
  • Create work order
  • Create service order and activity
  • Link to existing work order
  • Link to existing service order

follow-up activity

The activity that must be carried out if the measured value of the inspection-measurement does not meet the norm value.

freight service level

An entity that expresses the duration of transportation, such as: delivery within twelve hours. A freight service level (optional) is used as follows:

  • As a factor that determines the transportation costs of a load.
  • As a factor that determines the freight rate of a freight order.

service level

functional element

A grouping of exchangeable items with identical functions. Functional elements can be used in item breakdowns, physical breakdowns, and reference activities.


When a maintenance activity is defined for a configuration, a functional element can be specified. This way, the activity applies to all items covered by that functional element, and multiple, identical reference activities for similar items are avoided.

GEO code

The code used together with or instead of address information such as the city, state/province, and postal code to identify a taxing jurisdiction.

The tax provider determines the GEO code based upon the address information entered and the county and city selected.

graphical browser framework

A tool that is used to display a hierarchical structure in the form of a tree. Often, this tool also enables you to perform drag-and-drop operations.

Example: To display a breakdown structure.


gross margin

The sales revenue minus all manufacturing costs, both fixed and variable.

gross margin

The difference between the sales amount and the standard costs against standard costs.

How the gross margin is calculated depends on the setting of the Margin Base field in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.


header data

The general information of a service contract, a service contract quote, a service order or a service order quote. The header data can consist of descriptive, business partner, financial, invoice, and duration data.

home currency

One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

  • The local currency
  • Two reporting currencies

incidental changes

A type of service contract change that results from adding or removing items, or from adding, removing, or changing coverage terms and/or cost terms.

independent variable

In the case of counter values (CV) , the measurement type's independent variable of a will be of type time. In case of predicted inspections (PI), it can also be usage related.


A tire has two variables: the number of kilometers traveled, and the depth of its tread. Each kilometer traveled by the tire decreases its tread depth. In this case, the independent variable is the number of kilometers traveled by the tire, and is usage related. The dependent variable is the tire's tread depth.


To raise or to lower contract prices by means of a user-defined percentage.

Infor ION

An event-driven and XML-based messaging engine. This is the standard message bus. The message bus and its message standards provide the infrastructure for transporting messages to other application modules in a secure way.

Infor Mobile Service

An optional, remote extension to Service, Infor Mobile Service is an off-the-shelf, fully configurable, mobile field service automation application based on the client-agent-server architecture. By means of wireless mobile networks or landline dial-up, the field service engineer, who uses Infor Mobile Service, has access to information resources that are available in Service.

initiating work order

The work order from which the current work order is derived.

inspection report

A report that can be used to register the measured values on an item in case an inspection must be carried out.

inspection templates

A set of measurements that you must carry out on items during an inspection. Inspection templates include the norm values that trigger the reference activities. If an inspection is carried out and the norm value that is defined for the dependent variable is exceeded, one or more reference activities must be performed.


The list of (serialized) items that belong to an installation group.

installation group

A set of serialized items that have the same location and are owned by the same business partner. Grouping serialized items into an installation group enables you to maintain them collectively.

installment template

A template specifying an invoice method, the interval between two installments, the installment variant and the method in which the number of financial periods of an installment should be specified. The template can be used in contract quotes and service contracts.

internal business partner

A business partner that represents an enterprise unit of the same logistic company. The use of internal business partners allows you to model the goods flow between enterprise units and the corresponding financial relations, such as invoicing and pricing agreements. You must define all business partner roles for an internal business partner.

inventory commitment

The reservation of inventory for an order without taking into account the physical storage of the goods within the warehouse. Previously referred to as hard allocation.

inventory on hand

The physical quantity of goods in one or more warehouses (including the inventory on hold).

on-hand inventory

inventory on order

The planned receipts. The inventory has been received and the inbound advice is generated. However, the advice is not yet released. This quantity is included in the economic stock.

on-order inventory

inventory transaction type

A classification that is used to indicate the type of inventory movement.

The following inventory transaction types are available:

  • Issue

    From warehouse to other entity than warehouse.
  • Receipt

    From other entity than warehouse to warehouse.
  • Transfer

    From one warehouse to another.
  • WIP Transfer

    From one costing work center to another.

inventory unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.


A document stating a list of prices of delivered goods and services that must be paid under certain conditions.

invoice date

The date on which the invoice is printed.

invoice-from business partner

The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.

invoice interval

A limit on the amount of time that a customer can be billed from the total amount of time spent solving the call.

  • If the time spent solving a call is less than the minimum time set in the invoicing interval, no invoice is made.
  • If the time spent solving the call is more than the maximum time set in the invoice interval, only the maximum time value in the invoicing interval will be invoiced.

invoice number

The identification of an invoice, which consists of the transaction-type code and the first free number in the series used for invoices for the order type.

invoice-to business partner

The business partner to which you send invoices. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about the customer's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-by business partner.

invoice type

The kind of invoice. Each Operations Management package has its own types of invoices.

invoicing method

This method is only used for contract projects to invoice to Financials.

Capital projects have no invoicing. Sales order projects use Invoicing for invoicing.


The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)


A standard maintenance item.

item breakdown

A standard item's list of constituent components. The item breakdown can be displayed as a multilevel structure or as a single-level structure, and can be used as input for a physical breakdown.

item code

Identification code for an item (product, component, or part). The item code can consist of multiple fields or segments.

item group

A group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.

item identification set

A list of the lot codes and/or serial numbers of an item listed on an object such as a sales order line. The item identification set can be used in invoicing or after-sales service.

item type

A classification of items used to identify if the item is, for example, a generic item, a service item, or an equipment item. Depending on the item's type, certain functions will only apply to that item.

job sheet

In Infor Mobile Service, a list of service order activities that are lined up for the service engineer.


A printed piece of paper or other material that provides information about items, quantities, packaging items, and so on. A label often contains bar codes to enable scanning.

Labels can be attached to (the packaging materials of) items at various stages during the inbound or outbound goods flow.

labor rate

The labor rate code, defined in the Labor Rate Codes (tcppl0190m000) session in People. A sales rate and cost rate can be specified in this labor rate code.

You can assign labor rates on a wider scale to, for example,

  • A service department, for all work done by the service department.
  • An installation group, for all work carried out on the installation group.

In the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session, default labor rate search paths can be set for the following:

  • Estimated sales rate
  • Estimated cost rate
  • Actual sales rate
  • Actual cost rate

labor requirements by planned activity

The tasks and/or service employees that are required to carry out an activity on an item.

labor type

The classification of work performed, and the time of day at which the work is performed (either normal working hours or overtime). Based on the kind of work and the hour type, you can use labor types to specify surcharges so that LN can calculate the actual labor costs in People.


The code for the language in which the description is written.

late payment surcharge

The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over rendered services that the recipient of the invoice must pay if the invoice is not paid within a specified period.

life cycle

The item's economic lifetime.

line number

A number that determines the sequence in which records are displayed in an overview session.

line of business

A group of customers, suppliers, or employees that work in the same business sector.

Lines of business can be used as selection criteria when generating reports or inquiries of statistical and historical data.


A location defines the physical site of an asset. A location consists of up to eight segments, each of which further defines the precise site of an asset.


A physical, recognizable area in a maintenance shop, a service department, or a work center where parts are temporarily stored. Inbound and outbound handling is not registered in LN.


The process of storing every single transaction in a log file.

logistic company

An LN company used for logistic transactions, such as the production and transportation of goods. All the logistic data concerning the transactions is stored in the company's database.

logon code

The identification code for the LN user. This code is used for system security.


A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

lot item

An item that is subject to lot control.

lot selection

A code used to indicate special conditions regarding the delivery of lot items on order lines.

You can determine how lot numbers are assigned by selecting one of the following methods:

  • Any: the selection of lots on delivery is not subject to any special conditions. More than one lot can be used.
  • Same: any lot can be selected for delivery, but the entire delivery must be drawn from the same lo.
  • Specific: only one specific lot can be used

lot selection

The specific conditions that can be established for lot items on order lines.

These conditions are:

  • Any

    The goods to be received or shipped are not subject to specific lot conditions. You can use more than one lot.
  • Same

    You can select any lot for receipt or shipment, but the entire receipt or shipment must have the same lot.
  • Specific

    You can receive or ship only one, specific lot.


In LN, a mechanical object on which operations can be carried out to produce items.

Machines are linked to operation rates. The operation rate and the labor rate together form the basis for the actual costing of production orders.

maintainable quantity

The number of maintainable items/parts which must be repaired on the work order.

maintained quantity

The number of maintained items/parts which went successfully through one or all steps of the work order process.

maintenance notification

A notification that is generated based on a measurement and a related maintenance trigger.

maintenance planning

The list of activities planned for serialized items/installation groups for the purpose of long term preventive maintenance.

maintenance sales order

Orders that are used to plan, carry out, and control the maintenance on customer-owned components, products and the logistic handling of spare parts.

maintenance sales order lines

Lines that store all details of the items that must be maintained, loaned, replaced, delivered, or received.

maintenance trigger

The trigger for maintenance that must be performed for an item. This is linked to a measurement. When maintenance is triggered, a maintenance notification is generated.

maintenance trigger set

The set of maintenance triggers that is used to trigger maintenance notifications during measurements.


A supplier of finished goods. User-definable item grouping data used for sorting and selecting.


A template that specifies the structure of an identification code. A mask is used to generate the identifiers for objects such as serial numbers, handling units, or shifts.

master routing

A set of operations that can be carried out. The reference activities based on which operations are added to a master routing, must have the same characteristics, such as item, functional element, and service department.


All the inspections, tests, cleaning activities, assembly activities, disassembly activities, and repair activities that you can carry out on an engine.


The substance of which an item is composed, such as wood, nylon, copper, and gold.

material requirements by planned activity

The required materials to carry out an activity on a specific item or serialized item. This data can be used for the replenishment orders of new items.

matrix definition

Defines the group of elements (matrix attributes) that a Pricing matrix uses to determine a price, discount, promotion, or freight rate.

Imagine you are a furniture vendor and you decide to maintain your sales prices based on two elements:

  • The specific item you sell.
  • The way to handle payments.

In this case, the matrix type is Sales Price, the matrix definition is Furni (this name is user-definable), and the matrix attributes are Item and Payment Method.

Mean Time Between Failure

The average time interval between failures of a repairable product for a defined unit of measure. For example: operating hours, cycles, kilometers, or miles.


Mean Time To Repair

The average time interval between the moment a failure is registered and the moment that the failure is solved. For example, the failure is registered by means of a call and is solved by means of a service order.



A standard measurement that consists of a measuring quantity and a measuring characteristic. The determination of the value of a certain dependent measuring quantity of an item in a specific situation.

measurement type

A particular measurement that is used to determine the value of an item's variable (measuring quantity) in a specific situation. Example: Tire tread depth.

measurement unit

Units used to express measurements. The unit can be user-defined or selected from the list of units in Common.

measurement unit

Unit of the measurement.


Kilometers, Hours, Millimeters and so on.

measuring quantities

A measuring quantity is a measurable (physical) variable that identifies the units of this variable. For example: pressure in kPa. Measuring quantities can be used to define measurements.


The measurement exhaust temperature interval results in a value of the measuring quantity temperature in Celsius.


Refers to the management of multiple sites within a single (logistic) company.

In a multicompany structure, which includes several companies, multisite applies to each of the logistic companies.

net amount

The gross amount minus discounts. The net value is always stated in the transactional currency.

If multiple discount levels are used, the net amount is calculated from the gross amount minus discounts at previous levels.

nonconsecutive record selection (NCRS)

A method to select nonconsecutive records across multiple screens, after which specific actions can be taken on the marked records.

To select nonconsecutive records, click the first record, and then hold down CTRL and click additional records.


number group

A group of first free number series that you can assign to a specific use.

For example, you can assign a number group to:

  • Business partner codes
  • Purchase contracts
  • Sales orders
  • Production orders
  • Service orders
  • Warehousing orders
  • Freight orders

Within a number group you can define multiple series. Each series is identified by the series code. The series numbers that LN generates consist of the series code followed by the first free number in the series. Series codes of the same number group have the same length.


A step in a master routing. Based on a reference activity, an operation is identified by a unique sequence number.

operational company

The company to which a department, warehouse, or project belongs. In most cases, this is the logistic company in which the department, warehouse, or project was created. Logistic transactions originating from a department, warehouse, or project can only be created in their operational company.

order date

The date on which the order is manually specified or is automatically generated.

order escalation time

The period of time after which a released emergency service order will be treated as a deferred emergency service order. For an emergency service order not yet attended by a service engineer, when the order release date/time plus the order escalation time occurs in the past, that order is treated as a deferred emergency service order. The list of such orders can be viewed using the Deferred Emergency Service Orders (tssoc2502m000) session.

order procedure

Classifies the nature of the service activities that are required. In Service two procedures are predefined: Normal and Emergency.

order series

A group of order numbers or document numbers starting with the same series code. The numbers consist of 9 characters.

Series identify orders with certain characteristics, for example, all sales orders handled by the large accounts department start with LA (LA0000001, LA0000002, LA0000003, and so on).

order types

A classification of sales and/or purchase orders with similar work flows.

Order types determine the character or function of an order and, consequently, of the message. Order types prescribe the chronological order of the sessions (order steps) in the order procedure. The main point is, that you must carry out order steps successively to process a purchase or sales order.

outbound advice

A list generated by LN that advises you the location and lot from which goods must be picked and possibly issued, taking into account factors such as blocked locations and the outbound method.


An ERP user who has created a model item or version, or the ERP user who is responsible for the model or version.


A messaging system, where short messages are sent by dialing a phone number and putting in a message. The message, which is received using a pager or another paging-enabled device, can either be a numeric code or a text message. In Service, paging is used to inform the field service engineer of the service order to be carried out.


Data that influences the way a package or module operates. You define parameters in the Parameters session of a package or module to adapt the parameter to the specific requirements of your organization.

parent/child relation

Generic term to indicate parent and child elements in any multilevel structure. For example, this relationship is used for companies, financial accounts, dimensions, product families, customers, suppliers.

pay-by business partner

The business partner from whom you receive payments. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the customer's bank relation, the type of reminders you send to the business partner, and the frequency of sending reminders.

payment method

The way in which the payment (purchase invoice) or the direct debit (sales invoice) takes place. The payment method defines details such as, the maximum amount, the type of due date, if foreign currencies are allowed, and which details must be printed on the report.

These details are default values that you can change on the order or invoice as necessary.

payment terms

Agreements about the way in which invoices are paid.

The payment terms include:

  • The period within which invoices must be paid.
  • The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period

The payment terms allow you to calculate:

  • The date on which the payment is due
  • The date on which the discount periods expire
  • The discount amount

pay-to business partner

The business partner to whom you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.


A combination of project/budget, element and/or activity, which is used to identify costs, demand, and supply for a project.


Periods divide a year into regular intervals, such as weeks, months, or quarters, that can be used for statistical, hours accounting, planning, and cost controlling purposes.

physical breakdown

A serialized item's composition and structure, defined by the parent-child relationships of its constituent items. The physical breakdown can be displayed in a multilevel structure or a single-level structure.

physical quantity

The dimension of the unit. For example, the dimension of kilometer is length, and the dimension of liter is volume.

planned activities

The fixed moments on which preventive maintenance, by means of planned activities, must be carried out on serialized items/installation groups. Service maintenance planning shows the demand of service activities in the long term and can be used as input for the service order procedure.

planned invoice dates

The date on which you intend to print an invoice and send it to the business partner.

point of title passage

The point at which the legal ownership changes. At this point, the risk passes from the seller to the buyer.


The point where the measurement is performed.


Measuring profile of a tire, specify Left Front/ Right Front and so on.

preferred engineer

Service engineer selected to perform the activities.

preferred service employee

A service engineer who is qualified to maintain a specific installation group and/or serialized item. This makes sure that the installation group and/or serialized item is always (if possible) maintained by the same service engineer.

preventive maintenance scenario

The scenario that can be used to generate planned activities. Preventive maintenance scenario can be of the following type:

  • time based scenario - Example maintenance scenario occurs 12 times a year.
  • counter based scenario - Example after 10000 km execute maintenance.
  • condition based scenario - Example after profile of tire is below 3 mm.

price book

An entity in which you can store price information that is valid for a given period of time.

A price book includes the following elements:

  • A price book header, which contains the code, type, and use of the price book.
  • One or more price book lines, which contain the items.

A quantity or value break discount schedule can be linked to a price book.

price list

List of default prices and discounts for customers and suppliers. You can link price lists to items and item groups, and to sold-to and buy-from business partners.

pricing method

The method indicating how the contract price is determined.

The following pricing methods are available:

  • Sales Value of Configuration
  • Budgeted Service Costs
  • Installation/Item Pricing

priority factor

The priority factor is calculated from any priorities assigned to the call.

Note: The item priority is either the serialized item priority or the priority of the installation group to which the item belongs.


A source or symptom of malfunction or disturbance.

problem priority

An indicator that designates the urgency of the problem.

product life cycle

The item's lifetime.

After exceeding the lifetime, the item

  • Must be scrapped and replaced by a new item.
  • Can be sent for waste recycling.


An endeavour with a special objective to be met within the prescribed time and money limitations and that has been assigned for definition or execution.


A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed for a particular customer order. A project is initiated to plan and coordinate the production of the to be manufactured items.

For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. A project can also include these:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and routings)
  • Project planning (activity planning)


An endeavor with a specific objective to be met within the prescribed time and financial limitation, and that has been assigned for definition or execution.

project-breakdown structure

A charge (element) breakdown structure or an element structure that is defined in Project.

purchase invoice

Purchased goods that are received, inspected (if required), and posted to inventory are placed on a purchase invoice. You must pay the buy-from business partner for the quantity on the invoice.

The buy-from business partner, order, item data, prices, and discounts are printed on the invoice. You can compare the data on the invoice to the invoice you receive from the buy-from business partner.

purchase order

An agreement that indicates which items are delivered by a buy-from business partner according to certain terms and conditions.

A purchase order contains:

  • A header with general order data, buy-from business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms
  • One or more order lines with more detailed information about the actual items to be delivered

purchase order lines

The lines on purchase orders that record detailed information about, for example:

  • The ordered items
  • The price agreements
  • The delivery dates
  • Shipping
  • Invoicing

You can have one or more lines on a purchase order.

purchase order type

The order type determines which sessions are part of the order procedure and how and in which sequence this procedure is executed.

purchase schedule

A timetable of planned supply of materials. Purchase schedules support long-term purchasing with frequent deliveries and are usually backed by a purchase contract. All requirements for the same item, buy-from business partner, ship-from business partner, purchase office, and warehouse are stored in one schedule.


A question that a support engineer can ask a customer who calls the call center.

queue time

The amount of time that an order remains at a work center before setup, or work is performed.


A written proposal that offers goods or services for a certain price and terms of sale to a prospective purchaser upon request.


A charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale, for example, the currency rate of the transaction.

rate determiner

The method to decide which date is used to determine the exchange rates.

During the composing process, all amounts in foreign currencies are converted to the home currency, based on the determined exchange rate.

rate factor

The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.

reaction time

The time by which the call center must react to a customer's call.


A user-defined standardized description of the reason for a particular decision or choice. A reason's type determines for which purpose you can use that reason.

To include additional information about an action, you can select and enter a reason from a list. LN can also print the reason in the relevant report.

reference A

The reference by which the sold-to business partner identifies the purchase order. This reference is printed on the service contract or quote.

reference activity

The smallest unit of work that is required to carry out maintenance.

reference activity

A group activity or a single activity (directive) that is planned for a serialized item or installation group.

reference activity group

A group of reference activities with similar characteristics. For example, the Cleaning reference activity group or the Inspection reference activity group.

reference B

The reference by which the subcontractor identifies the subcontract agreement.

reference currency

The currency in which balances of entities shared by all the companies of a financial company group are expressed. For example, LN uses the reference currency for business partner balances.

  • The reference currency is the common base currency of the companies in a multicompany structure.
  • For currency systems other than the standard currency system, the reference currency is a company's base currency for all calculations with currencies.

reference designator

Indicates the location to insert a component on an item, for example, where to mount an electronic component on a Printed Circuit Board. Reference designators are often used in electronics, and can originate from a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) station.

reference item

The item for which the specifications are same as an existing customized item or a standard item which is not produced currently.The reference item is the base item which is referred to when you create a customized item.


The renovation of a tool after a number of usages.

related answer

An answer in the diagnostic tree that is related to another question, which is relevant to the current problem.

renewal with indexation

If the contract change type is Renewal with Indexation, contract is renewed and indexed simultaneously. Indexation is applied to all configuration lines irrespective of the pricing method.

rental item

The code of the rental item.

rental template

The code and description of the rental template.


To make a component serviceable again.

repair report

A report that informs the business partner about the findings of the service orders, in case repairs have been carried out on specific items. A template of the letter can be defined in the SOC parameters. For each activity an appendix (standard layout) will be printed. This appendix is printed in the language of the business partner.

Repair Warranty

The service provider's guarantee that the product is repaired free of charge, if the repair done earlier on the product is not satisfactory or not proper.

reported problem

The problem initially reported by the business partner.

reported time

The date and time when a call was received and registered.

required activity

The action required, as determined by the service/support engineer, to solve the call.

requirement lines

The lines that specify the resources required to carry out an activity. Requirement lines can comprise material, tool, and other requirements.


The material, labor and other requirements can be defined for a reference/planned activity.

resource requirement

The resource that is required for a reference activity. You can specify resource requirements by using one of the following resource types: Material, Labor, Tool, Subcontracting, or Other.

response time

A response time defines, from the time a call is registered, the period of time within which: The service provider must react to the call; A solution to the call's problem must be started; A solution to the call's problem must be finished.

return reason

The reason why the delivered goods are rejected and returned.


A version or revised version of an engineering item (E-item) or a revision-controlled item, that is, an item linked to an E-item. Several revisions of an E-item can exist.


E-item: Mountain bike E-MB01

Revision Description Status
A1 Draft drawing of bike Not released
A2 Drawing of bike Not released
A3 Parent E-item of bike MB01 Released
A4 Obsolete bike Canceled


The revision-controlled items are items in continuous development. To identify the item's version, add a revision number to the item code.

If a revision-controlled item is selected, the current version is used. The obsolete versions are no longer manufactured and prototypes are not sold yet.


Line of travel from your warehouses to the ship-to or ship-from business partner's warehouse and vice versa. Use routes to group business partners that are located in the same area or along one convenient route.

You can arrange addresses by routes to print picking lists and shipping notes sorted by route.

routing option

A subset of master routing. A predefined set of operations that can be carried out. Each operation is identified by a unique sequence number.

sales currency

The monetary unit in which the sales price is expressed.

sales office

A department that is identified in the company business model to manage the business partner's sales relations. The sales office is used to identify the locations that are responsible for the organization's sales activities.

sales order

An agreement that is used to sell items or services to a business partner according to certain terms and conditions. A sales order consists of a header and one or more order lines.

The general order data such as business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms are stored in the header. The data about the actual items to be supplied, such as price agreements and delivery dates, is entered on the order lines.

sales price

The price for which an item is sold.

sales price list

The highest level used to record prices and discounts for a group of customers and/or suppliers. The price and discount can be determined by linking a price list code to a sales order.

sales rate

The price or rate of cost objects, elements or activities, at which you sell, that are used for your project.

sales representative

An employee of your company who maintains contact with the sold-to business partner. The employee number of the sales representative is also used as a sorting criterion in the sales statistics.

sales schedule

A timetable of planned supply of materials. Sales schedules support long-term sales with frequent deliveries. All requirements for the same item, sold-to business partner, ship-to business partner, and delivery parameter are stored in the same sales schedule.

sales type

A sales order property that allows you to identify the kind of sale made and the kind of receivable. This property is used to post the sales to the correct Accounts Receivable account when the invoice is created. To post a sales invoice, LN retrieves the control account from the sales type linked to the sales order line, project contract, and so on.

salvation analysis

Activities carried out to determine whether or not it is feasible to repair a component after an initial decision to destroy it. The salvation analysis for configurations that require a high safety level are different than for configurations that only have an economic value.


The components that are outside their original specifications and that are impractical to repair.

search argument

An alternative form of a description used for convenience during searching. A search key is usually an abbreviation, an acronym, or a mnemonic alternative to a full description.

search engine

A program that searches for configurations based on search criteria such as sold-to business partner code/name/address/ZIP code, (service) department, service area, responsible engineer, and so on.

search key

An alternative form of a description used for convenience during searching. Typically, it is an abbreviation, an acronym, or a mnemonic alternative to a full description.


A subdivision of the item code in different logical parts, called segments.

These segments are visible in the sessions as separate fields. Examples of segments are:

  • Project segment
  • Cluster segment
  • Item identification

sequence number

A number that determines the sequence.

A number that determines the sequence in which:

  • records are displayed in an overview session or list box
  • components such as features are shown in the user menu (user dialog).

sequence number

The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number.

serialized item

A physical occurrence of a standard item that is given a unique lifetime serial number. This enables tracking of the individual item throughout its lifetime, for example, through the design, production, testing, installation, and maintenance phases. A serialized item can consist of other serialized components.

Examples of serialized items are cars (Vehicle Identification Number), airplanes (tail numbers), PCs, and other electronic equipment (serial numbers).

serialized item

An item that is uniquely identified by the item code (manufacturer part number) in combination with the serial number.

serialized item group

A group of serialized items with similar features.

serialized-item priority

An indicator that designates the urgency of a problem that occurs to a serialized item.

serial number

The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number, and so on.

Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools.

serial number

A number that, together with the item code or manufacturer part number, uniquely identifies a component, an item, a machine, or an installation.

This serial number is usually shown together with the manufacturer part number and other identification data on an identification plate that is attached to the item.


A group of order numbers or document numbers starting with the same series code.

Series identify orders with certain characteristics. For example, all sales orders handled by the large accounts department start with LA (LA0000001, LA0000002, LA0000003, and so on).

service activity

An activity with tasks and cost lines linked to it. This activity can be also be a linked to a coverage type.

service activity price list

A price list, used to define the contract price or the price of individual service orders. Service costs are calculated on the basis of standard price lists. In a price list, both the standard cost and the sales price can be recorded for an item, a reference activity, a service type, or a combination of these elements.

service area

A specific geographic area that is covered by one or more service engineers (employees). A service area can be linked to a service center.

service BOM

A bill of material with the information about the components of the service (parent) item. The service BOM structure can be compared to a production BOM structure. The so-called parent-child relations make the service BOM structure. The service BOM usually lists the items on which service activities can be carried out.

service car

Means of transport, linked to a service employee, for transportation from and to the customers work location.

service contract

A sales agreement between a service organization and a customer for a specific period, that states the configurations (installation groups or serialized items) to be maintained, the coverage terms, and the agreed price.

service contract change

Following are the types of contract changes:

  • Renewal: The option allows you to extend the contract period beyond its current validity duration.
  • Incidental Changes: The option allows you to implement changes to an existing contract. Changes such as addition/deletion of one or more configuration lines, changes to price and discounts, and so on are categorized as incidental changes.
  • Indexation: The option allows you to change the contract price based on the changes in the value of consumer price index.
  • Renewal with Indexation: The option allows you to perform indexation and renewal at the same time.

service-contract documents

The documents that are printed in the Print Service Contract Documents (tsctm3400m000) session.

Two types can be printed:

  • External documents
  • Internal documents

External document

This type of document is used to print the actual documents that must be sent to the business partner.

Internal document

This type of document is used to print a copy for internal use of the actual document that must be sent to the business partner.


  • The contract can receive separate financial approval before printing the final documents.
  • The contract details can still be amended after review.

service contract header

The service contract header contains all the data that is entered in the Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) session.

service department

The department that is responsible for the execution of a work order.

service department

A department that consists of one or more persons and/or machines with identical capabilities, that can be considered as one unit for the purposes of service and maintenance planning.

service employee

Person(s) working for the service department.

service engineer

A trained technician who carries out the service activities within his/her own organization or on the customer's location.

service item

A standard item that represents services instead of goods.

service item

A product that serves as a repository when you define serialized items and service contract terms.

In Service, the items are specified by the item code. Item codes enable you to the use the LN functionality for purchase and inventory control. For service and maintenance applications, you must separately identify the various states in which items can occur in the process. For example, you must be able to identify defect items and repaired items.

service-item data

Information about the service item.

service item group

Groups of service items with common characteristics that are used in Service.

Service item groups can be used to define the material terms for a group of items. The material terms are used in service-contract templates, service-contract quotes, service contracts, service-order quotes, and warranties.

service kit

A mobile warehouse in which components used during service activities are stored.

service kit type parts

The components that are used during the maintenance of an item.

service-kit types

A classification of similar service kits into groups that can be used to carry out service/maintenance activities on a maintenance item.

In defining a set of available items for a service kit type, it is assumed that all service kits belonging to that service kit type, also contain the same set of items.


The Washing machines service kit type contains all service kits that are required to maintain the washing machines of a certain type.

service office

A department clearly identified within the company business model to manage the services provided to a customer. The service office is used to identify the locations that are responsible for the service activities within the organization.

service order

Orders that are used to plan, carry out, and control all repair and maintenance on configurations as present on customer locations or as present with the company.

service-order activity line

The smallest unit of activity that can be carried out for a service order. Multiple activities can be defined per service order. This can be useful, for example, to combine calls with planned maintenance activities.

service order data

The data defined that is defined in the service-order header, service-order activity line, and the requirement line.

service order document

Used within a service organization, a document that can contain service order sheets, inspection reports, or checklists. Used to inform customers, a document that can contain announcement sheets, appointment sheets, or repair reports.

service order header

The service order header contains all the data that is entered in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.

service-order history

Detailed information about the service orders that are posted to history.

The historical service order data comprises the data that is defined in the:

  • Service-order header
  • Service-order activity line
  • Requirement lines

service-order labor costs

The costs of the labor that is required to carry out the service order.

service-order material costs

The costs of the materials that are required to carry out the service order.

service-order other costs

The costs required to carry out a service order, that cannot be classed as material costs or labor costs.

service-order quote

A service-order quote is a statement of price, terms of sale, and description of services and materials, that can be sent to a prospective business partner. The business partner data, payment terms and delivery terms are listed in the header. The data about the activities and materials are entered on the quote lines.

service order sheet

A sheet that informs the service engineer about the work that must be carried out.

service price

The price of service activities or maintenance activities carried out at regular intervals as part of periodic maintenance of an installation.

service type

The service classification that service providers offer. The service type determines which availability type applies to a service order header, and provides a default order procedure and coverage type.

ship-from business partner

The business partner who ships the ordered goods to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse at which you want to receive the goods and if you want to inspect the goods, the carrier that takes care of the transport, and the related buy-from business partner.

ship-from supplier


The smallest consignment for which Freight plans transportation. A shipment is an identifiable part of a load, and contains a number of goods that are transported to a given destination on a given date/time via a specific route.

ship-to business partner

The business partner to whom you ship the ordered goods. This usually represents a customer's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse from which you send the goods, the carrier who carries out the transport, and the related sold-to business partner.

ship-to customer


A warning message displayed if you enter or select an item to which a signal is linked. Item signals can also be used to block the issue and/or requisition of items.

Business-partner signal

A warning message displayed if you select a business partner to whom a signal is linked.


A business location of an enterprise that can maintain its own logistical data. It includes a collection of warehouses, departments and assembly lines at the same location. Sites are used to model the supply chain in a multisite environment.

These restrictions apply to sites:

  • A site cannot cross countries. The warehouses and departments of the site must be in the same country as the site.
  • A site is linked to one planning cluster. Consequently, all warehouses and work centers of a site must belong to the same planning cluster.
  • A site is linked to one logistic company.

You can link a site to an enterprise unit or an enterprise unit to a site.

If an enterprise unit is linked to a site, the entities of the site belong to the enterprise unit. Conversely, if a site is linked to an enterprise unit, the entities of the enterprise unit belong to the site.


The specific know-how or technical expertise that an employee must have to carry out activities. For example, knowledge of electricity, specific equipment, and so on.

slack time

The time between the earliest start time and the planned start time of an activity, and between the latest finish time and the planned finish time of an activity. Slack time is deliberately introduced by the planner to reduce the risk that a delay in a single activity is passed on to subsequent activities and, as a result, disturbs the overall planning.

sold-to business partner

The business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, who owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project. Usually a customer's purchase department.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner


Codes on calls and service orders that enable you to analyze the orders.

solution finish time

The time by which the support engineer must finish solving the call.

solution start time

The time by which the support engineer must start solving the call.

solution time

The agreed maximum time that can elapse between the registration of a call and the time the problem must be solved.

spent costs

The sum of costs due to service activities that have been financially approved in Service Order Control, expressed in the home currency.


  • Service orders
  • Traveling costs

spent discount

The sum of discounts arising from service activities that have been financially approved in Service Order Control, expressed in the home currency.

spent distance

The current total of the distance covered due to service activities that has been financially approved in Service Order Control.

spent quantity

The current total of the quantity of material used due to service activities that has been financially approved in Service Order Control.

spent sales

The sum of sales amounts due to service activities that have been financially approved in Service Order Control, expressed in the currency chosen in the contract header.


  • Service orders
  • Helpdesk calls

spent time

The time spent on service activities that have been financially approved in Service Order Control.

spent visits

The current number of visits made on service activities that have been financially approved in Service Order Control.


Service resource planning (SRP) is the long-term planning phase for service orders that are defined in Service, and planned for the mid-to-long term (months).

standard cost surcharge

The amount charged in addition to the usual cost incurred when manufacturing or purchasing a single item.

start date

The date on which the terms become valid. It is displayed when the contract status changes from Free to Active.

  • If more than one phase exists for this term, the start date of the first phase is displayed.
  • If a warranty is linked to one of the items or configurations in the contract, the date is on or after the date of installation.

subcontract agreement

The agreement between the service organization and the subcontractor.


A third-party service provider. The subcontractor is referred to as buy-from business partner, because he is considered to be a business partner from whom services are bought.

success percentage

An indication of the chance that a quote is accepted.

support engineer

A trained technician responsible for executing helpdesk activities.


The indirect costs of an item, for example, overhead costs, storage costs, handling costs, and machine-maintenance costs. Surcharges can be defined as a percentage or as a fixed amount and can contribute to fixed and variable costs.


A surcharge can be made, if, for example, a special response time is requested. A discount can be given, if, for example, a quantity of a given item is requested as opposed to a single item.

  • If a surcharge is applied to an item or order, it is added to the original costs.
  • If a discount is applied to an item or order, the original costs are lowered.


A specific task. You can use labor codes to control the costs of a labor code or of a group of labor codes.


A specification of the type of work that is carried out by a service employee. You can use tasks to specify the labor required to carry out an activity. A specific labor rate can be linked to a task.

tax classification

An attribute of order headers and order lines that you can use to define tax exceptions for the transaction. LN retrieves the default tax classification from the invoice-from and invoice-to business partners.

For example, you can use the tax classification to indicate:

  • That payments to an invoice-from business partner are subject to withholding tax and social contributions
  • To group business partners who have the same tax aspects for your company, for example, subcontractors, or agents
  • That the tax must be paid in a country other than the sales office or service office's home country

tax code

A code that indentifies the tax rate and which determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts.

tax code

A code that identifies the tax rate and which determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts.

tax country

The country in which the tax must be paid or reported. The tax country can be different from the country where the goods are issued or delivered.

tax country

The country in which the tax must be paid.

tax country

The country in which you must pay/report the value-added tax (VAT). The tax country can be different from the country where services or goods are delivered.


A set of contract, quote or warranty conditions, related to a type of maintenance.

Per coverage type and term type, conditions and price agreements are stored in the coverage terms, which can be further specified in the cost terms.


All conditions related to:

  • Long cyclic maintenance
  • Helpdesk support
  • Field problem solving

term type

Categories used to group costs. Term types enable you to have a more detailed view of the source of costs.

The Contract Management module in Service distinguishes the following term types:

  • Material
  • Labor
  • Tooling
  • Traveling
  • Subcontracting
  • Help Desk
  • Other
  • Uptime
  • All


A reusable resource, manual or mechanical, that is used to perform manufacturing and/or service tasks. When you have finished with the tool, it is returned to inventory to be used for the next requirement. The tool's life is reduced each time you use it. A tool can be identified in LN as a unique combination of tool type and tool serial number.


  • Hand tools

    A saw or power drill.
  • Machine tooling

    A jig, mould, pattern or cutting tools.
  • Instruments

    A durometer or gauge.
  • Equipment

    A shovel.

tool number

A number to identify a tool. The combination of a tool type, for example, hammer, and a tool serial number, for example, 1, is unique, and identifies a tool in LN.

top element

The highest element in the multilevel hierarchy of an element structure. The top element is used in the project definition to link the element structure to the project.

top work order

The very first work order from which the initiating work order of the current work order was derived.

total amount

The sum of the sales amounts of all coverage terms that are associated with the indicated service type or term type.

total costs

The sum of the cost amounts of all coverage terms that are associated with the indicated service type or term type.

Note: The amount is expressed in the home currency.

total distance

The return distance to the location where the configuration is situated, multiplied by the number of visits required.

transaction currency

The currency used in the transaction document.

transaction type

A transaction can be an issue or a receipt.

The following transaction types are available:

  • material requirement
  • planned receipt

transaction type

A user-defined three-position code used to identify documents. The series linked to the transaction type give documents the sequence number.

transfer order

A type of warehousing order that is created to register inventory transactions from an issuing warehouse to a destination warehouse, or between two locations in a warehouse. A transfer order can be created manually or be generated by other packages or modules in LN. A transfer order has transaction type Transfer.

warehouse transfer, warehousing transfer order


The information that is necessary to calculate the trend of numeric measurements.


The physical quantity in which an item or good is managed. For example, a quantity of wood can be expressed as a length by using the unit of one meter, or as a volume by using the unit of one cubic meter.

unit cost

The unit cost of the term expressed in the home currency.

usage class

Usage classes categorize the use of an installation group, configuration, or (serialized) item, based on environmental factors or frequency of use.

You can use usage classes to predict the maintenance required for a installation group, configuration, or (serialized) item, based on the usage.


The usage class of a truck can be national or international. The required maintenance for national use is different than that for international use, for example:

  • Difference in number of kilometers
  • Difference in climate

use-based maintenance

Preventive maintenance that takes place after a certain period of use, independent of the condition of the item at that moment.


user defaults (service)

The default data recorded by the user, which substantially affects the creation of service order and contract quotes, service orders, contracts including quotes, and order lines. The user defaults determine the method of order entry, the default values during order input, the degree of acceptance after order entry, and so on.

visit report template

A template that displays a report of the activities performed and all the cost that are associated with the visit. The engineer generates this report after the completion of the work on the visit.


A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can enter address data and data relating to its type.

warehousing order

An order for handling goods in the warehouse.

A warehouse order can be of the following inventory-transaction types:

  • Receipt
  • Issue
  • Transfer
  • WIP Transfer

Each order has an origin and contains all the information required for warehouse handling. Depending on the item (lot or non-lot) and warehouse (with or without locations), lots and/or locations can be assigned. The order follows a predefined warehousing procedure.

Note: In Manufacturing a warehousing order is often called a warehouse order.

warehouse order


A guarantee that a component is repaired free of charge or at reduced costs if it does not work according to the agreed specifications within a warranty period.

warranty terms

The warranty specifications for an item when the item is sold to the customer. They can include a period or a number of operating hours that the warranty is valid, or the response times on a service call.

work center

The subdepartment of the service department that is responsible for the execution of a work order.

work in process

In Service, the amount of work to do is indicated per service center by means of: The number of calls with the Assigned status; The service orders with the Planned status and Released status.


work order

Orders that are used to plan, carry out, and control all maintenance on items in a maintenance shop or in a repair shop. A work order consists of at least one work order header, and can have a number of activities that must be carried out on a repairable service item.

work order document

A document that can contain the activities, checklists, measurements, material, tools, subcontracting, and other costs.

ZIP code

A number that identifies each postal delivery area.

ZIP codes are used:

  • To sort customer data by address/area.
  • To determine in which taxation jurisdiction the address is located.
  • To calculate the distances between delivery addresses.

ZIP codes are printed on forwarding documents on which no further address data is printed. The ZIP/postal code does not appear in the address lines on order documents.

zone class

A set of configurations of a customer around the home base of a service organization.

Within a zone class, a sales rate (also called call-out charge) can be defined for traveling costs, effective from a specific date. A zone class is specified with an upper distance limit and can be assigned to each configuration.