Maintenance Sales Order - Estimated Coverage Lines (tstdm4100m000)

Use this session to view and modify the estimated cost and sales amounts for the service order cost lines, the maintenance sales order coverage lines and the work order resource lines.

LN creates a record in this session when the following entities are created or modified:

  • A service order cost line.
  • A maintenance activity line.
  • A work order resource line.
  • You cannot create, copy or delete a record in this session.
  • You can modify only the financial data.
  • You cannot modify the data if the status of the related service order, service order activity, part maintenance line or the work order is set to Released or to a status later than Released.
  • Estimated coverage lines are created when you add activities with resource lines to:
    • A work order for which the status of the related part maintenance line is Free.
    • A part maintenance line for which the status is Free.
    After the part maintenance line is released, estimates are not created, even if the work order staus is Free.
  • The manually specified sales prices and discounts are defaulted on the maintenance sales coverage lines that are created during the closure of the work order.

Field Information

Maintenance Sales Order

The code of the maintenance sales order.


The description or name of the code.


The status of the maintenance sales order.

Allowed values

See: Sales order status, Sales order line status

Order Line

The maintenance sales order part line number.

Allowed values

See: Sales order status, Sales order line status

Order Line Status

The status of the maintenance sales order part line.

Work Order

The code of the work order.

Work Order Resource Line Number

The number of the corresponding work order resource line.

Coverage Line

The code of the coverage line.

Part Activity Line

The part activity line number.

Line Origin

The origin of the coverage line.

Allowed values

Part Line

Used to create a coverage line during the creation of a part maintenance line with the Method field set to Fixed Order Price.

Used to create a coverage line with Cost Type field set to Material, during the creation of a part delivery/loan/receipt line.

Additional Line

Used when a coverage line is created manually, when a user added additional cost or revenue information, for example, shipping costs. Cost type will be Other for all lines of line type Additional Line.

Work Order

Used when a coverage line is created due to transfer of costs from the related work order in the Work Control System module. This value cannot be selected during manual entry of a coverage line.

Freight Order

Used when a coverage line is created due to transfer of costs in the Freight module. This value cannot be selected during manual entry of a coverage line.

Part Activity Line

Used to create a coverage line during the creation of a part activity line with the Method field set to Fixed Order Price.

Cost Type

cost type

Allowed values

Help Desk
Quote Invoice

The code of the item. The item can be the material to be delivered or received, the tool to be used or the cost or service item for which the costs are registered.

Note: This field is enabled only if the Cost Type field is set to Other.
Price Matrix

The code of the price matrix definition from which the price is retrieved if the Price Origin set to Price Structure.

Price Matrix Sequence

The sequence in the price matrix definition from which the price is retrieved if the Price Origin set to Price Structure.


If this check box is selected, LN considers this cost line during the calculation of total order value, when total order discounts are applied to orders.

Note: This check box is displayed only if the Use Cumulative and Total Prices and Discounts check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the calculated order discount percentage is applied to the selected line.

Note: This check box is displayed only if the Use Cumulative and Total Prices and Discounts check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Order Discount Amount

The order discount amount calculated based on the Order Discount specified in the Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000) session. This amount is applicable to the material cost line.

  • This field is displayed only if the Materials check box is selected in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the Pricing Method of the related maintenance sales order is set to Time and Material.

The description or name of the code.

Serial Number

The serial number of the item or tool.

Discount Policy

The policy applicable for the discounts.

Allowed values

Apply Discounts Before Coverage
Apply Discounts After Coverage
Multilevel Discounts

If this check box is selected, LN indicates that more than one discount is defined using the Line Discounts option.


The description or name of the code.

VAT Based On

If this check box is selected, VAT calculation is based on goods or services.

Allowed values

VAT Based on Goods

The goods flow is considered to determine the correct VAT values.

VAT Based on Services

The place (location address) where the service is performed, is considered, to determine the correct VAT values.

Tax Classification

The code of the Tax Classification.

Tax Country

The code of the country where the tax is paid.

Business Partner Tax Country

The tax country of the business partner.


If this check box is selected, tax is exempted for the estimated coverage line.

Exemption Certificate

The tax exemption certificate number.

Exemption Reason

The exempt reason code for tax exemption.

Tax Code

The Tax Code used for the tax calculation.


The quote number in case the cost line is generated from a maintenance sales quote.


The revision number of the quote to which the maintenance sales order is linked.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Revisions check box is selected in the Service Quote Parameters (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • This value is defaulted from the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Cost Line

The quote number in case the cost line is generated from a maintenance sales quote cost line.


The alternative for the material cost line.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Alternatives for Quotes check box is selected in the Service Quote Parameters (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • The value is defaulted from the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) session.
  • The field is displayed only for the material Cost Line.

The financial ownership of the Item.

Allowed values

Company Owned

company owned



Customer Owned

customer owned

Return as Issued

When items are returned from the production environment to the warehouse, for example, because fewer items were required than issued for production, the original owner at the time of issue will become the owner again (unless the items are damaged).


The date the ownership is transferred from supplier to customer is still unknown. The change date is determined after the items are picked, and depends on both the warehouse types involved in the goods transfer and the agreement between supplier and customer.

Not Applicable

Your own organization owns the inventory. Ownership behavior refers only to not-owned inventory.

Work Order Activity

The related service order or work order activity line.

Total Sales Amount

The total sales amount.

Note: Sales amounts are expressed in the sales currency defined on the maintenance sales order.
Net Sales Amount

The net invoice amount after discount.

Material Type

The type of the material.

Allowed values

Material Resource
Batch Repair
Outgoing Subassembly
Incoming Subassembly
Not Applicable
Gross Margin Amount

Gross Margin Amount is the ratio of gross profit upon total costs or total sales amount. Gross Margin is calculated before discounts are given to the customer.

Gross Margin Amount = Total Sales Amount - Total Cost
Note: The Gross Margin Amount indicates profitability.
Gross Margin[%]

The Gross Margin Percentage is calculated on the basis of the maintenance sales order parameters Use Margin Control and Margin Base.


When the base is cost of sales:

Gross Margin = (Total Sales Amount - Total Cost
			 Amount/Total Cost Amount) * 100

When the base is sales:

Gross Margin = (Total Sales Amount - Total Cost Amount
			 / Total Sales Amount) * 100
Net Margin Amount

Net Margin Amount is the actual profit/loss that is incurred by a service company. It is calculated after the contract / warranty / goodwill coverage or any discount that is given to the customer.

Net Margin Amount = Invoice Sales Amount - Invoice Cost
Net Margin[%]

The Net Margin Percentage:


When the base is Cost of Sales:

Net Margin % = (Net Invoicable Sales Amount - Net
			 Invoiceable Cost Amount / Net Invoicable Cost Amount) * 100

When the base is sales:

Net Margin % = (Net Invoicable Sales Amount - Net
			 Invoicable Cost Amount / Net Invoicable Sales Amount) * 100

The code of the task for which the labor costs are registered.


The description or name of the code.

Effectivity Unit

The code of the effectivity unit.


The description or name of the code.


The estimated quantity.

Quantity Unit

The unit in which the quantity is expressed.

Price Origin

The origin of the sales price.

Allowed values


The default value for all other situations such as prices from price book, item service data and so on.


If a contract term is found for the material line based on the pricing contract of the service order or activity.


The price origin is set to manual after the price or price unit is changed by the user.

Master Routing

The price origin is set to master routing, if the price is retrieved from the master routing and not from the pricing contract.

Routing Option

The price origin is set to routing option, if the price is retrieved from the routing option and not from the pricing contract.

Reference Activity

The price origin is set to reference activity, if the price is retrieved from the reference activity and not from the pricing contract.

Travel Rate Book

The price origin is set to travel rate book, if the price is retrieved from the travel rate book and not from the pricing contract.

Item Service Data

The price origin is set to Item Service Data, if the price is retrieved from the Item Service Data and not from the pricing contract.

Default Price Book

The price origin is set to Default Price Book, if the price is retrieved from the Default Price Book and not from the pricing contract.

Price Structure

The price origin is set to Price Structure, if the price is retrieved from the Price Structure and not from the pricing contract.

Not Applicable
Sales Price

The estimated sales price for one (price) unit of the cost line.


The currency in which the sales price is expressed.


The unit in which the sales price is expressed.


The additional surcharge levied on the sales.

Unit Cost

The unit cost for the maintenance work.

  • This value is defaulted from the Service Subcontracting Purchase Price field in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session if:
    • The specified item is of the type Subcontracted Service.
    • The Source of Price for Service Subcontracting for the Item is set to Price Book / Contract in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.
  • Else, this value is defaulted based on the reference activity linked to the service order activity.

The currency in which the standard cost is expressed.


The unit in which the standard cost is expressed.


The surcharge applicable for the standard cost.

Coverage Type

The coverage type linked to the service order.


The description or name of the code.

Cost Component

The cost component to which the costs are attributed.


The description or name of the code.

Labor Rate Code

The code of the labor rate.


The description or name of the code.

Labor Type

The labor type which classifies the labor required for the task.


The description or name of the code.

Price Date

The date on which the price, the cost or the coverage amount is determined.

Total Sales Amount

The total sales amount based on the unit cost and quantity.

Total Cost Amount

The total cost amount based on the unit cost and quantity.

Invoice Sales Amount

The invoiceable sales amount of the cost line. This amount is calculated based on the Total Sales Amount, the covered amount and the Goodwill Sales Amount.

Invoice Cost Amount

The invoiceable cost amount of the cost line. This amount is calculated based on the Total Cost Amount, the covered amount and the Goodwill Cost Amount.

Net Sales Amount

The net sales amount payable. This amount is calculated based on the Invoice Sales Amount, the Total Discount Amount and the Discount Policy.

Total Sales Amount

The total sales amount.

Repair Warranty Sales Amount

The sales amount covered by the repair warranty.

Warranty Sales Amount

The sales amount covered by the warranty.

Contract Sales Amount

The sales amount covered by the service contract.

Quote Sales Amount

The sales amount covered by the service-order quote.

Goodwill Sales Amount

The sales amount that is specified as coverage under goodwill. This amount is on and above other coverages.

Repair Warranty Cost Amount

The cost amount covered by the repair warranty.

Warranty Cost Amount

The cost amount covered by the warranty.

Contract Cost Amount

The cost amount covered by the service contract.

Quote Cost Amount

The cost amount covered by the service-order quote.

Goodwill Cost Amount

The cost amount that is specified as coverage under goodwill. This amount is on and above other coverages.

Discount Percentage

The percentage discounted from the value in the cost line's net sales amount.

Discount Amount

The amount that is discounted from the invoice.

Discount Origin

The discount origin.

Allowed values

Price Book Discount Structure

The discount originates from the price book to which a discount schedule is linked.


The discount originates from an external package.


The discount is manually entered.


The discount originates from a contract.

Discount Structure

The discount originates from a Pricing Control (PCG) matrix of the type discount matrix. For more information, refer to Setting up a discount matrix.

Not Applicable
Total Discount Amount

The total amount that is discounted based on the Discount Percentage and the Discount Amount.

Quote Coverage Yes/No

Indicates if the service-order quote coverage is applied to the record.

Contract Coverage Yes/No

Indicates if the contract coverage is applied to the record.

Warranty Coverages Yes/No

Indicates if a warranty is applied to the record.

Repair Warranty Coverage Yes/No

Indicates if a repair warranty is applied to the record.