Rental Agreement (tssoc2610m300)

Use this session to view and maintain the rental agreement.

Note: You can access this session only if the Equipment as a Service check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Field Information

Rental Order
The code of the rental order.
Order Status

The status of the rental order.

Allowed values


When you plan a service order by means of the Service Order Resource Planning (tssoc2260m000) session, the service order status changes from Free to Planned.


Under this status the service engineer carries out the service order. You can change the service order's status to Released when you plan the service order by means of the Service Order Resource Planning (tssoc2260m000) session, or when you choose Release on the appropriate menu in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.


The status of service orders that are successfully carried out. To change a service order's status from Released to Completed, choose Complete on the appropriate menu in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session. The service order is then removed from the planning system.


The status of financially approved service orders. To change a service order's status to Costed (only possible if the status is Released or Completed), choose Cost on the appropriate menu in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.

Note: Before you change the status to Costed, make sure that all the service order's actual cost lines are entered, and financially approved.

You can change a service order's status from Costed to Closed by means of the Close Service Orders (tssoc2201m000) session. Service orders with the status Closed cannot have their data changed.


You can cancel service orders of status Planned, or Released, by means of the Cancel Service Order (tssoc2204m000) session, but only if all the activities linked to the service orders have the status Planned or Released and have no actual costs booked.

Note: If costs are already invoiced (cost line status is Costed or Posted to Finance), you cannot change the status of the service order and its related activities to Canceled.

The status when you first define a service order.

Agreement Line
The rental agreement line number.
Activity Status

The status of the rental order activity.

Allowed values


When you plan a service order by means of the Service Order Resource Planning (tssoc2260m000) session, the service order status changes from Free to Planned.


Under this status the service engineer carries out the service order. You can change the service order's status to Released when you plan the service order by means of the Service Order Resource Planning (tssoc2260m000) session, or when you choose Release on the appropriate menu in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.


The status of service orders that are successfully carried out. To change a service order's status from Released to Completed, choose Complete on the appropriate menu in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session. The service order is then removed from the planning system.


The status of financially approved service orders. To change a service order's status to Costed (only possible if the status is Released or Completed), choose Cost on the appropriate menu in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.

Note: Before you change the status to Costed, make sure that all the service order's actual cost lines are entered, and financially approved.

You can change a service order's status from Costed to Closed by means of the Close Service Orders (tssoc2201m000) session. Service orders with the status Closed cannot have their data changed.


You can cancel service orders of status Planned, or Released, by means of the Cancel Service Order (tssoc2204m000) session, but only if all the activities linked to the service orders have the status Planned or Released and have no actual costs booked.

Note: If costs are already invoiced (cost line status is Costed or Posted to Finance), you cannot change the status of the service order and its related activities to Canceled.

The status when you first define a service order.

The code of the rental.
Installation Group
The code of the installation group. The rental agreement is created for the item linked to this installation group.
Serialized Equipment
The code of the item for which the rental agreement is created.
Serial Number
The serial number of the Serialized Equipment.
Item Superseded
Indicates that the Parent Item and Parent Serial Number are superseded by the New Item and New Serial Number.
Rental Template
The code of rental template.
Number of Units
The number of units of the item, required for the rental agreement.
Service Type
The code of the service type.
Generate Default Assignment
If this check box is selected, the default assignment is generated.
Rental Owner
The owner of the rental equipment.
Service Office
The code of the rental department linked to the rental agreement.
Preferred Engineer
The preferred service employee assigned to operate the rental equipment.
The code of the name.
Service Car
The service car used by the service engineer to reach the rental location.
Acceptance Date
The date by when the rental request can be accepted.
Allocated Engineer
The code of the service engineer to whom the rental order has been assigned.
Service Engineer
The employee who carries out the rental order activity.
Multiple Assigned Engineers
Indicates that more than one service engineer is assigned to this work order activity.
External Hire
External Hire
If this check box is selected, you can specify the details related to external hire.
The code of the buy-from business partner who carries out any supply work required by the rental order activity.
The name of the business partner.
Hire Rate
The rate at which the external hire is defined.
External Hire Currency
The currency in which external hire is expressed.
The unit in which the external hire rate unit is expressed.
External Serial Number
The code of external hire serial number.
Planned Times
Rental Period
The period for which the rental equipment is rented out.
Rental Period Unit

The unit in which the Rental Period is expressed.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
On Hire
The time planned for the activity to start.
Off Hire
The time planned for the activity to end.
Expected Return
The date and time when the item is expected to be returned.
Activity Duration
The time taken to execute the activity.
Time Duration Unit
The unit in which the activity time duration is calculated.
The address code of the location at which materials must be received by the ship-to business partner.
The name of the business partner.
The full address of the business partner.
Pricing Method

The pricing method that the application uses to invoice the rental order.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
Fixed Activity Price
Fixed Order Price
Time and Material
Quote Fixed
Quote Fixed Plus
Price Origin

The origin from which the rental price is retrieved.

Allowed values


The default value for all other situations such as prices from price book, item service data and so on.


If a contract term is found for the material line based on the pricing contract of the service order or activity.


The price origin is set to manual after the price or price unit is changed by the user.

Master Routing

The price origin is set to master routing, if the price is retrieved from the master routing and not from the pricing contract.

Routing Option

The price origin is set to routing option, if the price is retrieved from the routing option and not from the pricing contract.

Reference Activity

The price origin is set to reference activity, if the price is retrieved from the reference activity and not from the pricing contract.

Travel Rate Book

The price origin is set to travel rate book, if the price is retrieved from the travel rate book and not from the pricing contract.

Item Service Data

The price origin is set to Item Service Data, if the price is retrieved from the Item Service Data and not from the pricing contract.

Default Price Book

The price origin is set to Default Price Book, if the price is retrieved from the Default Price Book and not from the pricing contract.

Price Structure

The price origin is set to Price Structure, if the price is retrieved from the Price Structure and not from the pricing contract.

Not Applicable
Fixed Activity Price Ignored
If this check box is selected, the fixed activity price is not considered.
Estimated Fixed Rental Rate
The estimated sales price for the rental order, before the order is Released.
The currency in which the sales price are expressed.
Estimated Order Discount Amount
The order discount amount calculated based on the Order Discount specified in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
Estimated Sales Amount
The estimated sales price for the rental order or the rental order activity.
Fixed Rental Rate
The sales price for the rental order.
Order Discount Amount
The order discount amount calculated based on the Order Discount specified in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
Invoice Amount
The order discount amount calculated based on the Order Discount specified in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
Invoicing By

The method in which invoicing is performed for the selected part maintenance line associated with the rental order.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
Apply Installments
If this check box is selected, installments can be applied for the rental order.
Installment Plan
The type of the installment method linked to the installment plan.
Billing Schedule
The code of the Billing Schedule.
Automatic Billing
If this check box is selected, equipment rent billing is set up for automatic billing
Register Actual Usage Per

The period unit for usage registration.

Allowed values

Configuration Tree
Serial Status

The status of the serialized item after the order is completed.

Allowed values


The serialized item is in the startup stage.


The serialized item of a PBS is superseded by a new item.


The serialized item is active.


The serialized item is in the revision stage.


The serialized item is defective.

Working Condition

The serialized item is in working condition.

To be Recycled

The serialized item is ready to be recycled.


The serialized item is removed.

Not Applicable
Effectivity Unit
The effectivity unit.
Alternate Serial Number
Serial number used as an alternative to the item's manufacturer's one, the business partner's alternative is given in this field.
The code of the project to which the rental order is pegged.
The code of the element linked to the Project.
The code of the activity linked to the Project.
Project Peg Origin

The origin of the project peg.

Allowed values

Top Demand
Costing Break
Not Applicable
Planned Equipment Request
Equipment Rental Request
The order number for the rental equipment request.
Request Line
The line number of the equipment rental request.
Equipment Procurement Order
The order number of the equipment rental request.
Equipment Procurement Line
The purchase order line number linked to the equipment rental request.
The call from which the rental order is originated.
The code of the rental-order quote linked to the rental order activity.
The revision number of the quote linked to the rental order activity.
The quote line linked to the rental order activity.
The alternative quote line linked to the rental order activity.
Ship Materials To

The address type used as the shipping address on the material cost line related to the order.

Allowed values

Ship-to BP Address
Location Address
Owner Address
In-Use-by BP Address
Dealer Address
Subcontractor Address
Not Applicable
Shipping Address
The address of the ship-to business partner.
The full address of the ship-to business partner.
Business Partner
The ship-to business partner who receives the rental order's material requirements.
The code of ship-to business partner's address.
The street where the business partner is located.
House Number
The door number of the business partner.
The city of the where the business partner is located.
The ship-to business partner's contact.
Full Name
The contact's full name.
Location Address
Ship-from Address
The code of the ship-from address.
VAT Based On

If this check box is selected, VAT calculation is based on goods or rentals.

Allowed values

VAT Based on Services
VAT Based on Goods
The description or name of the code.
The checklist is utilized to complete the rental order task.
Search Argument
The rental order activity's search key.
Activity Text
If this check box is selected, indicates the additional information regarding general details about the item has been created.
Activity Group
The reference activity group to which the reference activity belongs.
Coverage Contract
The code of rental contract.
Pricing Contract
The contract linked to the rental order line for which contract price is defined.
Pricing Contract Line
Contract configuration line liked to the rental order line for which contract price is defined.
Pricing Contract Change
The number that identifies the active contract change number at the time of linking.
Contract Ignored
If this check box is selected, there is a valid fixed-price contract for the actual material cost line, and the contract is unlinked or the price is manually overridden.
Serialized Item Warranty
The code of the serialized item warranty linked to the rental order.
Generic Warranty
The generic warranty defined for the serialized item.
Terms Expire On
The date on which the warranty terms expire.
Warranty Type

The type of warranty applicable to the cost lines linked to the rental order activity.

Allowed values

Serialized Item Warranty
Generic Warranty
No Warranty
The code of the warranty applicable to the cost lines of the rental order activity.
Coverage Type
The code of the rental order activity's coverage type.
Coverage Time
The coverage time for the activity used in case of contract, quote or warranty coverages.
Material Availability
Inventory Check Status

The overall inventory status for all the material lines belonging to the activity.

Allowed values


Indicates that one or more material lines has status 'Shortage'.

Supply is late

Indicates that no material lines has status 'Shortage' and one or more material line has status 'Supply is late'


Indicates that all material lines are available.

ATP Inventory Available
Indicates if the inventory for all the material lines belonging to the rental order is available, calculated by the ATP check.
Available Date
The latest ATP Date for all the material lines belonging to the rental order.
Checked On Date
The latest ATP check on date for all the material lines belonging to the order.
Planned Inventory Available
Indicates if the inventory for all the material lines belonging to the order is available, calculated by the Planned inventory check.
Available Date
The latest planned available date for the material line belonging to the order.
Checked On Date
The latest planned check on date for all the material lines belonging to the order.
On Hand Inventory Available
Indicates if the inventory for all the material lines belonging to the order is available, calculated by the On Hand inventory check.
On Hand Inventory Available Date
The latest date and time calculated by the on hand inventory check, when the inventory is available for all the material lines.
Checked On Date
The latest On Hand Check on date for all the material lines belonging to the order.
Material Issue Constraint

The level at which, all the material must be shipped completely.

Allowed values

Order Complete
Activity Complete
Travel Start
The time at which the service engineer departs for the service location to carry out the rental order.
Travel Finish
The date and time planned to complete the travel.
Adjust Dates from Assignments
On Hire
The actual time at which the service engineer starts work on the rental order.
Off Hire
The actual time at which the service engineer ends work on the rental order.
Earliest Start Time
The planned start date for the rental order work.
Latest Finish Time
The time at which the rental order is planned to finish at the latest.
If this check box is selected, an appointment with the sold-to business partner is confirmed.
The method used to fix the currency rates for a rental order's costs when the rates are expressed in a currency other than your company's home currency.
Travel Duration
The amount of time the service engineer requires to travel to the location where the rental order is to be implemented.
Travel Distance
The travel distance of the rental order activity.
Distance Unit
The length unit in which the distance is expressed.
Planned On Hire
The date and time expected to start the rental period.
Calculates the planned start time for the work order activity, based on activity duration, planned finish time, and applicable calendars.
Planned Off Hire
The date and time expected to end the rental period.
Use this option to calculate the planned finish time for the work order activity, based on activity duration, planned start time, and applicable calendars.
Contract Coverage Counter
Measurement Type
The code of the measurement type for which measurement is defined.
The code of the position where the item is located.
Measured On
The date and time when the contract coverage counter is measured.
Activity Trigger
Measurement Type
The code of the measurement type for which measurement is defined.
Measured Value
The value of the actual measurement.
Measured On
The date and time when the measurement is performed.
Expected Value
The expected value based on the trend is defined in the counter reading.
Down Time
Actual Down Time
The actual downtime.
The format at which the time is displayed.
Cancel Reason
The reason why the rental order was cancelled.
Cancel Date
The date on which the rental order was cancelled.
Call Obligations
Latest Solution Start Time
The latest solution start time.
Latest Solution Finish Time
The latest solution finish time.
Coverage Period
The period that determines the coverage period of the support engineer assigned to solve the call's problem.
Call Text
If this check box is selected, indicates the additional information regarding the call details about the item has been created.
Response Type
The code of the response times that determine the time periods within which the call that generated the rental order activity must be solved.
Problem Priority
The priority given to the call's problem, which is used to determine the priority factor.
Customer Priority
The priority assigned to the sold-to business partner, which is used to determine the priority factor.
Serial Item Prio
The serialized item's priority, which is used to determine the priority factor.
Service Kit
The service kit that supplies the necessary materials and/or Service tools needed to carry out the rental order activity, and solve the call that promoted the activity.
Reported Problem
The problem reported by the customer.
Expected Problem
The problem expected by the service engineer.
Actual Problem
The code of the call's problem that rental order activity is supposed to solve.
Expected Solution
The solution to the Expected Problem as determined by the service engineer.
Actual Solution
The code of the solution to the call's problem.
Solution Text
If this check box is selected, indicates the additional information regarding the solution details about the item has been created.
Derived from Routing Options
Rental Template List
The master routing used to determine the fixed order price for the rental order.
Routing Option
The code of the routing option used for the part line.
No. 2
The description of the routing option.
Conformance Reporting
The code of the conformance reporting linked to the item.
Problem Solving Method

The method used to solve the problems related to the item.

Allowed values

Check List
Not Applicable
The image of the rental equipment for which the rental agreement is created.
Additional Information
Additional Information
The additional information related to the rental agreement.