Items - Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000)

Use this session to display the default item data.

Note: If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.

Field Information

Item Type

The item type places the item in a group of items, so that certain Service functions will only apply to that item.

Allowed values

Subcontracted service
Engineering module
Rental Product
  • The Item Type Product can be used only if the Item Type Product field can be set to Active in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The Item Type Purchased and/or Manufactured is used only if the Item Type Product field is set to Inactive in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Item Group

The code of the item group for which the default service item data is specified.


The description or name of the item group for which the default service item data is specified.

Sales Price Group

The code of the sales price group used for pricing. If this value is not specified, LN considers the service price group.

Item Control
Service Office

The default service department responsible for the service/maintenance activities on the item group's items.


The description or name of the code.

Logistic Company

The code of the logistic company.

Note: LN defaults the code of the current company

The description or name of the code.

Repair Site

The code of the site.


The description or name of the code.

Repair Warehouse

The warehouse linked to the site. The specified Item is issued from this warehouse.


The description or name of the code.

Operations Department

The operations department that is responsible to execute the work orders for the specified Item, at the specified Service Office.


The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, the item is repairable.

Configuration Controlled

Indicates if the items in the item group are configuration controlled.

Allowed values


The items are serialized items.


The items are anonymous items.


The material used for service (service order material lines) or maintenance (work order material resources) of an item. These materials do not appear in a physical breakdown or item breakdown. For Example lubricants, oil or tape.

Note: This field cannot be set to Serialized if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Picture Required for Customer Claim

If this check box is selected, a picture must be linked to the customer claim line.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Customer Claims check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Picture Required

If this check box is selected, a picture must be linked to the supplier claim line.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Supplier Claims check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Structure Type

The type of physical breakdown structure defined for the Item Group.

Allowed values


A physical item (such as material) in a configuration.


A large and/or complex installation in a configuration.

  • This field is visible only if the Structure Type Usage check box is selected in the Configuration Management Parameters (tscfg0100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if the Item Type is set to a value other than Subcontracted Service.

The ownership of the service item. By default this value is set to Company Owned.

Allowed values

  • Company Owned
  • Customer Owned
  • This field is displayed only if the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • You can modify this value if:
    • the Delivery Type field (in the Depot Repair group box) is set to:
      • From Warehouse
      • To Warehouse
      • Not Applicable and
    • the Delivery Type field (in the Service Control group box) is set to:
      • From Warehouse
      • From Warehouse in Car
      • From Car
  • This field is set to Not Applicable and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Create Planned Inventory Transactions for Planned Activities

If this check box is selected, new items for the specific Item Type and Item Group have the Create Planned Inventory Transactions check box, selected.

  • This field is displayed only if the Create Planned Inventory Transactions check box is selected in the Service Planning Parameters (tsspc0100m000) session.
  • This field is available only if the Item Type is set to Purchased or Manufactured.
Critical for Activity Release

If this check box is selected, the material line on which the item is used is blocked because of the trade compliance check failure. If the material line fails the compliance check, the related activity or the order cannot be released.


This field is displayed only if the Trade Management check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Critical for Inventory Check

If this check box is selected, the material availability check can be performed for the item.

Note: This check box is cleared and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.

Contract and Warranties

The name or description of the discount scheme of the item group.

Covered by Contract

The item can be covered by contract, covered and used for definition or not covered. The contract coverage is specified.

Note: This field cannot be set to Covered & Used for Definition if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Repair Warranty Duration

The duration of item group's default repair warranty. The duration is expressed in terms of period unit. This field is used by the Maintenance Sales Control module. While registering maintenance sales order lines for repair of items, the repair warranty duration pertaining to that item will be used to determine the applicability of the pricing method repair warranty.

Repair Warranty Duration Unit

The unit used to specify the repair warranty duration.

Item Grouping
Service Item Group

The service-item group to which the item group belongs.


The name of the service-item group to which the item group belongs.

Serialized Item Group

The serialized-item group that the item group belongs to.


The name or description of the serialized-item group that the item group belongs to.


The default subcontractor for items in the item group.

Blanket Agreement

The blanket agreement for the item group.

Service Control
Service Kit Type

The code of the default service kit type for items in the item group.

Note: This field is enabled only if the Item Type is set to a value other than Subcontracted Service.

The name or description of the default service kit type for the item group.

Delivery Type

The item group's default delivery type.

Allowed values

From Service Kit

A service kit is used to solve calls with a minimum set of spare parts, or just as a standard set of basic spare parts that are frequently used. The service kit is replenished on actual usage, and is not assigned in the estimated service-order cost calculation.

From Service Inventory

Bulk materials such as bolts and nuts.

From Dealer's Inventory
By Purchase Order

Parts that are not held on stock, such as expensive parts or non-storable parts, and that must be purchased. A purchase order for these parts is generated when you run global SRP.

By Field Purchase

Parts that must be purchased locally at the location where the activity is carried out.

To Scrap
To Warehouse

Parts that must be returned to the warehouse, for example, insurance parts that are refurbished in an overhaul shop (not applicable to maintenance items).

To Warehouse by Transport

Parts that must be returned to the warehouse, and that must be transported in a special way, for example, transport on a special truck (not applicable to maintenance items).

Supplier Direct Delivery
Supplier Direct Return
Not Applicable
From Warehouse

If the delivery is from a central or regional warehouse, and the warehouse on the material line is specified, the planned deliveries are normally allocated in the warehouse of the item. Use this delivery type if no service cars are defined, or if service cars are not defined as separate warehouses.

From Warehouse in Car

Select this option if parts are transported by a service car and these service cars are defined as separate warehouses. During global SRP, allocations are made in the central warehouse. While Releasing a Service Order, a transfer order is created from the central warehouse to the service car.

From Car

Parts are transported by a service car related to warehouse and transfer warehouse orders are not generated.

The car must be replenished using the normal warehouse procedures such as Time Phased Order Point (TPOP) or Order Controlled/Batch (OCB).

From Warehouse by Transport

Select this option if parts must be separately transported because of their size. While Releasing a Service Order, a transfer order is created from the central warehouse to the warehouse that is defined for the ship-to business partner.

Note: This field is set to Not Applicable and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.

The default measurement of the service items in the item group.


The description or name of the measurement.


The code of the position where item is located.

Life Cycle

The default life cycle of items in the item group.

Life Cycle Unit

The unit used to measure the life cycle.


The description or name of the unit.

Generate Planned Activities

If this check box is selected, planned activities can be generated for the serialized items.

  • This check box is enabled only if the Configuration Controlled field is set to Serialized.
  • By default, this check box is selected.
  • This setting is defaulted in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
Preventive Maintenance Scenario

The default maintenance scenario for the serialized item.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Rule Book for Maintenance Scenarios check box is cleared in the Service Planning Parameters (tsspc0100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if the Generate Planned Activities check box is selected.
  • This value is defaulted in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Use Residual Value

If this check box is selected, LN uses the residual value. This is a value at which the service company prices the item in the inventory.

Depot Repair
Delivery Type

The default delivery type for the items in the item group that must undergo shop maintenance.

Allowed values

From Service Inventory
From Kit
From Warehouse
Via Purchase
To Warehouse
Subcontracting Requirement
Not Applicable
Note: This field is set to Not Applicable and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Process to Service after Delivery

If this check box is selected, the item can be processed to Service using the After Sales Service integration functionality, only after the delivery of the item or service.

  • This field is enabled only if:
    • The Configuration Controlled field is set to Anonymous or Serialized.
    • The Item Type of the selected item is set to Purchased or Manufactured in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • This value is defaulted in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
Action Outgoing Subassembly

The action performed on an outgoing subassembly.

Allowed values

To Location

The subassembly is transferred to the specified location. The subassembly is received from this location for assembly activity.

To Location for Work

The subassembly is transferred to the specified location. A work order is generated to perform additional work on the subassembly.

To Warehouse

The subassembly is transferred to the specified warehouse. The value is defaulted from the Service Offices (tsmdm1100m000) session. However, you can change the value. The subassembly can also remain in the warehouse. The Ownership of the subassembly must be set to Company Owned. The Action Incoming Subassembly field must be set to No Action. To replace the subassembly, a material resource line must be created.

To Department

The subassembly is transferred to the specified department. A new work order must be created for the department to which the subassembly is transferred. The related orders (the initiating work order and the related work order) are maintained in the Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000) session.

To Subcontractor

The subassembly is transferred to the specified subcontractor. When the outgoing subassembly is processed, a subcontracting activity is added to the work order. When this activity is released, a subcontracting purchase order (with the cost item) is generated for the work order.

Note: The subassembly is specified on the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) header.
To Scrap

The subassembly is scrapped. No incoming subassembly is created. You can replace the subassembly with a new part (item) from the warehouse.

To be Decided

The process is stopped until another action for the outgoing subassembly is specified.

Not Applicable
Note: This field is set to Not Applicable and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Sales Data

The code of the currency used to calculate the service price for items in the item group.


The name of the curency used to calculate the service price for items in the item group.

Rental Rate

The default service price of items in the item group.

Last Transaction Date

The date on which the service price of the item is changed.

Sales Quantity Unit

The (code of the) units by which items of the item group are sold.

Sales Price Unit

The unit for which sales prices are given.

Return Deliveries
Return unconsumed Items to Warehouse

If this check box is selected, the material that is not used must be returned to the warehouse.

  • This is the default value for the Return unconsumed Items to Warehouse checkbox for items in the item group.
  • This check box is cleared and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Customer Claims
Claim Method

The Claim Method used to indicate how a claim is paid. The customer can be compensated financially or with Material.

Allowed values

Reimburse Materials

The customer will be reimbursed for material.

Reimburse Costs

The customer will be reimbursed for the total invoice value.

Return Material Required

If this check box is selected, a customer claim for the item can be approved only after the defective part is returned by the customer.

Note: This check box is cleared and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Early Settlement

If this check box is selected, a credit note or delivery line with reimbursed materials is created Immediately without waiting for the defective item to be received. This allows the claim line to be approved and settled in advance without waiting for the claimed part to be received from the customer.

  • This field is applicable only if the customer claim check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
Service Inspection Required

If this check box is selected, a service inspection is required for the current claim line.

Measurement Type

The code of the measurement type used for the service inspection.

Note: LN allows you to select the measurement type from the Measurement Types by Serialized Item Group (tsmdm0171m000) session if measurement types are linked to the serialized item group specified in this session. Else, you can select the measurement types from the Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m000) session.

The code of the position where the item is located.

Supplier Claims
Claim Method

The Claim Method used to indicate how a claim is paid. The supplier can compensate financially or with Material.

Allowed values

Reimburse Materials

The customer will be reimbursed for material.

Reimburse Costs

The customer will be reimbursed for the total invoice value.

Return Material Required

If this check box is selected, a supplier claim for the item can be approved only after the defective part is returned to the supplier.

Note: This check box is cleared and cannot be modified if the Item Type is set to Subcontracted Service.
Serialized Item Warranty Terms

If this check box is selected, warranty coverage is applicable for the serialized item. If this check box is cleared, generic warranty is applicable to the items created for the specific Item Type and Item Group combination.

Note: This field is applicable only for the serialized controlled items.
Warranty Template

The code of the warranty template from which all the related coverage and cost terms are derived.

Note: This field is applicable only if the Serialized Item Warranty Terms check box is selected.

The description or name of the code.

Supplier Warranty

The code of the supplier warranty template.

Generic Warranty

The code of the generic warranty. LN defaults this value for all the service items that are created for the specific Item Type and Item Group combination.

Note: This field is applicable only if the Serialized Item Warranty Terms check box is not selected.

The description or name of the code.

Service Inspection Required

If this check box is selected, a service inspection is required for the current supplier claim line.

Measurement Type

The code of the measurement type used for the service inspection.

Note: LN allows you to select the measurement type from the Measurement Types by Serialized Item Group (tsmdm0171m000) session if measurement types are linked to the serialized item group specified in this session. Else, you can select the measurement types from the Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m000) session.

The code of the position where the item is located.

Conformance Reporting

The code of the conformance reporting linked to the item.


The description or name of the code.

Problem Solving Method

The method used to resolve the problem.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
Check List
Minimal Rental Period
The default minimum period for which the rentable serialized item must be rented.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
Rental Period Unit

The unit in which the Minimal Rental Period is expressed.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
Default Return Address

The default return address for the rental equipment.

Allowed values

Equipment Address

By default, the equipment is returned to the own yard. The location address of the serial is considered.

Next Agreement Address

By default, the equipment is moved from the first agreement location to the location of the next agreement. If the next agreement does not exist, the equipment is returned to the own yard. The location address of the serial is considered.

Other Address

The Change Equipment Actual Location Address (tscfg2265m000) session is displayed wherein you can select the address.

Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
Billing Schedule
The code of the billing schedule.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
Automatic Billing
The default setting for automatic billing.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
The site of the rental delivery warehouse.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
The warehouse from which the equipment is rented out.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
The site of the rental receipt warehouse.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
The warehouse where the rented out equipment is returned.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Equipment as a Service check box as a Service is selected in the Implemented Software component (tscom0100s000) session.

  • The Item type is set to Rental Product in the Item Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session.
Hidden Fields