Service Settings by Site (tsmdm1103m000)

Use this session to define the service settings for a specific site.

Note: You can access this session only if multisite is implemented.

Field Information


The code of the site for which the service settings are defined.


The description or name of the code.

Logistic Company

The code of the logistic company to which the site is linked.


The description or name of the code.

External Site

The code of the external site.

Service Office

The code of the service department.


The description or name of the code.


The code of the warehouse that is used to supply material deliveries for the service department. This acts as the default warehouse to provide the required inventories when the service department executes a service order.

Note: The warehouse that you select from the Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000) session must be of type Service or Normal.

The description or name of the code.

Operations Department

The operations department that is responsible to execute the work orders at the specified site.

Warehouse Incoming Parts

The code of the warehouse for incoming parts.

Location Incoming Parts

The code of the location for incoming parts.

  • The location must be that of a service department, and not associated to a work order.
  • When you zoom to the Locations (tswcs0125m000) session, only locations that belong to a service department and that are not dedicated to a work order are displayed.

The description or name of the code.

Warehouse Outgoing Parts

The code of the warehouse for outgoing parts.

Location Outgoing Parts

The code of the location for outgoing parts.

Repair Warehouse
The code of the repair warehouse. The item is repaired in this warehouse.
Note: This field is displayed only if the Repair Center check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Use Global Service Parameters

If this check box is selected, the parameters set in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session are applied to the service data. If this check box is cleared, you can set the service parameters specific to the service office in this session and these parameters are applied to the mobile service data.

Scope of Inventory Check

The value in this field indicates where the material is available.

Allowed values

All Warehouses in Planning Cluster

Checks if the material is available in the warehouse defined on the Material Line.

Current Warehouse Only

Checks if the material is available in one of the warehouses in the same cluster as the warehouse defined on the Material Line.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the settings are valid.

Last Changed By

The user name of the employee who last modified the master data settings.

Use Global Service Order Parameters

If this check box is selected, the parameters set in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session are applied to the service orders. If this check box is cleared, you can set the service order parameters specific to the site in this session and these parameters are applied to the service orders.

Check Material Availability

If this check box is selected, material availability check can be performed for the service orders.

Update for Planned Orders

The availability of material for the planned orders can be updated.

Allowed values


The work order is not generated automatically when saving a new part maintenance line. The Create Work Order option must be used to generate the work order.


The work order is generated automatically when saving a new part maintenance line and you cannot view the Create Work Order option.


The work order is generated based on the option selected in the message displayed while saving a new part maintenance line.


This field is unavailable if the Check Material Availability check box is cleared.

The Automatic option is not applicable.

This field is available if the Check Material Availability field is specified.

Update for Released Orders

The availability of material for the released orders can be updated.

Allowed values


The work order is not generated automatically when saving a new part maintenance line. The Create Work Order option must be used to generate the work order.


The work order is generated automatically when saving a new part maintenance line and you cannot view the Create Work Order option.


The work order is generated based on the option selected in the message displayed while saving a new part maintenance line.


This field is unavailable if the Check Material Availability check box is cleared.

The Automatic option is not applicable.

This field is available if the Check Material Availability field is specified.

Inventory Commitments Required

If this check box is selected, inventory must be committed to the service order.

The check box must be selected in case some material needs to be delivered from a warehouse, or some tools are required. If this check box is selected, these resources are committed to the service order.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the settings are valid.

Last Changed By

The user name of the employee who last modified the service order settings.

Use Global Maintenance Sales Parameters

If this check box is selected, the parameters set in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session are applied to the service orders. If this check box is cleared, you can set the service order parameters specific to the site in this session and these parameters are applied to the service orders.

Check Material Availability

If this check box is selected, material availability check can be performed for the maintenance sales orders.

Inventory Commitments Required

If this check box is selected, inventory must be committed to the maintenance sales order.

The check box must be selected in case some material needs to be delivered from a warehouse, or some tools are required. If this check box is selected, these resources are committed to the maintenance sales order.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the settings are valid.

Last Changed By

The user name of the employee who last modified the maintenance sales order settings.

Use Global Work Order Parameters

If this check box is selected, the parameters set in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session are applied to the work orders. If this check box is cleared, you can set the work order parameters specific to the site in this session and these parameters are applied to the work orders.

Check Material Availability

If this check box is selected, material availability check can be performed for the work orders.

Commitment Required

If this check box is selected, inventory must be committed to the work order.

The check box must be selected in case some material needs to be delivered from a warehouse, or some tools are required. If this check box is selected, these resources are committed to the work order.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the settings are valid.

Last Changed By

The user name of the employee who last modified the work order settings.

Use Global Claim Parameters

If this check box is selected, the parameters set in the Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000) session are applied to the claims. If this check box is cleared, you can set the claims parameters specific to the site in this session and these parameters are applied to the claims.

ATP Check Enabled

If this check box is selected, material availability check can be performed for the claims.

Inventory Commitments Required for Customer Claims

If this check box is selected, inventory must be committed to the customer claims.

The check box must be selected in case some material needs to be delivered from a warehouse, or some tools are required. If this check box is selected, these resources are committed to the customer claims.

Inventory Commitments required for Supplier Claims

If this check box is selected, inventory must be committed to the supplier claims.

The check box must be selected in case some material needs to be delivered from a warehouse, or some tools are required. If this check box is selected, these resources are committed to the supplier claims.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the settings are valid.

Last Changed By

The user name of the employee who last modified the claim settings.