Billing Schedule (tsmdm0625m000)

Use this session to define the recurring usage periods and billing dates used in the periodic utilization and invoicing of rented-out equipment. Based on the recurrence, the billing lines are created or updated automatically when a billing schedule is newly created or updated.
  • You can update the billing schedule dates by selecting the Update Billing Schedule Dates option from the Actions menu.
  • You can access this session only if the Equipment as a Service check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Field Information

Billing Schedule
The code of the billing schedule.
The description of the billing schedule.
The code of the recurrence.
  • A recurrence must contain a single recurrence type (year/month/week).
  • A billing schedule line is created only if the recurrence contains at least one date.
The description of the recurrence type.
Register Actual Usage Per
The time frame for usage registration.
Note: Quarter option is not accessible.

Allowed values

The duration of the usage registration is a week or a day.
The duration of the usage registration is a month, week, or a day.
The duration of the usage registration is a year, month, week, or day.
The duration of the usage registration is at least a day.
Rental Order
The code of the rental order for which a schedule is dedicated.
  • The status of the Rental Order must be set to Free or Planned in the Rental Order (tssoc2600m300) session.
The code of the project for which a schedule is dedicated.
  • This field is accessible only if the Project (TP) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The projects with project types, Free and Active are only considered.
  • The project can contain multiple schedules.
The description of the project.
Business Partner
The code of the sold-to business partner.
  • The business partner can contain multiple schedules.
  • The status of the business partner must be set to Active in the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) session.
  • The business partner must be external.
The name of the sold-to business partner.
By default, this check box is cleared.