Checklist - Checks (tsmdm0145m000)

Use this session to define and maintain checks by checklists.

Field Information


The code of the checklist for which you list the checks.


The name or description of the checklist.

Check Number

The number given to the check, to distinguish it from the other checks listed in the checklist.


The name or description of the check.

Specific Answer

If this check box is selected, the engineer gives a specific answer when they carry out the check.

Note: You must select either this check box or the Description Answer check box.
Description Answer

If this check box is selected, the engineer gives a descriptive answer when they carry out the check.

Note: You must select either this check box, or the Specific Answer check box.
Text Answer

If this check box is selected, the engineer must give a text answer for the check.

Note: Text answers are optional, and can be selected regardless of there being either a specific answer or a descriptive answer required for the check.
Reference Check Number

The number of a related check, present in this checklist.


If this check box is selected, a descriptive text that relates to the check number has been created.