Quote Lines (tsepp1110m000)

Use this session to create, view, and maintain the following:

  • Serialized item details. The specified serialized items must be serviced/repaired.
  • Activities that must be performed on the item.


A computer needs repair due to hard disk failure. The quote line registers the computer. The quote cost line registers the hard disk which must be repaired.

Note:  LN creates a part maintenance line for each unique item that is registered by the quote line. Example, one part maintenance line is created for two quotes lines that register the same item but with different reference activities.

Field Information


The first free number for quote order.


The description of the quote.


The quote line number. Quote line registers the following:

  • Items for which the repair work must be carried out.
  • Quantity of items.
  • Quote line amount.

The revision number of the quote.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Revisions check box is selected in the Service Quote Parameters (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • This value is defaulted from the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) session.
Line Status

The status of the quote line.

Allowed values


The external Quote document is printed.


The negotiations about the (printed) Quote are in progress with the customer. This status must be set manually.


The proposed Quote is accepted by the customer.


The proposed Quote is rejected by the customer.


The accepted Quote is processed into an actual order.


The quote is canceled by the user who initiated the quote.

Note: You can cancel a quote with the status Free, Printed and Negotiating.

The customer has selected another supplier. This status must be set manually.

Note: You can set this status only for the Quotes that are not generated from another object.

The quote is newly created or re-opened.


Quote is approved internally. You can print and send the quote to the customer.

Installation Group

The cluster to which the item pertains to.


The description of the cluster.

Order Discount Amount

The order discount amount calculated based on the discount percentage specified for the related quote.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Order Discount check box is selected in these sessions:
    • Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000)
    • Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000)
  • This field is enabled only if:
    • The Pricing Method field is set to Time and Material or Fixed Activity Price.
    • The Fixed Activity Price check box is selected in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) and the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session.

The item on which the service must be performed.

Subject to Trade Compliance

If this check box is selected, the trade compliance checks must be performed for the material line associated with the selected quote.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Trade Management check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
Serial Number

The serialized item on which the service/repair must be performed.


The description given to identify the item in case the item code and the serial number are not available.

Set Number

The Set Number of the quote line.

Reference Activity

The reference activity, which must be performed to solve the reported problem.


The Description of the reference activity.

Master Routing

The master routing for the item. When a Maintenance Sales Order is created from this quote, the master routing and routing option data is used.

Note: The master routing is used if the Use Master Routing check box is selected in Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.
Turnaround Time Document

The code of the turnaround time document linked to the quote line.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Turnaround Time check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
    • The Service (TS) check box is selected in the Turnaround Time Parameters (tcttm0100m000) session.
  • A Turnaround Time Document is created for the quote line only if an applicable term is available in the Turnaround Time Terms (tcttm0110m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Turnaround Time Terms

LN selects this check box if a TAT Document is linked to the specified Service Contract. The TAT data of the TAT Document linked to the contract is copied to the TAT Document created for the quote line.

Routing Option

The routing option for the Master Routing.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Use Master Routing check box is selected in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.
    • The Use Routing Options check box is selected in the Activity Management Parameters (tsacm0100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if the Master Routing is specified.
  • LN defaults the routing option linked to the specified Master Routing, for which the Default check box is selected in the Routing Options (tsacm1101m200) session.
  • You can specify a routing option that is linked to the specified Master Routing.
Material Issue Constraint
Indicate if the material for an order or an activity must be shipped completely.

Allowed values

Order Complete
Activity Complete
  • This field is displayed only if the Use Master Routing check box is selected in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if:
      • The Material Issue Constraint check box is selected for the Service Order linked to the quote.
      • The related order is not released, and warehouse orders do not exist for the order.
  • This value is defaulted from:
    • The Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) or Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session based on the quote.
  • You can set this field to Order Complete only if the Material Issue Constraint field for the Quote is set to Order Complete.

The number of items for which the service must be performed.

Quantity Unit

The unit in which the quantity is measured.

Pricing Method

The pricing method for the Line Amount.

Allowed values

Fixed Activity Price
Fixed Order Price
Time and Material
Not Applicable
Line Procedure

The type of maintenance sales order part line that is created when the quote line is processed.


Allowed values:

  • Maintenance

    A part maintenance line is created when the quote line is processed. The amount specified (quoted) is the cost for the repair of the item.

  • Loan

    A part loan line is created when the quote line is processed. The amount specified (quoted) is the cost for lending the item to a customer, for a specific period of time.

  • Delivery

    A part delivery line is created when the quote line is processed. The amount specified (quoted) is the cost of the item (a spare part) that is sold to the customer.

Line Amount

The estimated repair amount for the quote line.

Quote line sales amount is the sum of the sales price of all the cost lines that are linked to the quote line after LN considers the following factors:

  • Discounts.
  • Warranty or Contract.
  • Repair warranty and other obligations, if applicable.

The Currency field is automatically populated for Budget Indicator proposals. You can change the amount.

To calculate the quote line amount in case of Fixed and Fixed Plus proposal, use Calculate and (Re)calculate Sales Amount.


The Quote Line alternative.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Alternatives for Quotes check box is selected in the Service Quote Parameters (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • The value is defaulted from the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) session.
  • The value is zero if the alternatives is not implemented.
Price Origin

The origin of the Line Amount.

Allowed values


The default value for all other situations such as prices from price book, item service data and so on.


If a contract term is found for the material line based on the pricing contract of the service order or activity.


The price origin is set to manual after the price or price unit is changed by the user.

Master Routing

The price origin is set to master routing, if the price is retrieved from the master routing and not from the pricing contract.

Routing Option

The price origin is set to routing option, if the price is retrieved from the routing option and not from the pricing contract.

Reference Activity

The price origin is set to reference activity, if the price is retrieved from the reference activity and not from the pricing contract.

Travel Rate Book

The price origin is set to travel rate book, if the price is retrieved from the travel rate book and not from the pricing contract.

Item Service Data

The price origin is set to Item Service Data, if the price is retrieved from the Item Service Data and not from the pricing contract.

Default Price Book

The price origin is set to Default Price Book, if the price is retrieved from the Default Price Book and not from the pricing contract.

Price Structure

The price origin is set to Price Structure, if the price is retrieved from the Price Structure and not from the pricing contract.

Not Applicable

The currency of the quote line amount.

Service Contract

The code of the active service contract that covers the serialized item.


The code of the active Warranty that covers the serialized item.

Quote Line Text

If Text (additional) is present for the quote line, LN selects the check box.

Related Order

The order number of the related maintenance sales order. When a quote is processed, LN creates a maintenance sales order from the quote data. LN populates the maintenance sales order number in the field.

Related Line number

The line number of the related part maintenance line. When a maintenance sales order is created from quote, LN creates a part maintenance line from the quote line data. LN populates the part maintenance line number in the field.

Related Activity Line Number

The part activity line number related to the Related Line number.

Work Order

The work order number. LN creates a work order for each part maintenance line. LN populates the work order number in the field.

Work Order Activity

The activities that must be performed on the item as part of service/repair.

Tax Code

The tax code applicable for the Quote line.