Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000)

Use this session to maintain the actual claim line details about what is claimed by the customer and what is reimbursed to the customer. In this session actual claimed details for a specific cost type are stored. You can approve or reject each claim line separately. This session allows you to maintain information for material or cost approved for reimbursement. In case claim is rejected, this session allows you to maintain the rejection reason and rejection text .

Integration with Infor LN Quality

LN allows you to link non-conformance report to service objects, using the Link Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can link the report for the service object.

You can use the Unlink Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu to unlink the Non-Conformance report. The Related Orders - Quality Management (tsmdm4500m100) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be unlinked.


These non-conformance report options are visible only if the Non-Conformance Reports check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

You can link a non-conformance report to a claim (line) only if the Item (serialized) and the Business Partner combination of the non-conformance report matches with the Item (serialized) and the Pay Business Partner (specified on the claim header) combination of a claim line.

If the Item (serialized) on the claim (line) is not defined, ERP LN considers the Item (serialized) on the header, to filter the NCRs. Effectively, the claim lines can only be linked to NCRs if the Item (serialized) and Pay Business Partner combination of the claim header matches with that of the NCR.

If the serialized item or the business partner is modified for a claim (line), the NCRs are unlinked.

Note: A claim line cannot be approved or rejected, when open inspection exists.

Field Information


The unique code for customer claim.

Note: The Claim number is defaulted with the series defined in User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000) session and are assigned to the user logging the claim. If no user profile is maintained or no series for claims is set in the user profile, the claim series of the service department set in the user profile is defaulted.


The description or name of the code.


The current status of the claim. LN populates the claim status and you cannot set the status manually. By default, the claim Status is set to Free.

Allowed values

Pending Approval

The customer claim line number.

Workflow Status

The status that is applicable for the claim line that requires authorization using ION Workflow.

When you submit a customer claim line for the approval, a checked-out version is created for the claim line. The claim line is set to Approved,but these changes are effective only after the approval/check-in. LN displays the status of the claim line as Pending Approval in ION Workflow.

When the claim line is approves in the ION Workflow, the claim line is checked-in and the line status is set to Approved.

LN does the following:

  • Creating a billable line and related integrated transactions
  • Handling the delivery line if the material is reimbursed

When the claim line is rejected in the ION Work flow, the claim line is checked-in and the line status is set to Rejected. You cannot submit the rejected claim line again.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • The ION based workflow process does not apply to the approval of the customer claim line estimates.
  • If the Return Material Required check box is selected for the claim line, LN allows you to approve the claim line only after the defective part is returned by the customer.

For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the LN Content Guide for Infor ION guide at Infor Xtreme.

Line Status

The current status of the claim line. LN populates the claim status and you cannot set the status manually. By default, the claim Line Status is set to Free.

Allowed values

Pending Approval Estimates
Pending Material Return
Pending Supplier Approval
Pending Approval
Approved for Invoice Linking
Reviewed By

The login code of the user who reviews the claim line.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Customer Claim Document Approval check box is selected in the Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000)
    • When a Workflow Document Authorization (WFDA) is active in ION for customer claims.
  • The application defaults the login code of the current user and you cannot modify this value.

The description or name of the code.

Review Date

The date and time when the claim line is reviewed.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Customer Claim Document Approval check box is selected in Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000)
    • When a Workflow Document Authorization (WFDA) is active in ION for customer claims.
  • The application defaults the current date and time, and you cannot modify this value.
Cost Type

The cost type of the claim line. By default, this field is set to Material.

Allowed values

Help Desk
Quote Invoice
Note: This field is read only if the Line Status is Pending Approval or more.
Travel Specification Type

The type of travel.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
Travel Time
Travel Total
Callout Charge
Travel Distance
  • This field is enabled only if the Cost Type field is set to Traveling.
  • You can modify this value:
    • Until the claim line status is not set to Approved or a status after Approved.
    • If the claim line is not copied from an existing claim line.
  • You cannot create a travel cost line with this field set to Callout Charge.
Claim Method

The Claim Method used to indicate how a claim is reimbursed. The customer can be compensated financially or with Material.

Allowed values

Reimburse Materials

The customer will be reimbursed for material.

Reimburse Costs

The customer will be reimbursed for the total invoice value.

  • The reimbursement of material is only allowed when Cost Type field is set to Material.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session if Cost Type is set to Material.
Return Material Required

If this check box is selected, LN allows you to approve the claim only after the defective part is returned by the customer.

  • The value in this field is defaulted from Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session if Cost Type is set to Material.
Use Estimates

If this check box is selected, LN allows you to use estimates in the claim process. The estimated claim amount must be approved before approving the actual claim amount.

  • This field is not applicable if the Use Estimates checkbox in the Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000) session is not selected.
  • This field is only applicable if the Claim Method is set to Reimburse Costs.
Customer Claim Approval Transaction

If this check box is selected, LN indicates that the customer claim approval transaction must be created for the customer claim line. By default, this check box is selected.

  • This field is enabled only if the Customer Claims check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is always read-only, if the status of the customer claim is approved.
  • This field is always selected if the customer claim is project pegged.
Generate Supplier Claim

This field indicates whether a supplier claim must be generated or not. Once the supplier claim is generated the value in this field is set to Generated.

Allowed values

To Be Generated
Not Applicable
  • This field is not applicable if the Supplier Claims checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is not selected.
  • After the Supplier Claim is generated this field is disabled.
Print Acknowledgement Required

The field displays whether printing an acknowledgement is part of the procedure. By default, LN set this field to Not Required.

Allowed values

To be Printed
Not Required
Print on Invoice

The print options for the cost line when the invoice amount is zero.

  • When the field is set to No Invoice, Invoice costs are considered as goodwill
  • If the field is set to 'No Invoice' after the line is costed, the available invoice line in Invoicing is deleted.

Allowed values


The cost line is printed on the invoice when the invoice amount is zero.


The cost line is not printed on the invoice when the invoice amount is zero.

No Invoice

Invoice is not created for the cost line when the invoice amount is zero.

Not Applicable
Note: This field is only applicable if the value in the Claim Method field is set to Reimburse Costs and the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Credit Note Based in Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000) session.

The item for which the claim is raised.

  • In case, the item is defined without a serial number, the item must be defined in Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
  • You can select an item of the type, Subcontracted Service if the Cost Type is set to Subcontracting.
  • You can specify an item linked to a PCS project with the status set to Active or Closed in the Projects (tipcs2101m000) session. If you select an item linked to a Closed project, the In-Service check box must selected for the project in the General Projects (tcmcs0552m000) session.
Serial Number

The serial number of the item for which the claim is raised. The item must be defined, service item data must present and item must be configuration controlled as serialized.

Note: The serial number must be present in the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.
Claim Line Description

The description or name of the code.


The code of the task.

  • This field is only applicable when the Cost Type is set to Labor.
  • This field is defaulted from the Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Labor Rate Code

The code that identifies the labor rate.

  • This field is only applicable when the Cost Type is set to Labor.
  • This field is defaulted from the Labor Rate Codes (tcppl0190m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Cost Component

The code of the cost component. A cost component is a user-defined category for the classification of costs.

  • The value in this field is defaulted depending on the Cost Type:
    • If cost type is set to Material, the value in this field is defaulted from Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
    • if Cost Type is set to Labor, the value in this field is defaulted from Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) session.
    • if Cost Type is set to Traveling, the value in this field is defaulted from Traveling defined in Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Claimed Quantity

The quantity claimed by the customer.

  • This field is mandatory if Cost Type is set to Material.
  • The value must be one (1) if the item is a serialized item.
  • LN defaults one (1) in this field if the Travel Specification Type field is set to Callout Charge

The unit in which Claimed Quantity is measured.


If the Travel Specification Type field is set to:

  • Travel Distance, LN defaults the Distance Unit value from the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) or the Service Offices (tsmdm1100m100) session.
  • Travel Time, LN defaults the Time Duration Unit from the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • Callout Charge, LN does not default any value.
Claimed Amount

The amount claimed by the customer.

Note: This field is mandatory if the Cost Type is not set to Material and the Claim Method is set to Reimburse Materials.

The currency of the claim amount.

Sales Reference
Sales Reference System

The order system in LN to which the claim refers. By default, LN displays the field as Not Applicable.

Allowed values


Original order system (call number) must exist in calls.


Original order system must exist in claims.

Service Order

Original order system must exist in service order.

Maintenance Sales Order

Original order system must exist in maintenance sales orders.

Sales Order

Original order system must exist in sales orders.

Sales Schedule

Original order system must exist in sales schedule

Not Applicable
Sales Document Type

The type of document related from the selected Sales Reference System to which the claim refers. The sales document type can be an order, or an invoice. The purpose of the sales reference is to check if the claim is valid, to copy the original sold items, quantities and sales prices of the order or invoice to the sales order. The original document concept eases the entry of the claim data, especially when the customer claim header was entered manually.

Allowed values


Claims is based on an order.

Order History

Claims is based on an order history.


Claims is based on an invoice.

Not Applicable
Sales Document Number

The document number of the sales reference which can be an order number or an invoice number. This field is only applicable and also mandatory when Sales Document Type is other than Not Applicable.

Sales Document Line

The line number of the sales document to which the claim refers.

Sales Document Sequence Number

The sequence number of the sales document to which the claim refers.

Change Reason

The code to indicate the reason for the change in the peg data.

  • This field is visible only if the Manual Project Peg Modification check box is selected in the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session.
  • The Reason Type of the selected Reason code must be Project Peg Audit History in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.

The description or name of the code.


The code of the project for which the customer claim is created.

  • This field is displayed only if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This value must be specified if in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session, the Mandatory Project Peg check box is selected for the item specified on the customer claim.
  • You can specify a Project (TP) if the customer claim is project pegged, and the item specified for the customer claim is not project pegged.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • This field is applicable only if the item specified in the customer claim contains a project peg.
  • This value is defaulted from the Project field in the Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000) session.
  • This field is valid only if:
    • The project is TP Project.
    • The project is not in the Closed status.
    • The user is authorized to access the project.

The description or name of the code.


The code of the element linked to the Project.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • This field is displayed only if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
    • The Element check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • This field is applicable only if:
    • The related customer claim is project pegged.
    • The Project is specified.
    • The specified Project is not a project (PCS).
  • LN defaults the value in this field from the Costing Breaks - Service Activities (tppdm3116m000), if the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. If the Costing Breaks check box is cleared in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, this value is defaulted from the Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000) session.
  • This field is valid only if:
    • The project is TP Project.
    • The project is not in the Closed status.
    • The user is authorized to access the project.

The description or name of the code.


The code of the activity linked to the Project.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • This field is displayed only if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
    • The Activity check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • This field is applicable only if:
    • The related customer claim is project pegged.
    • The Project is specified.
    • The specified Project is not a project (PCS).
  • You must specify a project if the related customer claim is project pegged and in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session:
    • The Mandatory Project Peg check box is selected for the item specified on the linked customer claim.
    • The Inherit Project Peg check box is selected and the project peg is maintained for the linked customer claim.

The description or name of the code.

Project Peg Origin

The origin of the project peg.

Allowed values

Costing Break
Not Applicable
Top Demand
  • This field is displayed only if the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the customer claim is project pegged.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • By default, this field is set to:
    • Manual or Costing Break when the related customer claim is project pegged and the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
    • Not Applicable, when the project peg or the costing breaks is not applicable.
Return Material
Service Inspection
Customer Claim Inspection Required

If this check box is selected, service inspection is required for the current claim line.

  • This field is applicable only if the Use Inspections checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
  • For the claim line, If this check box is selected, inspection cannot be deleted.
Measurement Type

The code of the measurement type for which measurement is defined.

  • This field is applicable only if the Use Inspections checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.
  • This field is applicable only if the Customer Claim Inspection Required checkbox is selected.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
  • LN allows you to select the measurement type from the Measurement Types by Serialized Item Group (tsmdm0171m000) session if the item specified in this session is part of a serialized item group, to which measurement types are linked. Else, you can select the measurement type from the Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m000) session.
Next Step

The next step that must be executed to process the customer claim line.

Item in Department for Approval

Indicates that the item is issued to the service department for approval.

Early Settlement

If this check box is selected, a credit note or delivery line with reimbursed materials is created Immediately without waiting for the defective item to be received. This allows the claim line to be approved and settled in advance without waiting for the claimed part to be received from the customer.

  • This field is applicable only if the customer claim check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the Return Material Required check box is selected and Cost Type is set to Material.
  • The value in this field is defaulted in this sequence:
  • If Early Settlement check box is selected on the claim header, the same is defaulted on all the claim lines.
  • This value is defaulted from the Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000) session, if available.
  • If Early Settlement check box is selected on Item - Service (tsmdm2600m000) session, the same is defaulted on the claim lines.
  • If Early Settlement check box is selected on the Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session, the same is defaulted on the claim lines
Approval Decision

The reason code for the approval of the customer claim line.

  • You can select only the reason for which the Reason Type field is set to Claim Approval in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000).
  • You must specify this value if the Approval Decision for Customer Claim Required check box is selected for the linked service type in the Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session.
  • You can specify this value only if the customer claim is not Rejected.
Claim Handling Costs

If this check box is selected, the handling costs linked to the claim line are deducted from the total claimed amount.

  • This field is enabled only if:
    • The Cost Type field is set to Other and the Item is not specified.
    • The Claim Invoice Procedure for the related claim is set to Credit Note Based in the Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000) session.

The picture of the item for which the claim line is created.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Cost Type field is set to Material.
Picture Required

If this check box is selected, a picture must be linked to the customer claim line.

  • This check box is applicable only if the Cost Type of the customer claim line is set to Material.
  • This setting is defaulted from:
    1. Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000)
    2. Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000)
    3. Service Types (tsmdm0130m000)
Sales Document Sequence

The sequence number of the sales document.

Sales Document Detail Sequence

The sequence number of the sales document detail line.


The description or name of the code.


The code of the position where the item is located.

Note: The value in this field is defaulted from Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Inspection Status

The status of the service inspection.

Allowed values


Measurement is created, but measurement is not executed.


Measurement is performed, triggers are checked and so on.

Not Measured

Measurement is not performed.

Not Applicable

The unit in which the measured value is expressed.

Serial Status

The default status of the serialized item when the item is returned by a customer.

Allowed values


The serialized item is in the startup stage.


The serialized item of a PBS is superseded by a new item.


The serialized item is active.


The serialized item is in the revision stage.


The serialized item is defective.

Working Condition

The serialized item is in working condition.

To be Recycled

The serialized item is ready to be recycled.


The serialized item is removed.

Not Applicable
Residual Value

The value at which the service company prices the item in the inventory.


The currency used to express the residual value.

Actual Delivery Time

The date and time when the claim is approved.

Warehouse Order Line

The warehouse order line linked to the customer claim. Warehouse order line number is used to identify the warehouse outbound line to allow the use of different items for one claim delivery line.

Approved Material
Approval Action

The action for the approved quantity.

Allowed values

Keep and Take Ownership
  • Customer Claim

    The item is sent back to the warehouse as company owned.
  • Supplier Claim

    The item remains at supplier site as owned by supplier.
Return to Customer
  • Customer Claim

    The item is sent back to the warehouse as customer owned. A new warehouse order is created to send the item back to the customer.
  • Supplier Claim

    The supplier returns the item back to their customer (the party who created the supplier claim).

The item is scrapped.

Actual Receipt Time for Approved Quantities

The date and time when the approved material is received.

Warehouse Order Line for Approved Quantities

The warehouse order line linked to the approved customer claim. Warehouse order line number is used to identify the warehouse outbound line to allow the use of different items for one claim delivery line.

Rejected Material
Rejection Action

The action to be taken on the rejected material.

Allowed values

Keep and Take Ownership
  • Customer Claim

    The item is sent back to the warehouse as company owned.
  • Supplier Claim

    The item remains at supplier site as owned by supplier.
Return to Customer
  • Customer Claim

    The item is sent back to the warehouse as customer owned. A new warehouse order is created to send the item back to the customer.
  • Supplier Claim

    The supplier returns the item back to their customer (the party who created the supplier claim).

The item is scrapped.

Actual Receipt Time for Rejected Quantities

The actual date and time when the rejected material is received.

Warehouse Order Line for Rejected Quantities

The warehouse order line linked to the rejected customer claim. Warehouse order line number is used to identify the warehouse outbound line to allow the use of different items for one claim delivery line.

Wait on Supplier Claim Approval

If this check box is selected, LN allows you to approve the customer claim only after the supplier claim is approved.

Approved Quantity

The quantity approved for the claim.

  • This field is mandatory if the value in the Cost Type field is set to Material.
  • The value must be one (1) if the item is a serialized item.
Quantity Unit of Approved Quantity

The unit in which Approved Quantity is measured.

  • This field is read only if the claim Line Status is set to Approved.
  • This field is mandatory if the Approved Quantity field is populated.
Approved Amount

The total Approved Amount for the claim.

Note: The claim amount is applicable only if Claim Method is set to Reimburse Materials.
Tax Amount

The total Tax Amount that is invoiced to the customer.

Approval Percentage

The percentage of the claim amount that is approved.

Note: This field is not applicable if the Claim Method is set to Reimburse Materials.
Tagged To

The type of claim cost to which claim lines are tagged.

Allowed values

Repair Warranty
Serialized Item Warranty
Generic Warranty
Not Applicable
  • The Tagged To options Contract/ Serialized Item Warranty is only allowed when a service contract/warranty is active for the installation defined on the customer claim header.
  • The Tagged To options Goodwill is always applicable.
  • By default, Tagged To field is set to Serialized Item Warranty/ Contract when warranty/contract is applicable for the installation defined on the customer claim header.
Approved By

The code of the user who approves the claim. By default, LN considers the user login code. However, you cannot change this data.

Approval Date

The date and time when the claim is approved. LN considers the current date and time.

Rejection Reason

The code of the rejection reason. The code must be defined in Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

Note: The Reason Type must be set to Claim Rejection in Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Rejected By

The code of the user who rejects the claim. By default, LN populates the current user login code as the Rejected By code.

Rejection Date

The date and time when the estimated claim is rejected. LN considers the current date and time.

VAT Based On

If this check box is selected, VAT calculation is based on goods or services.

Allowed values

VAT Based on Goods

The goods flow is considered to determine the correct VAT values.

VAT Based on Services

The place (location address) where the service is performed, is considered, to determine the correct VAT values.

  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.
Tax Classification

The tax classification code.

  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.

The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, LN exempts the tax.

Tax Country

Countries are the national states where your suppliers and customers are located. For each country you can define the country code, international dialing, telex, and fax codes. Countries are part of the data that you must set up for tax reporting. In addition, items can be grouped and selected according to their country of origin.

  • This field is only applicable if the claim method is Reimburse Costs and the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Credit Note Based in Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000) session.
  • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.

The description or name of the code.

Own Identification Number

The tax identification number.

Tax Code

A code that identifies the tax rate and which determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts.

  • This field is only applicable if the Claim Method is set to Reimburse Costs and the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Credit Note Based in Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000) session.
  • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.

The description or name of the code.

Business Partner Tax Country

Countries are the national states where your suppliers and customers are located. For each country you can define the country code, international dialing, telex, and fax codes. Countries are part of the data that you must set up for tax reporting. In addition, items can be grouped and selected according to their country of origin.

  • This field is only applicable if the claim method is Reimburse Costs and the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Credit Note Based in Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000) session.
  • This field is defaulted with the Original Business Partner Tax Country if the original document fields are populated, otherwise with the standard TCTAX defaulting DLL (manual sales invoice tax defaulting).
Business Partner Identification Number

The tax identification number of the business partner.

Exemption Certificate

The exemption certificate number if the tax is exempted.

  • This field is only applicable if the Exempt field is set to 'Yes'.
  • This field is defaulted with the Original Exemption Certificate if the original document fields are populated, otherwise with the standard TCTAX defaulting DLL (manual sales invoice tax defaulting).
Exemption Reason

The exempt reason code if the tax is exempted.

External Text

Information about the claim that is printed on external document.

Internal Text

The Text for internal information about the claims. This information must not be printed on external documents.

Approval Text

The reason for approving the entire claim.

Rejection text

The reason for rejecting the entire claim.

Invoice Text

Header information which should be printed on the sales credit note.

  • This field is only applicable if the Claim Invoice Procedure is Credit Note Based.

The code of the warranty linked to the customer claim line.

Note: This field is enabled only if the Tagged To field is set to Generic Warranty.
Serialized Item Warranty

The code of the serialized item warranty linked to the customer claim line.


The description or name of the code.

Covered by Warranty

If this check box is selected, the customer claim line is covered by a warranty coverage terms.

Note: This is a display field.
Service Contract

The code of the service contract linked to the customer claim line.


The description or name of the code.

Covered by Contract

If this check box is selected, the customer claim line is covered by Service Contract coverage terms.

Note: This is a display field.

The description or name of the code.