Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000)

Use this session to register, review and process claims received from customers. A claim can be based on documents such as invoices, service orders, maintenance sales orders, sales orders and even a sales schedule. The claim is processed, based on the claim procedure defined in the Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session.

Integration with Infor LN Quality

LN allows you to link non-conformance report to service objects, using the Link Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can link the report for the service object.

You can use the Unlink Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu to unlink the Non-Conformance report. The Related Orders - Quality Management (tsmdm4500m100) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be unlinked.


These non-conformance report options are visible only if the Non-Conformance Reports check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

You can link a non-conformance report to a claim only if the Item (serialized) and the Business Partner combination of the non-conformance report matches with the Item (serialized) and the Pay Business Partner combination of a claim. The NCRs with different item/serial number or business partner are not displayed in the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session.

If the serialized item or the business partner is modified for a claim, the NCRs are unlinked.

Pro Forma Invoicing

To create pro forma invoice for the customer claim, you can use the Process Customer Claim Pro Forma Invoices option from the Action menu. The Process Customer Claim Pro Forma Invoices (tscmm1291m000) session is displayed wherein you can select the customer claim lines based on the cost type, and process the pro forma invoices for the customer claim and the selected type of customer claim lines linked to the customer claim.

To view the Pro Forma Invoicing Workbench (cisli3640m000), you can use the Pro Forma Invoices from the Reference menu.

Field Information


The unique code for customer claim.

Note: The Claim number is defaulted with the series defined in User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000) session and are assigned to the user logging the claim. If no user profile is maintained or no series for claims is set in the user profile, the claim series of the service department set in the user profile is defaulted.


The description or name of the code.


The current status of the claim. LN populates the claim status and you cannot set the status manually. By default, the claim status is set to Free.

Allowed values

Pending Approval
Partially Approved

If this check box is selected, LN indicates that a claim is partially approved. This implies that there is at least one rejected line. This is a display field.

Claim Origin

The origin of the claim. By default, this field is set this to Manually.

Allowed values


Claim is manually inserted.


Claim originates from a Call.

Customer Claim Document Approval

Indicates if the customer claim document can be approved for the entire customer claim or for each claim line.

  • This check box is displayed and applicable only if:
    • The Customer Claim Document Approval check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
    • When a Workflow Document Authorization (WFDA) is not active in ION for customer claims. If the WFDA is active in ION, the claim header and line status is set to Approved after approval in ION.
  • This setting is defaulted from the Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000) session.
Workflow Status

The status of the workflow in ION.

Note: This field is displayed only when workflow is active for Customer Claims.
Service Type

The code of the service type. Service type allows users to define a set of characteristics for claims which can be linked to a customer claim. Service type also defines steps to be executed in the claim procedure. The service type has the default procedural settings for the Claim Invoice Procedure.

  • This field is not enabled if the claim lines are present.
  • Only service types with a defined Claim Invoice Procedure can be used.

The description or name of the code.

Claim Invoice Procedure

The procedure that determines if the claim flow is Credit Note Based or Invoice Based. The Claim Invoice Procedure determines if the customer expects a sales credit note from the service organization (credit note based) or if the service organization expects a purchase invoice from the customer.

Allowed values

Credit Note Based

Service organization receives a purchase credit note from the supplier.

Invoice Based

Service organization sends a sales invoice to the supplier.

Not Applicable
Note: LN defaults the Claim Invoice Procedure value from the Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session.
Early Settlement

If this check box is selected, a credit note or delivery line with reimbursed materials is created Immediately without waiting for the defective item to be received. This allows the claim line to be approved and settled in advance without waiting for the claimed part to be received from the customer.

  • This field is applicable only if the customer claim check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the Return Material Required check box is selected and Cost Type is set to Material.
  • The value in this field is defaulted in this sequence:
  • If Early Settlement check box is selected on the claim header, the same is defaulted on all the claim lines.
  • This value is defaulted from the Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000) session, if available.
  • If Early Settlement check box is selected on Item - Service (tsmdm2600m000) session, the same is defaulted on the claim lines.
  • If Early Settlement check box is selected on the Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session, the same is defaulted on the claim lines
Customer Claim Approval Transaction

If this check box is selected, LN indicates that the customer claim or approval transaction must be created for the customer claim line.

Note: This field is always defaulted from the Use Global Claim Parameters field in the Service Offices (tsmdm1100m100) session and cannot be modified
Sold-to Business Partner

The unique code of the sold-to business partner from which the claim is received.


The description or name of the code.


The address of the sold-to business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Sold-to Contact

The unique code of the contact details of the sold-to business partner.

  • The value of the Sold-to Contact field is display only if the claim status is rejected, canceled or closed.
  • The Sold-to Contact is defaulted with the contact of the sold-to business partner defined in Contacts by Business Partner Role (tccom4545m000) session.
Full Name

The description or name of the code.

External Claim Text

Information about the claim that is printed on external document.

Original Document
Order System

The order system in LN to which the claim refers to. By default, LN displays the field as Not Applicable.

Allowed values


Original order system (call number) must exist in calls.


Original order system must exist in claims.

Service Order

Original order system must exist in service order.

Maintenance Sales Order

Original order system must exist in maintenance sales orders.

Sales Order

Original order system must exist in sales orders.

Sales Schedule

Original order system must exist in sales schedule

Not Applicable
Note: The Sales Reference System, Sales Document Type and Sales Document Number fields are only applicable when the Claim Invoice Procedure is Invoice Based.
Sales Document Type

The type of document related to the selected original order system to which the claim refers to. By default, LN displays the field as Not Applicable. A claim can be based on the original document. The Sales Document Type can be an order, or an invoice. The purpose of the “original document” is to check if the claim is valid, to copy the original sold items, quantities and sales prices of the order or invoice to the customer claim. The original document concept eases the entry of the claim data, especially when the customer claim header was entered manually.

Allowed values


Claims is based on an order.

Order History

Claims is based on an order history.


Claims is based on an invoice.

Not Applicable
Note: When no history is registered, Order History option is not available for the Sales Document Type field.

The code of the financial company of the original invoice.

  • This field is enabled only when the Sales Document Type is Invoice.
  • The Company Type field must be set to Financial or Both in Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

The transaction type code of the original invoice. This field is mandatory when the original document number is specified.

Note: This field is enabled only when Sales Document Type is set to Invoice and when the original invoice company is specified.

The document number of the Sales Document Type. The number can be an order number or an invoice number. This field is enabled and mandatory when the Sales Document Type field is set to a value other than Not Applicable.

Order Reference

The number assigned to the claim by the Sold-to Business Partner. The Order Reference cannot be changed anymore when the claim is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.

First Invoice Reference

The reference information about the business partner that you want to print on the sales invoice.

  • You can only maintain this field if the Sold-to Business Partner field is specified and if the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based.
  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line, with Claim Invoice Procedure set to Credit Note Based, has CISLI data that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.
Second Invoice Reference

The reference information about the business partner that you want to print on the sales invoice.

  • You can only maintain this field if the Sold-to Business Partner field is specified and if the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based.
  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.
Installation Group

The code that identifies the installation group for which the claim is raised.

Note: The installation group must be the same as the installation group of the serialized item, in case a serialized item is defined.

The description or name of the code.


The item for which the claim is raised.

  • The item must be defined in Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
  • You can select an item of the type, Subcontracted Service if the Cost Type is set to Subcontracting.
Serial Number

The serial number of the item for which the claim is raised. The item must be defined, service item data must present and item must be configuration controlled as serialized.

Note: The sold-to business partner of the serialized item must be the same as the Sold-to Business Partner of the claim.

The description or name of the code.

Failure Date

The date and time when the malfunctioning of the part is reported. This date and time is used to identify the related active warranty or a service contract and price determination.

Note: By default, LN displays the claim Creation Date as Failure Date.
Coverage Time

The time used to determine the applicable service contract and warranty for the claim.

Coverage Type

The coverage type that is used to determine the warranty or contract coverage allocation.


The warranty linked to the claim.


The description or name of the code.

Service Contract

The service contract linked to the claim.


The description or name of the code.

In Use By
Business Partner

The end customer ( business partner) using the installation on which the claim is registered.

  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session or when transferring a call to a customer claim, the in-use by data is taken from the call.

The in use-by business partner's address.

  • This field is enabled only if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Contact Person

The contact linked to the Business Partner role.

  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

Operator Contact

The contact linked to the Operator Contact using the installation.

  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

The code of the project for which the customer claim is created.

  • This field is displayed only if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This value must be specified if in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session, the Mandatory Project Peg check box is selected for the item specified on the customer claim.
  • You can specify a Project (TP) if the customer claim is project pegged, and the item specified for the customer claim is not project pegged.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • This field is applicable only if the item specified in the customer claim contains a project peg.
  • This value is defaulted from the Project field in the Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000) session.
  • This field is valid only if:
    • the project is TP Project.
    • the project is not in the Closed status.
    • the user is authorized to access the project.

The description or name of the code.


The code of the element linked to the Project.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
    • The Element check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • This field is applicable only if:
    • The related customer claim is project pegged.
    • The Project is specified.
    • The Element is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • LN defaults the value in this field from the Costing Breaks - Service Activities (tppdm3116m000), if the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. If the Costing Breaks check box is cleared in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, LN defaults this value from the Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000) session.

The description or name of the code.


The code of the activity linked to the Project.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
    • The Activity check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • This field is applicable only if:
    • The related customer claim is project pegged.
    • The Project is specified.
    • The Element is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • You must specify this value if
  • LN defaults the value in this field from the Costing Breaks - Service Activities (tppdm3116m000), if the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. If the Costing Breaks check box is cleared in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, LN defaults this value from the Items - Service Business Partner (tsmdm2130m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Project Peg Origin

The origin of the project peg.

Allowed values

Costing Break
Not Applicable
Top Demand
  • This field is displayed only if the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the customer claim is project pegged.
  • You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than Approved, Canceled or Closed.
  • By default, this field is set to:
    • Top Demand, when the related customer claim is generated from LN Project.
    • Manual, when the related customer claim is project pegged and the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session
    • Not Applicable, when the project peg or the costing breaks is not applicable.
Ship-to Business Partner

The code of the ship-to business partner who ships the broken parts and receives replacement parts.

  • The ship-to business partner is defaulted from the sold-to business partner defined in Business Partners (tccom4500m000) session.
Ship-to Address

The code of the ship-to address.

Note: Ship-to address is mandatory when the ship-to business partner is specified.

The in ship-to business partner's address.

Ship-to Contact

The contact linked to the ship-to business partner.

  • The ship-to business partner is defaulted from the sold-to business partner defined in Business Partners (tccom4500m000) session.
  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
Delivery Terms

The delivery terms code.

  • You can enter a value in this field only if the sold-to business partner field is specified.
  • The Delivery Terms are defaulted with the terms of delivery from the Sold-to Business Partner role.


The description or name of the code.

Point of Title Passage

The point of title passage code.

  • You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is filled.

The description or name of the code.

Invoice Business Partner
Invoice-to Business Partner

The code of the invoice-to business partner.

Note: This field displays the invoice-to business partner who receives the approved/claimed amount if the Claim Invoice Procedure is of type Credit Note Based. This field displays the invoice-from business partner if the Claim Invoice Procedure is Invoice Based.
Invoice Address

The code of the address of the invoice business partner.

  • The address is defaulted with the service department defined for Invoice business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Invoice Contact

The contact linked to the invoice-to business partner.

  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • When the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Credit Note Based, LN defaults the contact of the service department of the Invoice-to business partner. If the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Invoice Based, LN defaults the contact linked to the Invoice-from business partner.
Contact Person

The description or name of the code.

Sales Type

The sales type.

  • This field Is enabled only if the Invoice-to business partner is specified and the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based.
  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.

The description or name of the code.

Line of Business

The group of customers, suppliers, or employees that work in the same business sector. Lines of business can be used as selection criteria when generating reports or inquiries of statistical and historical data.

  • This field is defaulted with the line of business of the Sold-to Business Partner role.
  • You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is filled and the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based.
  • This field is not enabled:
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.

The description or name of the code.

Payment Terms

The agreement for invoice payment. The payment terms include:

  • The period within which invoices must be paid.
  • The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period.

The payment terms allow you to calculate:

  • The date on which the payment is due.
  • The date on which the discount periods expire.
  • The discount amount.
  • You can only maintain this field if the invoice-to business partner field is filled and Claim Invoice Procedure is Credit Note Based.
  • The value is defaulted from the Payment Terms data defined for the Invoice-to business partner.
  • This field is not enabled :
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.

The description or name of the code.

Late Payment Surcharge

The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over services rendered that the recipient of the invoice must pay, if the bill is not paid within a specified period.

  • You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is filled and the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based.
  • The value is defaulted from the Payment Terms data defined for the Invoice-to business partner.
  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.

The description or name of the code.

Payment Method

The code of the payment method. Payment Method indicates how the credit note is paid in Cash Management .

  • You can only maintain this field only if the sold-to business partner field is filled and the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based.
  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.

The description or name of the code.

Invoice Text

The header information printed on the sales credit note.

  • This field is only applicable if the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to is Credit Note Based.
  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.
Total Invoice

If this check box is selected, LN releases all the claim lines to central Invoicing when the claim Status is set to Approved. If this check box is cleared, the claim lines are released to central invoicing individually, when the claim Line Status is Approved.

  • You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is specified and the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based.
  • This field is defaulted with Total Invoice field in the Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000) session. By default, this checkbox is not selected, if the Sold-to business partner is not specified.
  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
VAT Based On

If this check box is selected, VAT calculation is based on goods or services.

Allowed values

VAT Based on Goods

The goods flow is considered to determine the correct VAT values.

VAT Based on Services

The place (location address) where the service is performed, is considered, to determine the correct VAT values.

  • This field is not enabled
    • If a claim line with Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
    • If a claim line with Claim Method field set to Reimburse Costs with the status Approved, and the Total Invoice field is unchecked.
    • If Total Invoice field is checked, and the claim header Status is Approved or more.
Tax Classification

The tax classification code.


The currency in which the claim amount is expressed.


The description or name of the code.

Exchange Rate Type

The rate type used to convert the invoice currency to the home currencies of the invoice company. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partner and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).

  • LN considers the invoice-to BP rates as the default exchange rate if the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Credit Note Based driven. If not, LN considers the sales rate type defined for the service department as the default exchange rate.
  • LN considers the invoice-from business partner rates as the default exchange rate if the Claim Invoice Procedure field is set to Invoice Based. If not, LN considers the purchase rate type defined for the service department as the default exchange rate.

The description or name of the code.

Rate Determiner

The rate determiner. LN converts amounts from the transaction currency to the home currency using the currency rate that is valid according to the rate determiner that applies to the transaction. By default, LN considers Document Date as the rate determiner.

Allowed values

Document Date

LN uses the rate that is valid on the date and time on which the documents are created. The Document Date rate determiner applies to all types of transactions. You can manually change the rate.

The rate is updated by Invoicing when the invoice is posted.

Manually Entered

You can manually enter the rate. By default, LN uses the rate that is valid on the date and time on which the documents are created. The Manually Entered rate determiner applies to all types of transactions.

Delivery Date

If the goods are not yet delivered, LN uses the rate that is valid on the order date. However, if this order date is in the past, LN uses the rate that is valid on the current date.

If the goods are delivered, LN uses the rate that is valid on the actual delivery date.

The Delivery Date rate determiner only applies to sales orders, service orders, and sales invoices. You cannot manually change the rate.

Receipt Date

LN uses the rate that is valid on the date and time on which you expect to receive the goods. The Receipt Date rate determiner only applies to purchase orders and purchase invoices. You cannot manually change the rate.

Expected Cash Date

LN uses the rate that is valid on the date and time at which payment of the sales invoice or purchase invoice is expected.

Expected cash date = expected delivery/receipt date + payment period 

The payment period is specified in the Payment Terms (tcmcs0113s000) session. The Expected Cash Date rate determiner applies to all types of transactions. You cannot manually change the rate.

The rate is updated by Invoicing when the invoice is posted.


You can use this rate determiner only for a dependent currency system or a single currency system. The Fixed rate determiner applies to all types of transactions.

If you manually enter the rates between the transaction currency and the reference currencies, the rate is fixed. If you do not manually enter the rates, the rate is not fixed and LN uses the rate that is valid on the date and time on which the documents are created.

Fixed Hard

You can use this rate determiner only for an independent currency system. The Fixed Hard rate determiner applies to all types of transactions.

If you manually enter the rate between the transaction currency and the reporting currencies, the rates are fixed. The local currency rate is based on the document date of the actual document.

If you do not manually enter the rate between the transaction currency and the reporting currencies, the rates are not fixed and LN uses the rates that are valid on the date and time on which the documents are created.

Fixed Local

You can use this rate determiner only for an independent currency system. The Fixed Local rate determiner applies to all types of transactions.

If you manually enter the rate between the transaction currency and the local currency, the rate is fixed. The other rates are based on the document date of the actual document.

If you do not manually enter the local currency rate, the rate is not fixed and LN uses the rate that is valid on the date and time on which the documents are created.

Fixed Local and Hard

You can use this rate determiner only for an independent currency system. The Fixed Local and Hard rate determiner applies to all types of transactions.

If you manually enter the rate between the transaction currency and the home currencies, the rates are fixed. The local currency rate is based on the document date of the actual document.

If you do not manually enter the rates between the transaction currency and the home currencies, the rates are not fixed and LN uses the rates that are valid on the date and time on which the documents are created.

Note: LN defaults the Rate Determiner value of the Sold-to Business Partner.
Rate / Rate Factor

The currency exchange rate used in the currency conversion process. (The factor/rate by which an amount in a different currency is multiplied to calculate the amount in the currency base).

Rate / Rate Factor

The rate factor.

Rate / Rate Factor

The rate for a currency base-unit.

Pay By Business Partner

The business partner from whom you receive payments. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the customer's bank relation, the type of reminders you send to the business partner, and the frequency of sending reminders.

Note: This field displays the pay-by business partner who receives the approved/claimed amount if the Claim Invoice Procedure is of type Credit Note Based. This field displays the pay-to business partner if the Claim Invoice Procedure is Invoice Based.
Pay Address

The code for the address of the pay by business partner.


The code for the contact linked to the business partner role.

  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • When the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Credit Note Based, LN defaults the contact of the service department of the Pay-by business partner. If the Claim Invoice Procedure is set to Invoice Based, LN defaults the contact linked to the Pay-by business partner.
Contact Person

The description or name of the code.

Service Office

The service department authorized to handle the claim.

  • By Default, LN populates the service department defined in the Service Offices by User Profile (tsmdm1155m000) session.
  • This field is not enabled when claim lines are present.

The description or name of the code.

Internal Sales Representative

The code of the employee handling the claim. By default, LN populates the service representative defined in the Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000) session.

Note: The service representative must be employed on the current date.

The description or name of the code.

Creation Date

The date and time the claim is created. By default, LN considers the date and time when the claim is created.

Latest Finish Time

The latest finished time scheduled (for internal purpose) / agreed (with clients) for claim handling.

Planned Delivery Time

The planned date and time when the claim must be delivered. The planned delivery date and time is used for the material transactions in case the Claim Method field is set to Reimburse Materials. By default, LN considers the current date and time as the planned delivery date and time.

Internal Claim Text

The Text for internal information about the claims. This information must not be printed on external documents.


The code that identifies the problem. The problem must be an actual problem.


This field is not enabled when the claim Status is Canceled, Rejected or Settled.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.


The description or name of the code.


The code of the solution.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Estimates Approved By

The code of the user who approves the estimated claim. By default, LN considers the user login code. However, you cannot change this data.

Approval Date

The date and time when the estimated claim is approved. LN considers current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.

Claimed Amount

The total Claimed Amount calculated from the claim. You cannot modify the value If Status of the claim is set to Approved. This field is mandatory if the Cost Type is set to Material in Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000) session.

Note: The value in this field is defaulted from pricing or from parameters depending on the value specified in the Cost Type field.
Approved Amount

The total approved amount calculated from the claim.

Rejected Amount

The total amount rejected from the Claimed Amount.

Approved By

The code of the user who approves the claim. By default, LN considers the current user login code. However, you cannot change this data.

Note: You must enter the value in this field when the claim Status is set to Approved.
Approval Date

The date and time when the claim is approved. LN considers current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.

Approval Percentage

The percentage applied to all approved claimed amounts on the claim lines. LN defaults the value as 100 percent.

Rejected By

The code of the user who rejects the claim. By default, LN populates the current user login code. However, you cannot change this data.

Note: You must enter the value in this field when the claim Status is set to Rejected.
Rejection Date

The date and time when the claim is rejected. LN populates current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.

Rejection Reason

The code of the rejection reason. LN defaults the reason code defined in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

Note: The Reason Type must be set to Claim Rejection in Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the details of the reason for rejecting the entire claim is attached to the claim.

Canceled By

The code of the user who cancels the claim. By default, LN populates the current user login code. However, you cannot change this data.

Note: You must enter the value in this field when the claim Status is set to Canceled.
Cancel Date

The date and time when the claim is canceled. LN populates current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.

Cancel Reason

The code of the cancellation reason. LN defaults the reason code defined in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.


You must enter the value in this field when the claim Status is set to Canceled.

  • The Reason Type must be set to Cancellation in Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the details of the reason for cancelling the entire claim is attached to the claim.

Rate Date

The date and time on which the currency rate is finalized for claims.


The description or name of the code.