Creating a new claim using the Dealer Workbench
A new claim can be created with an Item or without an Item specified on the header.
To create a claim in the workbench:
- Click New Claim in the Details pane. The New Claim window is displayed.
- Specify this information:
Creation Date
The date and time when the claim is created. By default, the current date and time of the system is considered, and you cannot modify this value. -
Breakdown Date
The date and time when the Item breakdown occurred. This value is defaulted from the Creation Date field. However, you can modify this value. -
Measured Value
The measurement value for the item. If this value is specified, LN creates an Inspection for the claim. -
Measured Unit
The unit in which the Measured Value is expressed. LN defaults this value from the Measurement Type defined for the customer claim in the Item Service (tsmdm2100m000) session. -
Total Amount
The total claimed amount. LN displays the sum of the claimed amount specified for the linked claim lines. -
The code and the name of the serialized item. LN defaults this value based on the selected Serial Number. -
Serial Number
The serial number of the Item. -
The owner of the serialized item. -
Claim Description
The description of the claim. -
The additional information related to the claim.
to add a claim line. The Claim Line window is displayed wherein you can specify the claim line details.
If a claim is created with the Item specified on the header:
- On creating a new claim line for the Material Cost Type, only the components related to the specified item are displayed.
- For the selected serialized item, all the serial numbers owned by the owner of the item on the header are displayed.
If a claim is created without the Item specified on the header:
- On creating a new claim line, for the Material Cost Type, all items are displayed.
- For the serialized item specified on the claim line, all serial numbers owned by the dealer, direct customer and OEM-er of the selected item are displayed.
Note: For all other Cost Types, with or without the Item specified on the header, the behaviour is same.
- Specify this information in the General section:
Cost Type
The cost type for which the claim line is created. Possible values:
Cost Type
Travel Specification Type
The specification used to measure the travel costs. Possible values: Not Applicable, Travel Distance, Travel Time and Callout Charge.
- This field is set to Not Applicable and cannot be modified if the Cost type is set to a value other than Travelling.
- A Dealer can set this field to Travel Distance, Travel Time or Callout Charge.
- The Callout Charge option is displayed only when an Item/Serial Number is specified for the Claim. Else, the Travel Distance and Travel Time options are only displayed.
- The unit price for Travel Distance and Travel Time are defaulted from the Travel Rate Book (tstdm1610m000) session, based on the selected dealer (business-partner), if specified. Else, the value is defaulted from the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
The code of the item for which the claim line is created.
- This field is enabled only if the Cost Type field is set to Material, Tooling, Subcontracting or Other.
LN displays:
- The serialized items that are owned by the selected dealer and the direct customers of the dealer.
- The non-serialized (Anonymous and Consumable) items.
Serial Number
The serial number of the selected item. LN displays the list of serials linked to the selected Item, if the item is serialized.
An Item that is not serialized in the Item (tcibd0501m100) session can be serialized in the Item - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session. When a serial number is not available for a serialized item, Dealer can create a New Claim Line for such serialized item without a serial number. The claim and the claim line status are set to Free. The serial can be generated in the LN session before submitting the claim.
If a serial number exists for all claim lines with a serialized item, the status of the claim is set to Pending Approval after claim is submitted.
Note: This field is enabled only if a serialized Item is selected.
The description of the claim line.
The code of the task. The value is defaulted from the Default Task field in the Claim Management (tscmm0100m000) session.
Note: This value is defaulted when the Cost Type field is set to Labor and you cannot modify this value.
Labor Rate Code
The labor rate code. This valued is defaulted from the Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) session based on the specified Task.
Note: This value is defaulted when the Cost Type field is set to Labor and you cannot modify this value.
Labor Type
The labor rate code. The value is defaulted from the Default Labor Type field in the Claim Management (tscmm0100m000) session.
Note: This value is defaulted when the Cost Type field is set to Labor and you cannot modify this value.
Cost Component
The code of the cost component. This value is defaulted from the Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) session based on the specified task. If a cost component is not defined for the specified task, LN defaults this value from the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session, based on the specified Cost Type.
- Specify this information in the Amounts section:
Claimed Quantity
The quantity for which the claim line is created. This value is considered to calculate the amount claimed.
For the Material Cost Type, the claim count is displayed when an Anonymous Item is selected.
Note: If an Anonymous Item is selected, and the claimed quantity is more than the claimed quantity allowed, LN displays an error message and you cannot create a claim line.
Claimed Price
The price per unit of the quantity.
The claimed price retrieval when:
The Cost Type is set to Travelling
This value is defaulted based on the selected Travel Specification Type. If the Travel Specification Type is set to:
- Travel Distance and a Travel Rate Book is created for the business partner, the application considers the value specified in the Sales Rate for Traveling Distance field, in the Travel Rate Book (tstdm1110m000) session. Else, the amount specified in the Standard Sales Price field for Travel Distance, in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session, is considered.
- Travel Time and a Travel Rate Book is created for the business partner, the application considers the value specified in the Sales Rate for Traveling Time field, in the Travel Rate Book (tstdm1110m000) session. Else, the amount specified in the Standard Sales Price field for Travel Time, in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session, is considered.
- Call Out Charge, the application considers the value specified in the Call Out Charge field in the Serialized Item (tscfg2600m000) session is considered.
The Cost Type field is set to Material, Subcontracting or Other
- Select an item for which Sales Order Line(s) exists in LN.
- Click Get Price. The Sales Order Lines window is displayed with the list of sales order lines linked to the selected Serial Number.
- Select a sales order line and click OK.
Claimed Amount
The amount claimed for the specified quantity.
Claimed Amount = Claimed Quantity * Claimed Price
- Click OK in the Claim Line window to save the claim line. You can click Cancel to cancel the creation of the claim line.
- Click Submit in the New Claim window to save the claim. You can click Cancel to cancel the creation of the claim.
- Select the claim line and click
in the New Claim window to delete an existing claim line.