Configuration Management (CFG)

Configuration Management provides the consumer, production, or planning department with accurate information on the installed base and includes the details of the configuration of assets. The assets can be either serialized items or equipment owned by customers. The Configuration Management functionality offers a multilevel configuration structure definition and handling.

Use the Configuration Control functionality to define and maintain the following:

  • Serialized-item groups: Serialized-item groups are used during the planning of service orders. The serialized items also act as the planning constraints when you select service engineers based on skills defined for a specific serialized item group.
  • Functional elements: A grouping of exchangeable items with identical functions. You can use functional elements in item breakdowns, physical breakdowns, and reference activities. For example, if you define a maintenance activity for a configuration, you can specify a functional element. In this way, the activity applies to all items covered by that functional element, and multiple, identical reference activities for similar items are avoided.
  • installation group: A set of serialized items that have the same location and are owned by the same business partner. Grouping serialized items into an Installation group enables you to maintain them collectively.
  • installation: The list of items or serialized items that belong to an Installation group.
  • Item breakdowns: Item breakdowns can be used to create physical breakdowns. In addition, you can view where items or child items are used in an item breakdown, copy standard production BOMs to item breakdowns, and replace or delete items in item breakdowns.
  • Serialized items. Serialized items can be used to create physical breakdowns.
  • Physical breakdowns: Defined for an Installation group configuration, and enables you to view the as-built structure and as-maintained structure of the configuration and also the as-maintained structure.