Sundry Cost Quantities to be Settled (tpppc3144s000)
Use this session to maintain the sundry costs quantities to be settled.
Field Information
- Project
The code that identifies the project.
- Project Status
The project status.
- Extension
The code that identifies the extension.
- Extension Type
The extension type.
- Extension Status
The extension status.
- Element
The element code.
- Element
The element status
- Sundry Cost
The sundry costs code
- Sequence Number
The sequence number code.
- Quantity
The cost object's quantity.
- Sales Amount
- Sales Price
The sales price code based on which the relevant quantities are settled. This price is determined on the basis of the actual budget in the Generate Transactions of Quantities to be Settled (tpppc3240m000) session.
- Currency Rate/Rate Factor
The rate.
- Rate Factor (Sales)
- Registration Date
Date of input for the forecast deviation of costs.
- Transaction Time
The transaction's date of input.
- User
This shows the user who generated or last modified the transaction of the quantities considered for settlement.