Print Surcharges (tpppc2480m000)

Use this session to print project costs and revenue surcharges, which are maintained at various levels.

Field Information

Cost Surcharges by Project

If this check box is selected, the cost surcharges are printed by project.

Cost Surcharges by Project/Cost Type

If this check box is selected, the cost surcharges are printed by project and by cost type.

Cost Surch. by Proj./Cost Component

If this check box is selected, the cost surcharges are printed by project and by cost component.

Revenue Surcharges by Project

If this check box is selected, the revenue surcharges are printed by project.

Revenue Surch. by Proj./Cost Comp.

If this check box is selected, the revenue surcharges are printed by project and by cost component.


If this check box is selected, the surcharges for material are printed.


If this check box is selected, the labor surcharges are printed.


If this check box is selected, the equipment surcharges are printed.


If this check box is selected, the subcontracting surcharges are printed.

Sundry Cost

If this check box is selected, the sundry cost surcharges are printed.

Revenue Code

If this check box is selected, the revenue details are printed.

Date Selection

If the date is between the effective and the expiry date of the surcharge, it will be printed. If the expiry date is empty, the date selection can only be later than the effective date.

Effective on

Specifies the validity date for surcharges to be printed. Only surcharges valid on this date are printed. The default is today's date.


The currency.