Cost Surcharges by Labor (tpppc2162s000)

Use this session to maintain the cost surcharges for a combination of the project, the labor, and the surcharge code.

Field Information


The code that identifies the project.


The description or name of the code.

Project Status

The project status.


The labor code on which the surcharge is computed.


The cost object code.

Sundry Cost

The code of the sundry-cost's code to which the surcharge is posted.

Sundry Cost

The cost object code.

Sequence Number

The sequence number code.


The surcharge percentage.




The hourly surcharge rate that is used to compute surcharges.


The unit code.

In Home Currency

The sales rate in home currency.

in Home Currency

The sales rate in home currency.


The element code to which the calculated surcharge must be posted. If you leave this field blank, the surcharge is posted to the element under which the cost has been recorded.


The description or name of the code.


The code that uniquely identifies the plan. The plan includes the activity to which the surcharge is posted.


The activity that the surcharge is posted to.


The description or name of the code.

Cost Component

The cost component code to which the surcharge is posted. If you leave this field blank, the surcharge is posted to the cost component that contains the costs based on which the surcharge is calculated.

Note: You can only specify a cost component for which the Component Type is set to Detail or Collect in the Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000) session.

The description or name of the code.


The extension code on which the surcharge is calculated.

You can indicate whether other surcharges must be calculated in the Project Surcharges field in the Extension (tpptc0110s000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Posting Method Finance

Indicates how surcharges are to be processed from the registration of costs and revenues in Financials .

Fixed Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit for which the surcharge is computed. If the Posting Method Finance field in the Revenue Surcharges by Project (tpppc2185s000) session is set to Fixed Enterprise Unit, this unit can be maintained.

Effective Date

The date from which the surcharge is effective.

Expiry Date

The expiry date for the surcharge that is entered.