Overhead Transactions to be Invoiced (tppin2100m600)

Use this session to view and maintain the overhead cost plus transactions that can be released for invoicing.

Field Information


The code that identifies the project linked to the cost transaction.

Project Status

The status of the project linked to the cost transaction.

Allowed values


The code that identifies the element linked to the cost transaction.

Work Authorization Status

The work authorization status of the element linked to the cost transaction.

Allowed values

On Hold

The code that identifies the activity linked to the cost transaction.

Work Authorization Status

The work authorization status of the activity linked to the cost transaction.

Allowed values

On Hold

The code that identifies the extension linked to the cost transaction.

Extension Status

The work authorization status of the extension linked to the cost transaction.

Allowed values

Invoicing Allowed

The code that identifies the overhead cost item, defined in the Standard Overhead (tppdm0142m000) session.


The description or name of the code.


The code that identifies the employee linked to the overhead cost transaction.


The name of the employee linked to the overhead cost transaction.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the sundry cost transaction.


The quantity of the cost object linked to the cost transaction.


The unit used to express the quantity of the cost object.

Sales Price

The sales price per unit cost object.

Sales Currency

The currency used to express the sales price.

Note: The contract line (CLIN) currency is the default currency used for the cost plus invoice lines.The sales price on the billable cost lines is calculated based on the CLIN currency using the sales rate defined for the contract lines.
Sales Amount

The total sales amount of the transaction.

Sales Amount

The sales amount expressed in home currency.

Home Currency

The home currency of the sales amount.

Currency Rate/Rate Factor

The currency exchange rate for the sales amount.

Rate Factor (Sales)

The rate factor for the cost transaction.

Defined Rate

The rate defined by the rate determiner and the business partner exchange-rate type for the sales order.

Transaction Time

The date and time when the overhead cost transaction line is created.

Registration Date

The date and time when the overhead cost transaction line is registered.

Cost Control Period

The cost control year in which the transaction is posted to the project history. The default value is the registration date.

Cost Control Period

The period of the year in which the transaction is posted to the project history for cost control.


The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, LN allows you to invoice the transaction.

Approved for Invoicing

If this check box is selected, you can transfer the record to the Invoicing module using the Transfer Transactions to Invoicing (tppin4200m000) session.

Note: You can select this check box only if the Billable check box is checked.
Transferred to Invoicing

If this check box is selected, you have transferred the record to the Invoicing module using the Transfer Transactions to Invoicing (tppin4200m000) session.

Suppressed for Next Cycle

If this check box is selected, the transaction is not invoiced to the business partner in the current billing cycle. However, the transaction can be invoiced in the next billing cycle.


By default, this check box is cleared.

This check box is enabled only if the Billable check box is cleared.


The code for the document that contains the transaction details.

Unit Cost

The standard cost or rate per unit.

Cost Rate Currency

The currency in which cost rate is expressed.

Cost Amount

The total cost amount for the overhead cost transaction.

Cost Text
Cost Text

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Tax Classification

The tax classification code for the overhead cost transaction.


If this check box is selected, the tax code represents tax exemption.

Tax Country

The tax country code for the overhead cost transaction.

Own Tax Number

The tax number allotted to the business partner, by the government.

Tax Code

The tax code for the overhead cost transaction line.

BP Tax Country

The tax country of the sold-to business partner for the sundry-cost transaction.

BP Tax Number

The tax number allotted by the government to the sold-to business partner.

Exemption Certificate

The tax exemption certificate number, if tax is exempted on the overhead cost transaction line.


You can enter the tax exemption certificate number if the Exempt check box is selected.

Exemption Reason

The code that identifies the reason if tax is exempted on the sundry-cost transaction line.


You can enter the tax exemption reason if the Exempt check box is selected.

Customs Value
The tax applicable to the goods that are transported.
Note: You cannot modify this value if the Overhead Transaction to be Invoiced line status is set to Approved for Invoicing in the Overhead Transactions to be Invoiced (tppin2100m600) session.
Customs Value Currency
The currency in which the Customs Value is expressed.
Note: This value is defaulted from the Currency field in the Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000) session. You cannot modify the value.